
The Alpha's Other Daughter 2


The Alpha’s Other Daughter 2.

Tobias had become an arrogant and self-opinionated, outright belligerent and overbearing to all those around him and has been for a few years now, and his treatment of woman was abysmal, since the angry young man started puberty, and it seems he had not improved as yet.

His father was at a loss as to why he had become such an angry young man, when he had been given everything, a young man could ask for and more, being future king of the kingdom.

Mildred was a confident Elven woman, self-assured and kind hearted, seeing good in everyone around her, she is seventeen, she wants to see where Emily grew up, her parents forbade her to travel to the other kingdom, spouting all sorts of evil things go on there, and threatened an arranged marriage in an effort to keep her for going there, but Mildred goes against her parents and started sneaking over to the other kingdom.

What happens when one of Mildred’s first visit she sees the angry Tobias.

This book has references to book one, if you have not read book one, it may be a little confusing, at first as we talk about people from book one and things that had happened.

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Chapter 1
Tobias POV ‘Son, you have to start being the man I know you are, this bedding every girl you can find, your mother is nagging me to get you a mate, she believes it will calm you down, your anger issues have become a concern.’ Dad growls lowly at me, I think he is over mum nagging him and not at all worried about me not having a mate yet. ‘Dad, I will not accept any female mother has chosen for me as her idea of a good mate. I will not mark or mate anyone except the one the goddess has deemed as my mate. When one day I find her, so you can tell mum, from me, to stop trying to arrange a girl for me, if she brings girls to me, I will treat her as some new flesh to bed and break that girl's heart. When I tell her I will not claim her as my mate and, by the way, who I take to bed has nothing to do with you or mum.’ I growled back at dad and stormed out of his office. Mum is starting to get on dad's and my nerves with her trying to push all these tarts at me. Walking up the stairs, I saw a girl I have had s*x with before and she was not too bad. She gave me her sultry look, which did nothing for me, but I nodded to the room down the hall that the woman knows I often use when I have needs. I don't feel bad for using these women, they know the score. I tell all women before I bed them that they are nothing but a release, they think anything else and that is on them, I have not promised anything more than s*x. ‘Be there in half an hour.’ I said as I passed her by and continued to my room. I strip off my training gear and hop into the shower, because I am about to have s*x. I don’t make the water cold, as I often have to do. What can I say? I am a horny teenager, and have been that way for a while, and at the rate I am going, I think I will be for many more years to come. I am in no hurry to find my mate. The warm water soothes my sore shoulders. Today's training session was brutal. I think I broke one of the guys' arm and another’s nose. More and more guys don’t want to train with me anymore, as I am getting too strong for any to have a fair fight, and in training I don’t go easy on them. What good would that do them, when they have to fight a rogue? He is not going to go easy on them, and training should be just as hard, though I think I went too far. When I broke that guy's arms, he looked to be in a lot of pain. Well f**k it, I don’t care, he needs to toughen up. Getting dry and dressed in jeans and shirt and joggers, I hurried to the room and looked to see if that she-wolf was waiting for me. Striding into the room, I saw her waiting on the bed, naked, and instead of making me hard and eager, it was a turn off, and I don’t understand why. ‘Standup.’ I order, and the girl rushes to do my bidding. She stood before me, not sure what to do, she looked at the floor and tilted her head in a submissive way, and again it was a turn off. What is wrong with me? I pulled her to me and roughly kissed her, pushing my tongue aggressively into her mouth. She groaned at my roughness and that did turn me on. I liked being rough, and whether this she-wolf liked it or not, she was making the sounds I needed to hear. Grabbing a breast, I pinched her n****e and massaged her breast, and I could smell her arousal. I released her breast and deepened my kiss, it was getting rougher and I could taste blood on my tongue as I bit into her bottom lip, and plunged my tongue back into her mouth, giving her the taste of her own blood. She was wiggling against me, trying to rub her boobs against my chest, trying to take control over what I was doing and I had none of that. I was the boss here, I pushed her away from me, glad when I felt my d**k getting hard enough to use. ‘Turn around and put your hands on the bed.’ I growled at her. I did not want to see her face. She was pretty, but not my type. I have her here for one reason and one reason only. I needed a release and she happened to be passing by at the right time. Lucky for her. I unzipped my jeans and lowered them to my knees, and pushed her further over the bed and spread her legs wider so I could between them with ease. I fist pumped my d**k a couple of times to get it harder and then positioned it over her wet core and thrust straight into her, with no preparation on my part, she looked and smelt prepared enough. The pace I made was a hard and fast pace. I did not want a long slow love session, I just needed to get this done and get some relief. I am often horny after a good training session. The girl whose name I don’t remember started to groan and other sounds, making it sound like she enjoyed it, I could hear the slapping of my balls against her skin and the slick wet sound as I entered her again and again. I was getting right into the feeling of a growing o****m, that was until she did something stupid. ‘Tobias, harder,’ she moaned in pleasure. This annoyed the hell out of me, so I raised my hand and slapped her hard on the right arse cheek. She squealed out in pain at the sudden attack on her arse. ‘Never speak my name, ever. Do you hear me?’ I growled at her and she nodded her head that she had heard and kept moaning in pleasure. I looked down at the red mark I had left on her arse and I felt a moment of satisfaction. She was getting close, I could feel it, and then she did it again. ‘Please, Tobias, I am nearly there.’ she panted out. My hand came hard on her arse again, and she screamed out in shock. ‘Do not speak my name.’ I growled again and I felt her clamping down on my d**k. I pumped a few more times and pulled out of her and spurted my load on her arse and back. I heard her whimper and groan at the same time and that confused me. How can you do both? But I was too gone at that moment to think clearly. When I had come down and I gained my senses again, I wiped my d**k on the bed sheets, and pulled up my jeans and turned to leave the room, but stopped and grabbed her by the hair. ‘If we ever do this again, do not speak my name, or it will never ever happen again. Do you hear me?’ I growled at her. ‘’Yes sir.’ She whimpers back.

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