Chapter 3

1561 Words
Tobias POV On leaving the room, I stopped and took in a deep breath, and then I took in another deep breath, and took in the scent of someone else’s o****m. Some woman with a smell so strong, powerful and lustful had just played with herself and ogasimed outside this door. Whilst watching me pound into the she-wolf, her o****m smelt like nectar to me. I was so turned on by the thought that some woman touched herself while watching me and I wanted to know who that woman was. My relief from moments ago was gone, I was rock hard again and knew this woman was the only one who could cure it. I looked around the hallway and could not see her, and I was not sure which way she went, as I could only smell she had been both ways and her o****m smell was so powerful it hid which direction she had gone. Well, it was powerful to me and my wolf urged me to go look for her. He wanted to claim her, whether she was our mate or not. It was the first time he had shown any interest in the woman I had bedded, and that alone would have had me wanting to find her. Deciding not to bother hunting her down today, and willing my raging hard c**k to go down, I headed out to the hospital and check on the guys I had hurt this morning in training. I know I am a prick most times, but I do care about these guys, especially if I am the reason they had to visit the hospital. ‘Hi Doc, how are those two men I sent to you earlier today?’ I tried to sound like it was nothing to me, having more men visiting the hospital, and it must have worked. ‘You should be more mindful of your strength. These men should never have been sent in here. Get your act together. I don’t want to keep seeing the result of you losing your temper this way. Training for attacks is essential, and I understand sometimes in training, some can end up here, but you are the future king, you should be able to hold back, when you know a person is beaten and you have shown your point, going on to the point of harm was not displaying what our future king’s personal strength and control should be like, yet you continually keep sending men here, proving you are not ready to be king.’ He growled at me, one of the few people in this palace that would dare to and get away with growling at me. ‘Sure Doc, I am still learning too. I guess when I stop sending guys to you, I will be ready to be king.’ I snarled back and wandered to the room the men were in, and away from the doc, who had a knack of making it seem that every time a person is in there, it is all my fault, the men groaned when they saw me enter. ‘Hi guys how are you doing?’ I was happy to see they had been treated and were getting dressed. ‘We are okay, getting out of here any minute, waiting for the Doc to finish the paperwork.’ Jonny said with a false smile. I could smell his fear radiating off of him. Did I scare them that much? ‘Good, how soon will you be back to training?’ I asked smugly, not showing how I really felt. The men were good. One did have a broken arm and the other a busted nose. The nose won’t take long to heal, but that arm I really did a number on him, and he will be out of training for at least a couple of days. He is lucky. I stopped when I heard the c***k, or it could have been worse. The i***t kept coming at me, egging me on as if he wanted to get hurt, and that is part of why I am here. I should never have given into his egging on. I am a future king. I need to do better than that. The doc was right about that part, but I will not let the men know that I feel that way. At the moment, it feels good to be seen as an ass, because that is what I am most of the time and is all I deserve. I headed back to the palace, leaving the guys to change and return to their homes. A she-wolf met me not long after I entered the palace. ‘Hi Tobias, want to fool around.’ She tried to sound seductive, but to me she sounded desperate and her perfume nearly knocked me off of my feet and she dressed terribly. The dress, if I could call it one, was way too short. I could see her arse cheeks and part of the G-string she was wearing, her boobs were practically hanging out the top, and she had her belly button on show, it had a piercing, a gem stone graced the centre, but no matter how she looked, I could not get past the perfume and my wolf screaming in my ear at how every man in the pack has slept with this one and if I bedded this girl, my wolf would not talk to me for a week or maybe longer, and my wolf was happy about this girl. ‘What? You got to be joking, why would I want to fool around with you, get away from me Aggy?’ I growled menacingly at her, but it made no difference to her, she just battered her eyes and pushed her t**s at me, expecting that to entice me to take her. So, I did what I am good at. I snapped her. ‘Go get dressed, you look like a w***e dressed like that, and your perfume makes me sick.’ I growled out loud and went to push past her, but she grabbed my arm. ‘Are you sure? I can make you feel so good.’ She purred, pushing herself against me and this sent my anger to the roof in an instant. This girl does not get a hint. I have never bedded this one, she is one of the few that really turned my stomach. I can smell she had, not long ago, been in bed with someone else. Why would I want to add my own body odour to the mix? I growled at her and grabbed her hand that was on my chest. She struggled under my hold, as I squeezed harder, but not so hard to break her bones. Don’t need the doc on my case again today. ‘When will you get it in your head, that I don’t want you, never have, never will, you stink of other men. Everything about you makes me sick, and above all that, if I want s*x, I will be the one to choose who I f**k with. Now get out of my sight before I make you regret it even more than you already do.’ And threw her hand away in a rough manner, sending her scuttling to the floor. I left her there sobbing softly on the floor, her arse showing as her dress lifted up, and the sight did nothing for my anger. I felt no compassion for her. Girls like this one will never learn, they think s*x will fix all their needs, that one day someone will like what she has to offer and take her as a mate, but does she really want a mate? Or does she just want s*x? Not wanting to waste any more energy on this girl, I brushed all thoughts away and headed to dad’s office as was my intent, before being interrupted. Dad had some work for me to do today, so I headed to his office and knocked. I heard his approval to enter. ‘Ah, Tobia, come in, I have placed some new paperwork I would like you to go through on your desk, please.’ Dad was always so polite and calm to me. I often wonder how he could be, even when he is telling me off, he does it with control and I think of the doc’s last comment and can see what he was talking about. I am so angry all the time and I don’t seem to care. Sitting at my desk going over the pile of paperwork that seemed to never stop growing and reading through it one at a time, was boring. The thought of that other secretive woman came to mind and my c**k was instantly hard again. It seemed I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the smell and wondering who that woman was. I did not recognise her natural scent, then again it was hard to get past that orgasmic smell. Now, I thought, whenever I have s*x, I am going to think of that woman’s orgasmic smell and wonder if she is watching me and playing with herself as I pound into another woman, how can I find her? My wolf howled in my head at the thought of finding this woman and what we would do with her when we did.
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