Chapter 13

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Cora continued to stared at Martin and Carolina irritably, as she watched as Martin continued feeding Carolina to her lips, and Carolina was busy licking Martin's finger, to suck and licked the soup off his finger, while Martin was smiling sweetly to her, as he continued to feed her to her lips again.. Cora couldn't helped, but imagined what Carolina and Martin would be doing in their bedroom as foreplay, and probably that was how Carolina was sucking on his shaft too. And she frowned as Martha finally approached her and serve her meal to her front, and she washed her hands in a bowl of water in front of her quickly, as she stared away from Martin and Carolina, after seeing they were so engrossed on taunting her. Carolina finally spoked to Martin as she was almost through with swallowing of the fufu, and she said, "Babe, Martha really tried with the soup, as it's so delicious, why not open a restaurant for Martha too?." Martin frowned and he replied, "No, who will be helping you here if we do that?." Carolina knew that Martha's mother owned a restaurant, and she knew Martin was right, and Martin added, "She's still young now, and maybe when she gets married, or have worked longer here with us enough, then we can use that to settle her and open a restaurant for her if she want, but not now, so swallow your fufu, and no taking, so I can swallow mine too," Martin gently scolded Carolina, and she smiled to him, as she accepted his hand that continued to feed her mouth. Cora seemed invisible to them, like a shadow and she knew that sitting on the dinning table and watching Carolina and her husband eating, was indeed a torture for her, as Martin wouldn't stopped to pampering Carolina to her viewed, and she thought it best to stopped sitting down with them on the dinning table to eat any of her meal, so she wouldn't have any heart attack. And she quickly ate her own fufu, to exit the dinning room, and return back to her new room. Cora swiftly finished her meal first, before Carolina and her husband, so she stood up immediately to leave, as couldn't sat there any more minutes with them, before Carolina and her husband would started kissing again. Cora seductively walked out from her dinning seat, as she was though with her meal, and she swayed her hips, as she pretended like she wanted to fall, to make Martin stared at her, but Martin didn't stared to her direction, as all his focused was rather on Carolina. Carolina wanted to stared to Cora, to knew if her younger sister was alright, as she saw Cora almost fell off, but Martin stopped her head from turning backward, as he continued to feed her, and he gave her more cooked meat to eat. Martin cut it with his teeth first, before he feed her to her lips, while he kissed Carolina, as they both shared the meat in Carolina's mouth. Cora frowned on seeing that, and she immediately walked away to the kitchen to kept her used plates and bowl of water, and as she stepped out, she stared away from them, as she saw them still kissing, while she grimaced and went back to her room, without even saying goodnight to her elder sister.. Carolina was rather engrossed with kissing Martin, that she didn't even knew when Cora passed and went back to her room, and after Martin was through eating his own portion of their meal, he washed his hand while Martha stepped out to clear the dinning table.. Carolina stood up, and Martin held her closer to himself, as he walked with her towards the stairs, while Carolina remembered that she hadn't seen Cora left. "Where's Cora?" Carolina asked, and Martha stopped by the kitchen door, with the tray of used plates in her hands, and she replied, "I don't know madam, but she might have returned back to her room, as she was through eating her meal." "Okay. Let me go and check on her then, you can leave" Carolina dismissed Martha, and wanted to head to the guest room corridor to see Cora, but Martin stopped her, as he was still holding her left hand, and he said to her, "Babe, you're not feeling to fine, and you need to go upstairs and rest." "I know sweetheart, but Cora is my sister, and since when she arrived, I haven't gone to see her, in her room. I know I'm not feeling too fine, but let me say hello to Cora in her room first, before going to sleep, mm." "Hmph" Martin sighed, and he walked back to the living room couch and sat, before he replied "Okay. I will be here waiting for you." "Thanks sweet," Carolina smiled to her husband, and she quickly walked away to the guest rooms corridor to check on Cora, and she approached Cora's room door, and stopped, as she did not know which room Cora had chosen. She knocked on some of the room doors first, until she finally knocked on the second to the last door, and Cora pulled it opened, and stared to her in surprised. "Sister," Cora offered a faint smile to Carolina, as she was actually watching a music video in her room, and she loud the music video volume a little, as she was even dancing.. "What're you doing now?" Carolina asked her gently, as Cora still stood by the door entrance, and Cora replied "Nothing, I am just watching music video in my room." "Okay. I know that I haven't come here to see you since we arrived from the village, but I wasn't feeling too fine, and is not like I didn't cared about you again," Carolina tried to explained, and Cora said, "Is alright. I'm not angry with you about that. As I understand that you have responsibility to cater for, and most especially your husband." Carolina saw that Cora said it with a frowned, and she shook her head and spoked, "Is not like that Cora, I also care about you too, but." "I know, but your husband is your responsibility, and I am not angry with you coming here to check on me. I am not a baby sis, and I can take care of myself. Just that I have arrange for my certificate, so as to submit my CV to different applicable companies tomorrow." "Can I have it?, let me help you give it to Martin in your behalf, so he can help you get a better Job?." "No.. I mean, will your husband help me to get a job?" Cora asked in surprised, as her face lit up a bit, and Carolina replied "I don't know, but he can try too." "Hmm, I don't want him to try too. If he cannot help me, then there's no need for that. As tomorrow I will go out by myself, to search for a job. Beside I have being to another city, before where I graduated and served in the north, and is not like I haven't been alone from mom and dad or to a city before." "Cora," Carolina slowly called her younger sister's name, and Cora stared to Carolina's face, and asked, "What's it?. Carolina sighed first and she asked "Can you dress a little more decent than this. As my husband isn't comfortable seeing you dress like this in our house, and I don't want him to send you away, as you just arrived here. And he's totally against me from traveling to the village before, and bringing you here to come live with us, but seeing that I refused and Insisted on you coming here.. He had no other choice than to accept. Please sis, can you dress at least a little more appropriate because of him?." Carolina meet Cora's gazed on her, and before Cora could respond. Martin walked into the passage, and he meet Cora gazed, while he stared away from her to Carolina, whom turned to face him. Martin saw they could passed for twin susters, if it wasn't that he knew his wife too well, and Carolina was a little more chubby than Cora, compared to the previous year that he had met his wife. "Babe" Carolina spoked first, as she wasn't expecting Martin to showed up, and she wondered, if he has heard her conversation with Cora. "What are you still doing here?. Didn't you told your sister that you're sick, and that's why you didn't had the chance to come and check up on her?," Martin asked authoritatively, as his eyes remained focused on Carolina, as he approached her, and she hugged him and answered "I did, but I was asking Cora for her CV." "Hmm, that can wait." Martin chimed, as he hugged his wife and turned to leave, as he did not want to stare to Cora, and her standing boobs. "Come, let's go and rest. As you heard what the doctor's said, that you shouldn't stress, so come now" Martin held Carolina to her hand gently to walk with him, while she muttered, "Good night sis" to Cora. Cora stood by her room door and staring at Martin, as he didn't told her goodnight, nor waited for her response to Carolina as he immediately took Carolina away.
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