initiation part 1

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Amaya's POV The initiation process was no doubt one of the inevitable things to be done before any new member could join a pack. It was a way a new member could form a bond with the Alpha and make their wolf instantly submissive to him and always do his bidding. I certainly didn't need that. I was already petrified of him and would do all his bidding without the initiation. Now the absurdity of the situation was, why would an Alpha who detested me want to form a bond with me? His luna might have allowed me here, but without that initiation, I could get kicked out of the pack anytime he felt like it. My hands clutched the hem of my knee-length blue dress. The one Luna Kate had given to me. I was super elated when I finally got to change into decent clothing, doing away with the not-so-befitting I had on. But all my ecstasy faded when I realized that she was just trying to get me prepared to meet with the Alpha. Maybe she thought if I dressed better, he wouldn't despise me so much, but Little did she know that unlike her, he hated me with so much depth that sprucing up my hair wasn't going to make him hate me less. My nervous hands left the hem of my dress as I brought it to the door to knock. It was the Alpha's office_ a place I dreaded more than highschool I wanted to knock, but my hands fell right back to my side like a lifeless manikin. What was I going to say? How I was going to act? Was he going to do worse than he did earlier? All those questions coursed through my mind as I bit my bottom lip, contemplating whether to go in or not. “You have to be strong" I recollected the words of the Luna and I let out a distressed air. If I yearned to reside in the pack, I needed to learn how to face him. My left hand curled up into a fist while my right hand knocked and then opened the door. I tried so hard to hide my trepidation as I walked into the spacious, majestic office. I didn't have time to admire the technological wonder, because I had other substantial things to face and that was the man behind the desk. My knees felt weak as I walked further into the office. I was so nervous, that it felt as though my movement was being distorted. My legs were confused, not knowing how fast I should walk or if I should even walk fast at all. I hadn't gotten to where he was when he suddenly raised his head. I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to move an inch. His eyes were cold as they scanned me, holding so much hatred. I had always been hated, but his hatred for me seemed ineffable. “I uh" I cleared my throat to get rid of the raspiness. “Luna Kate sent me for the initiation" I added with my eyes everywhere but his eyes. He said nothing. “I. I came for the initiation... Sir... Alpha" I was so uncomfortable as a result of how his hooded eyes scanned me so intensely that I didn't know what to address him as. If looks could kill, I'd certainly be six feet in the ground by now. "You want to be a part of this pack?” his deep voice came forth after several minutes of me trying to figure out if I said anything wrong. “Yes sir" I replied with my eyes still down. I dared not look at him. He had already made it clear that he didn't like it when I gazed at him. “I'm glad you realize that even though Kate accepted you, she doesn't have the final say. That's what makes me the Alpha after all. I have the power to send you out on the street or better still” he leaned closer. “Torture you till you break, set up your body on fire, and send you back to the moon goddess. If you'll get the chance to meet her" he said and I swallowed hard. Minutes after minutes, I got to realize how cruel he could be and it just kept getting worse. "I'm sorry” I didn't know why I was sorry. Was I sorry for him hating me? A whimper escaped from my lips and it was then I realized I had been crying. "You filthy animal” he tutted. "You will do anything for attention” My tears meant nothing to him. He probably was even more than happy to see me cry. "I just wanted to... “ He cut me off. "Get out,” he said coldly and my heart skipped a beat. "I didn't... “ "Don't make me say it twice” I wanted to turn to leave, but the questions that coursed through my mind prevented me from moving an inch. Even if he was going to throw me out of his pack, he should at least give me answers. Slowly and with a lot of courage, I raised my head to look at him. Our eyes met, something he hated. I could tell him from how his eyes darkened as I gazed at him in so much fear. The words felt heavy in my mouth. It took everything in me to force them out “Why do you hate me so much?” He said nothing, instead, he got up from his seat. My heart stopped when he started coming towards me. His eyes held so much rage that I dared not stand there. I moved backward because I was certain he was going to rip my head off my body if he got to where I was. I kept moving back as he moved toward me, but his powerful strides made him get to me before I could bolt off. Once again, he grabbed my hair, pulling me to himself. I was still trying to recover from how he roughly handled me the previous day. My scalp still hurt and he chose to add to my suffering by holding my hair so tightly. “Since you want to look at me so bad, then look at me!" He roared in my face and I whimpered in fear. I didn't want to look at him anymore. His eyes were killing me and I wanted to close my eyes, but it felt as though I had lost all my senses to fear. “If I decide to do to you everything an omega has done to me, you won't make it out of this office alive," he said and I became confused but too scared to show my confusion. He scanned me from up to down before speaking again."You manipulative creature” he said. Reluctantly he let go of my hair and I was relieved, but that didn't stop the overflowing tears that made their way down my cheeks. He looked at my hand_The one the guard had dislocated due to mishandling. I watched him bring his hand towards it as my heartbeat increased rapidly. What was he going to do? I asked myself. That question was answered shortly. He grabbed the hand roughly and squeezed it tightly, causing me to yelp in pain. Luna Kate had had it tended to, but it was still very much painful. With a delighted look on his face due to how I had screamed in pain, he let go of the hand and spoke."Drop to the floor and give me 10 push-ups” he said as he turned to walk back to his chair. My eyes widened. He knew my hand was broken and he wanted it to get more damaged. He sat on his seat with his eyes fixated on me, waiting for me to wow him. “Sir, my hand.." “I don't care," he said before I could even finish. “I wouldn't want a rebellious wolf in my pack, now would I?“ I gulped. Even with my hand working properly, I couldn't do push-ups. Imagine how awful it was going to be to accommodate all my weight on a bad hand. “Don't keep me waiting," he said. He knew I couldn't do it, yet he asked me to do it. That was going to be his perfect opportunity to send me out of the pack. He saw me as a weakling and he was going to forever see me as one if I didn't prove him wrong. I got on the floor and lay flat on it. I wanted to do it right away, but I was shaking too much. I kept thinking of different ways to do it without permanently damaging my hand. “You can do this Amaya" came the soft voice of my wolf_ Amira. Suddenly courage filled me as I positioned my two hands on the floor, ready to begin the push-ups. The weight of my body against my hands almost made me cry out, but I pressed my lips together to prevent it from escaping. I went down and up the first time and I counted one. “One" with a lot of distress. I did the second with the same difficulty. The third was even harder because my hand was starting to hurt so badly. Each time I remember I was going to do this 10 times, I lost hope, but I kept on going. At the eighth trial, I dropped to the floor. My hand was numb at that point and it was certain I had caused severe damage to it. I tried to go up, but I dropped to the floor in exhaustion instead. “Look at you, poor thing" he mocked and that caused anger to course through me. That motivated me to do the eighth push-up and not only the eighth but the ninth and also the tenth. By the time I was done and up on my feet, I could see the look in his eyes. Hard to decipher, but it had changed. I had proved him wrong. Something I had never done before. I had never proven any of my bullies wrong, but he brought out a side of me I never thought I had. He leaned back on his chair with a grimace of annoyance on his face as he spoke. “You think you so tough, let's see how well you do in the initiation"
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