Chapter 14

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Cora finally walked back into her room, and she shut her room door closed, as it was already after 11pm. She knew that she just came from the village, but a lot had unfolded from her elder sister and the husband love making session, both secretly and publicly to her viewed. And she sighed and walked to her bed to slept, as she thought about the following day arriving. **** Martin walked back upstairs with Carolina, to their room, as he had switched off the living room bulb, and he took Carolina upstairs to their bedroom, while Martha was downstairs and in the kitchen, arranging the kitchen utensils. Martin carefully took Carolina to their king-size bed, and he helped her laid gently on the bed, while he stripped off his white long sleeve shirt and deep red trouser, to joined her in bed, and Carolina was too tired to stripped off her own clothes, as her head was aching, and her center was still throbbing from their previous love making session. Martin rather woke her up to drank her medicine, and after that Carolina fell asleep on the bed. Martin sighed as he knew that, it was the result of placing another person's need before yours, and he was sometimes grateful that he didn't had any siblings, as they might not allowed him to rest, but his case was different, as his father was a billionaire, and if he had siblings, they would've as well be billionaires too, just like him. Martin exited his bedroom, to used his restroom, while he walked back to the bed to joined his wife, as it was already late night, and soon he fell asleep on the bed. **** The following morning, Martin woke up early, and he took his bath first, before he dressed up in a business black suit as he was already leaving for office. Carolina was still sleeping peacefully on the bed, and Martin approached her, as he kissed her forehead, and he subtly touched her neck, to felt her body temperature, and after he was sure that she wasn't burning in hotness like the previous day, he walked up to his room mirror to brush his short black hair, and his mustache, as he love to maintain his charming looks. Even though he didn't liked his female staffs ogling at him, as when caught gawking at him, he would fired them straight without warning . Martin hotels and company was big, but he preferred going to his office in his hotel, and to also have a better view of what was happening in his hotel, other than his father's company, and all the top prominent shows that they had. Through applying his perfume, he hadn't wore his coat yet, and so, he walked out from his room, and he went out to prepare breakfast for his wife, as he was a loving husband. Just as Martin turned to stepped out from their bedroom, his mobile phone rang out, and he quickly rushed back into the room, and not wanting for his phone sound to woke Carolina up, but Carolina already stirred awake, as she heard his phone ringing, and she stretched to picked it up.. As it was a working Monday morning, and she knew her husband who soon left to his office. "Good morning babe" Carolina greeted Martin, as she saw him walked to took his phone, from where he was charging it, and he approached his wife on the bed first and kissed her to her cheeks, "good morning." Martin caressed Carolina's left cheek, and he spoked, "Your body is still hot, and likewise your lips too. How are you feeling now this morning?." "I'm feeling fine, and you?." "I'm good" Martin replied, as he sat beside her on the bed, and his phone rang out again, while Carolina asked him, "Who's calling you?." Martin stared to his phone screen and chimed "My mother." "Why's she calling you?" Carolina became nervous, and Martin answered her, "I don't know yet, but i think she just want to check up on us, and to know how we're doing?." "Hello mom" Martin finally answered his phone call on the second ring, and he heard his mother asked him, "Martin, you don't want to call me, except I give you and your wife a call first?." "I'm sorry mom. Good morning" Martin greeted his mother, as he knew that she cares for him, being her only son, and she answered, "Morning son, how's your wife and you doing?." "We're fine mother. How about you and father?" Martin asked her, and Mrs Zoey replied, "We're good too. How about Carolina is she there with you or you've gone to office?." "Am still at home" Martin replied, and his mother spoked, "Okay, give to your wife the phone, let me say hello to her too." Martin passed over his private phone to Carolina's left ear, and her lips trembled, as she greeted "Good morning mama." "Good morning my daughter-in-law. How are you and my son doing?" "We're fine ma," Carolina nervously replied, and Mrs Zoey said "That's alright. Any good news yet?." Carolina knew that there was no other good news aside from the fact if she was pregnant, and Carolina replied "Yes ma." "Really, or you didn't understood what I meant by good news?" Mrs Zoey asked. "I do ma," Carolina replied, and she watched Martin stood up from the bed, as he muttered to her, "I'm coming babe, let me go downstairs and prepare your breakfast." "Okay" Carolina answered to Martin, and Mrs Zoey heard her son's voice in the background, while she was silence, as she knew that Martin loves Carolina dearly, and much more than her husband ever loved her. As she wished she had cheated on her husband in the past, to gave Martin other siblings, since it was her cheating husband who had problem with his inability to got her pregnant. Mrs Zoey didn't wanted to believed that Martin also had same problem, as his father, as she knew that Martin resembled his father in everything, except cheating on his wife. "Ma, I understood what you were asking me off," Carolina nervously spoked, and Mrs Zoey asked her, "Tell me what is the good news about.. Are you already pregnant for my son now?." "Yes ma" Carolina nervously replied, as she didn't wanted to gave Mrs Zoey high hopes, and finally ended up loosing the pregnancy again, but she didn't also wanted to lied to Mrs Zoey too, to avoided spoiling the elderly woman's kind heart against her. And she heard Mrs Zoey asked her, "Are you sure? Don't lie to me like how you've always been doing?." "Am not lying mama" Carolina replied, and Mrs Zoey said, "Is alright. When Martin returned, tell him to call me on phone call, as I will like to speak to him later." "Okay Mama, take care" Carolina chimed, and she heard Mrs Zoey replied "You too. Take good care of yourself too and my grandbaby too, if at all that you're truly pregnant, and telling me the truth." "Okay Ma, I will" Carolina smiled as the phone call finally ended, and she watched Martin stepped into the room and carrying a tray of two teacups in his hands, as he approached her carefully on the bed, and served it to her viewed. "Feeling excited already, what did my mom said to you?" Martin asked her, as he could saw Carolina smiling, and he placed the tray on the bed drawer first, before he sat on the bed, and tied his napkin around his neck, to prevented any stain on his white shirt, as he had already dressed up. "Nothing, I'm just smiling, as your mom asked me how I am doing, and if I'm already pregnant for you." "Hmm" Martin was silent and he passed her teacup to her first, before taking out the loaf of bread, and he cut it into two, and gave half of it to her, and he spoked, "Don't go worrying about my mom?.. As much as she want a grandchild, she also cares for you too and loves you," Martin told her, as he took his teacup up to his lips, and he stirred it, and he asked her, "Ain't you going to drink your tea now, or you want it to get cold first before you do?."
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