Chhapter 2

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Mildred POV Mum threatened to pair me with Duncan again, but he happened to have a girlfriend that he wants to take as his mate, but his mum does not like the girl, so my mum and his mum are trying to get us together, which won’t happen not if Duncan and I have a say in it. Having had enough of the arguments with mum, I want a day away from her and her nagging voice. Why doesn’t she pick on my brother and leave me alone? He is older than me and is not mated, so I head to the room I love to visit the most. This room has the portals to the kingdom where Emily, my friend, was born and grew up. In this room you have a number of portals, one to the packhouse where Emily’s brothers live, one to the pack grounds, one close to the palace grounds that Emily loved to run through and you can watch the training sessions at the same time, and one that goes straight into the palace. I have never been to that kingdom and I was determined to go and see it before mum somehow found a way to stop me. I would come and look longingly at the portal and never had the guts to go through it. Well, today that changes. I chose the training session. It was early in the morning. If I am lucky, the men will still be training. I found the right one and hoped it would be the one I would come to love the most. Jumped through the portal and appeared close to the training session, and almost immediately I could hear them training, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh was exciting. One guy, in particular, was brutal. I am sure he broke some guy’s bones, he looked angry over something, but who knows, I just love to watch. These guys are all hot and sweaty and hitting each other. I love training and watching the guys. I can see they have some skills and I love learning new ones. I would like to take some of their ideas home to try out. I wonder how my trainer will feel when I put something different into the mix. When the session was over, I followed the angry guy to the palace. He was so handsome and something about him made me wet just looking at him, and I wanted to know more about him. Instead of entering through the front door, he walked around to what I thought was the kitchen and entered there. I heard some girl tell him to go to the king’s office and I wondered what that was about. I entered through a door to the side, and found out it was a cleaning room. Ladies were washing clothes and, at the other end, I think they were doing repairs. I watched for a little while and then walked inside. This door led me to a long hallway and I noticed a girl looking around before slipping into a room. Curious, I headed to the room and looked in. She was stripping out of her clothes, not interested in this girl and why was she getting into bed? Maybe she had worked all night. Backing away from the door, I turned and walked a little bit further down the hall, and looked at different rooms, not finding much of interest. The last room was a huge bedroom, with its own mini kitchen and I wondered why this one was different to the others. Maybe it was for a long-term stay or maybe someone who prefers to cook their own food. I know some in my kingdom that won’t eat food not prepared by their own staff. I was coming out of that room at the end of the hallway when I saw the gorgeous man from the training field that got my core warm. He was entering the room that I had seen that girl enter and climb into the bed earlier, and I wondered if she was naked and waiting for him. My curiosity got the best of me and I snuck up to the room and looked in through the partly open door, glad he had not completely closed the door shut. He had her in his arms and was giving her a bruising kiss, hard and rough, and I almost groaned at the sight of it. I wanted to be the one getting that kiss. I had never kissed a guy before and had not really thought of what I was missing out until now, then I felt a warm rush between my legs and wet my panties, and being so turned on by this sight, made me wonder if I was into voyeurism to be this turned on. I read about voyeurism and the b**m lifestyle and it seemed to turn me on, reading about it. Now watching him secretly like this, made me want to find more information. I was not sure if it was watching or because he did not know I was watching, that turned me on so much more, making my legs go weak. He pinched her n****e and the girl sounded like she was enjoying it, her face was full of pleasure, he made her turn around and he dropped his jeans, and I got to see that tight arse of his and I groaned softly at the sight, so perfect, I wanted my hands on that arse. He did not play with her folds, which surprised me. He grabbed hold of his d**k and fisted it a few times, and, boy, he had a large p***s. I have seen them before when I hid in the boys' changing room, hiding from some girls that were being bullies and I just did not want to deal with them at that time, but this guy is the biggest I have ever seen. His face was full of concentration as he moved closer to her. He lined himself up and plunged deep and at the same time I snaked my hand down and into my panties and found my lady parts and fingered my warming wet juncture. The sound of their love making had my juices flowing. I jumped in surprise, then pleasure, when he suddenly slapped her on the arse for calling his name. I was so far gone I had not heard what she had called him. She called his name again after he pumped into her hard a few more times. Tobias, I loved the name. It suited him, and I watched as he gave the girl another red mark on her arse, and I could see red finger marks on her hips where he had been holding her tight as he took control of the pace and plunged into her. I groaned softly again as I got nearer to my own release, and I leaned on the wall to support myself, and still watch and I could even smell her arousal now, and just as I had reached my peak, he pulled out and squirted over her arse and back. I groaned loudly at my own release. I nearly fell to the floor; the o****m was that intense. I leaned on the wall a little longer, staring into the room, waiting to see what he would do next. His eyes were closed as he rode the last part of his o****m and then suddenly, his eyes opened, he looked down at her and it appeared like a sneer on his face, which made no sense to me. He did not give her any loving words, or show any signs that this was anything more than a moment of release for him. He leaned over beside her, where she had collapsed on the bed, and picked up the sheet and wiped his d**k on the sheet and let it drop back beside the girl. He then pulled the girl by the hair. I did not hear what he said. I realised his next move would be to the door and I had to get away from it and fast, I bolted down the hallway to the room at the end and ducked in before he managed to enter the hall, and I sighed out a long breath as I thought about what I had just done. Did I regret it? No, would I do it again? Hell yeah.
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