Chapter 4

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Mildred POV I showered in the room I had found at the end of the hall earlier and tried getting rid of the smell of my amazing o****m. I am so embarrassed that I did that in the hallway, like a common trollop, anyone could have walked up that hallway and caught me, not only playing with myself, but watching that man pound into that girl. I blushed thinking about it. His hard arse, as the arse cheek muscles flexing and straining as he pounded into her, his fingers digging into her white hips, his face in concentration as he works to find his release, then the look of pure pleasure as he finds the release. Getting dressed, I snuck back out the door. I went in and through the cleaning room. The women were no longer in the room, maybe they were out having lunch. It was still early. I took the time to look around the nearby gardens. They had horses and that surprised me, thinking wolves and horses don’t mix, but I guess these werewolves must be different because they would let them ride their backs, showing trust. You may wonder why no one stops me being a stranger. I was told by Emily that I looked almost identical to her, so people would accept her as Elven and no danger to anyone. I was just a little taller, and I was hoping, because we looked alike, others would think I was Emily and not approach me, or as Emily had said, from the Elven kingdom and be friendly. Thinking I had been looking around long enough, I headed back to the portal and jumped back, happy no one was in the room on my return and to report to mother about my trip. I was nervous the whole time, hoping I was not missed and that I would get away with visiting them, but I had been gone longer than I had intended, the stop to watch that man, “Tobias”, and my response had shocked me and in the end I was there almost an hour longer than I had intended, I did not want to leave the feeling I had at that time, heading home felt like I was leaving a part of me behind, and I did not understand that, I could not wait to return and see if I can find him again. ‘Your mother wishes to see you.’ A staff member informed me as I headed towards the kitchen to get something to eat. Guess food will wait a little longer and I am glad I showered before I return, or mother will think the worst of me. She loves to find fault, any kind of fault. It is if her day is not complete unless she had growled at me over some infraction only, she can see. ‘Where?’ I queried kindly. ‘Last I saw her, she was helping your sister-in-law with the baby.’ the maid rushed away with an arm full of dirty baby stuff that never seemed to stop, that child must get changed twenty times a day. Well, that narrowed down my search to three possible rooms. My sister-in-law does not venture far from them, not since she had the baby. Maybe soon, she will have the energy to more than complain all day, and throw out the fact that she now has a child to care for and I should be doing more for her. My poor brother, he has to put up with this b***h's ranting and raving all day long. It is not like no one else has ever had a child, but she is milking it and had my brother and mother running around in circles to pander to this woman, just because she has managed to have mum's first grandchild, as if that was the greatest achievement ever made. Mum was in the nursery looking at my sister-in-law’s baby. She wants lots and lots of grandchildren and at the moment, being not yet eighteen, she can’t push that onto me yet, but as my eighteenth looms closer by the day, mother’s intent on my being the next to be mated is high on her agenda. I felt I was too young to be mated and have pups. I want to explore and have some sort of life before I am chained to the nappy changing table and the constant tiredness that babies leave you in. I saw it with my sister-in-law, and thought with my mother there and your helpers, that she would be less tired, but for some reason, she is still very exhausted. ‘Ah Mildred, just the person I was looking for.’ She started as she stood up with the child in her arms. ‘Well, mother, here is the last place you will find me. I am not ready to be cuddling a child.’ I gave back with the same tone she just used on me. She whipped her head back at me so fast, you are glad it can’t fall off. Not that I wished her head would fall off. Well, not all the time, some days I want her whole body to just disappear, and then I feel bad for wanting her gone. She is good for my sister-in-law, that is for sure, but not so much for me. She told me once that I was her daughter and should be closer to her than her daughter-in-law, Daffeny, but for some reason, I am not close to her. Maybe it is all her nagging ever since my brother mated with this woman. She is a real b***h to me when she thinks no one else is around, telling me to dress better the way I am and will never find a decent man, and all that bullshit, well I am who I am and I have no intention of changing just because of that b***h and her stuck-up ways. ‘Duncan is coming over for dinner. I want you to put on your pretty dress and be ready to sit with him. You need to start being closer to him, as I am sure you know, his mother and I wish for you two to be joined.’ I rolled my eyes at her. She has been trying this for the last six months, ever since I turned seventeen, and Duncan's mother, who does not like his girlfriend Angela and is doing this to keep them apart. What they don’t know is, when we go out on a so-called date, we meet up and they have a great time and I sit and be the third wheel. He can’t take her as his mate yet, as she, too, is not eighteen. We are only a few days apart. She is eighteen before me, so hopefully he can take her before his parents and mine get wind that they are still dating.
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