Chapter 12

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"Are you sure?" Carolina asked, and Martin laughed out first, and he looked so breathtakingly handsome, before he replied "What do you mean by if I am sure? Don't you trust me enough?." Martin meet Carolina gazed on him, and she blushed and stared away, not replying to her husband, as she knew that Martin truly loves her. And Martin assured her, "You have nothing to worry about, so long you're with me, and for as long as old as we live, I will always love and cherish you." Martin leaned over to Carolina's seat, and he kissed her cheeks fondly, while she smiled to him and replied, "Thank you babe." "You're welcome," Martin answered, and Carolina relaxed her back to the Jeep seat, as she hook her seatbelt while Martin started the Jeep engine, and he drove out from the hospital premises.. Carolina counted herself as a lucky woman, to have a man like Martin Elliott by her side, whom truly loves and cares for her, and also treated her rightly. As she had kept on wondering what Martin found in her that made him to choosed her. She would agreed that she was cute, but cute wasn't enough to kept a handsome man like Martin?. As she had seen how some ladies drooled over her husband whenever he took her out to his hotel for some event top shows that he had to attend too with her, and she had seen some pretty tall ladies, that are adorned in full heavy make-up and shinning wears, smiling and drooling over her husband, but he never smiled back to them nor flirted, as he was a faithful man, and a rare gem to find. Carolina blessed her God for the day that Martin came into her life and the day they met at his hotel, and like a dream, she was now a billionaire wife, and turned from the poor village lady that she was before, into a billionaire's wife. Ste smiled as she watched the road, and soon, Martin arrived their estate gate, and he drove in, before he finally approached their house, and drove the car into their garage and parked. Martin stepped down first, and Alex immediately welcomed him, "Welcome boss." "Yeah, well done" Martin replied, and he walked over to the second side door of the car, and he opened it for Coralina to stepped down too, while they both walked into the house. Martha was through washing all the dirty plates, and she stepped out from the kitchen and she welcome them "Welcome boss, welcome madam." "Well done Martha" Carolina replied, as she walked with Martin towards the living room stairs to retired back upstairs to her room as she wanted to rest. "Wait babe" Martin spoked, as he was still holding Carolina's medication that was given to him by Nurse Angelica, and he said, "You need to eat first, so you can drink your medicine." Carolina pouted her lips as she was not feeling hungry and she has eaten before they left the house and went to the hospital, and she replied, "I'm not hungry." "I know, come and eat small" Martin encourage her, and he walked back to the dinning room with Carolina. Martha still stood in the living room, and she watched how Martin accompanied Carolina back to the dinning room. Although, Martha had many sisters, and they had advised her to snatched Martin too away from Carolina and to try to seduce Martin, but she knew that if she tried that, she would be fired, and more likely, she liked Carolina and never wanted to hurt the kind woman, and her payment too was much. Martin sat beside Carolina and he spoked to Martha, "Martha." "Yes boss" Martha nervously replied, as she stared to the lovely couple that sat on the dinning table and Martin spoked, "Warm up the soup, and serve a little portion out for us, with fufu. I think we still have some fufu left?." "Yes boss" Martha answered, and Martin spoked, "Go and serve it and bring it." "Okay" Martha replied and she left them, while Cora stepped out from her room, and she walked out to the living room and saw that Carolina and Martin had both arrived. Cora was dressed in a white, almost transparent nightgown, as she had taken off her previous brown gown, and her pant was partly showing, with the dimly lit bulb that was switched on the living room, as Martha had switched off the white bulb. Cora wore a G-string pant, and her round butt popped out each, as she catwalk and walked towards the dinning table.. Normally in their family house in the village, Carolina knew that Cora liked sexy wears, and she didn't saw anything wrong with what Cora's mode of dressing before, but as Cora stepped out, Carolina immediately frowned, as she knew that Martin might be uncomfortable with what he was seeing. Carolina gulped, as she couldn't scolded Cora in front of her husband, and she didn't wanted to stated the obvious, but Martin immediately stared to Cora, and he questioned "What's the meaning of this nonsense dress that you're wearing again? I thought I told you not to dress like this, you just arrive today, and yet you cannot dress normal?." Carolina was shocked by her husband's outburst to Cora, but Cora stubbornly refused to leave the dinning room, as she sat down and was feeling hungry too, and Carolina spoked, "Babe is okay, calm down." Carolina persuaded her husband, as she tried to stood up to leave the dinning room, but Martin immediately pulled her back gently, to sat back on her seat, as he wanted her to eat, and he calmed and stared to his wife with love, as he spoked, "No babe, sit and eat your meal first, before you leave.." Martin sighed, while Carolina sighed too, as she stared back to Cora, and she said "Cora, you know that we're not at home, and my husband might not be comfortable seeing you dress like this here, I hope that you can understand." Carolina didn't wanted to be mean at Cora, nor used any harsh words on her only sister, and Cora replied, "But I don't have any other clothes to wear, it just a harmless nightgown." [Harmless indeed] Martin thought but he remained silent, while Carolina spoked, "Okay." Martha stepped out from the kitchen and almost lost hold of the tray of meal in her hands, as she was shocked to saw what Cora was wearing, as Cora stood up and replied, before she sat back. While Martha gulped, as she immediately approached the dinning table to serve the lovely couple their meals. Seeing how hot and seductive the nightgown looked on Cora, Martha subtly wondered, {Was this not the same Cora that was accusing me before, of trying to seduce boss, Mm..} Martha's eyes burned at Cora as she finally approached the dinning table to serve the tray, while Cora sat back as she was feeling hungry too, and she had only ate once since in the morning. Carolina sighed as she watched Martha served her meal to her view, and she decided to leave Cora as she was feeling hot, and she wanted to rest. The milk colored transparent nightgown that Cora wore, was too revealing and as Carolina wanted to complained, but Martin placed his right hand on hers, and he said, "Is okay babe. Let's eat first, so you go in to rest.." "But.." "No but" Martin curt Carolina off, and he washed her hand to feed Carolina, while Cora continued to stared at him. Cora sat on the dinning table, and pressing her phone, as she knew that Martin wasn't an easy man, and she thought to be careful with him, as he truly loves Carolina, and he might hurt her, and reveal her advances towards him to Carolina. But she knew that Carolina loves her too, and that was a weak point on Martin, as he knew that too. "Serve me dinner too Martha, as I'm hungry, and we only ate once since today" Cora stared to the living room wall clock time, and she saw it was 10pm, and Martha sighed and replied "Okay." Carolina was silent, as she watch Martin washed his hands to feed her again, and she now understood why her parents were strongly against her to took Cora to her home, and why Martin had refused too. She thought to spoked to Cora later and she shook her head, while Martin asked her, "What's wrong babe?." "Nothing" Carolina replied, and Martin spoked, "Open your mouth, let me feed you." Martin remembered when he tried to stopped Carolina not to brought her sister to their house, she refused and even accused him of being jealous of her, because he had no sibling, and now Carolina was worried. Martin didn't wanted Carolina to be worried for the sake of their baby growing in her womb, and he thought to overlook Cora and to warned her later, while he concentrated on feeding his wife.
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