
She Killed His Luna

single mother


Trigger Warning: 18+, abuse, Mature and s****l content, slavery, violence.

I watched with pleading eyes as his lips curled up into a smirk.

“I have never seen an omega naked before"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?" I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

“I want you to strip" he said in a daring tone.


Amaya’s one and only lover rejects her after finding his mate, even with the knowledge of Amaya being pregnant for him. She decides to leave for another pack out of shame and anger. But the problem is, the pack she plans to live in has a popular saying attached to them. “NO OMEGAS ALLOWED”

Alpha Jaxon, a powerful, arrogant, and ruthless man took it upon himself to make her life a living hell due to his strong hatred for omegas. Things get even worse when his Luna dies and Amaya is accused of it. He took it upon himself to make her pay. But how long will he continue to make her suffer, knowing deep down that she is his second mate.

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Pregnant and heartbroken
“Move more quickly girls!” Screamed madam Isabella in her usual grumpy anger-filled voice that echoed all through the kitchen. It was effective instantly as the girls increased their speed. I also washed faster, but with a glimmer of a smile plastered on my face, unlike the usual scowl which I always had on whenever I heard her voice. My heart was crammed with elation and each time I looked down at my tummy, it doubled. “You are not fast enough Amaya!” she snarled at me and I flashed a glare in her direction. She was taken aback, but she couldn’t do anything. She had been more lenient ever since I started being involved with Alpha Lucas. The alpha of the midnight pack. Well, she ought to respect me more, especially now that I was pregnant for him. I returned to washing the dishes, but I still couldn’t curb my lips which were curled up in a smile. My life as an omega had always been a disaster. I had always been the resented girl. The girl who was always made fun of in high school for the littlest detail like having frizzy hair. The girl who gets blamed for everything that goes wrong at the pack house even when I wasn't there when it happened. I had been called many names; weak, disgusting, unwanted, and a girl that didn’t deserve to be among the werewolves. All that changed when the old Alpha of the moonlight pack passed away and his son took over_ Alpha Lucas. Lucas never got his mate at 18 just the way I never got mine. He hated me at first, at least he wanted to hate me, but love was stronger. I could tell he had a thing for me due to how his eyebrows would constrict in rage at the sight of me being bullied. He went from not saying a thing to almost killing whoever dared laid a finger on me. We fell in love with each other and we had been together for a year. My life changed. The respect I never thought I would get all came when people found out I was with the Alpha. Although I wasn’t his mate, the love we shared was just as strong as the mate bond_ at least that was what I thought. Alpha Lucas had not been at the pack house for 2 months. He was out on a trip to sort out some issues of the pack house with another Alpha. We had been speaking over the phone every single day, except for the past few weeks. He had completely ignored my calls or text, but I didn’t take them to heart. Maybe he was just super busy, I said that to console myself. After all, he was returning today! I just had to finish my work and I would be out to see my lover after so much distance. I also wanted to see the look on his face when I tell him I am pregnant. Work at the restaurant went smoothly as usual except for Madam Isabella's crankiness. The number of customers I had to attend to, made my legs go numb. Plus I had to also stand to wash the dishes. “You can go now,” madam Isabella said during the dismissal hour and my heart leaped for joy. I tossed my apron to the kitchen, grabbed my purse, and off I went. As I walked, I undid my hair which had been wrapped into a bun the whole day and I flagged down a cab My hands were shaky and sweaty from apprehension. Most times I’d breathed out loudly to soothe myself, but boy, my shakiness couldn’t be subdued. The cab man stopped me in front of the pack house and I got down and rushed in after giving the cab man his money. I walked so fast through the hallway that I bumped into Stella. “watch where you going, omega!” she gazed at me in contempt. She was the only one who didn’t change the way she treated me and I didn’t care. She was the mate of the beta of the pack and I always gave her a piece of my mind each time she did too much, but I didn’t this time because I didn’t want my exhilaration to be wrecked. I brushed past her and made my way straight to the Alpha’s office. Standing at the door, my anxiety doubled. I breathed in and out before opening the door. “Lucas” I called out with a wild smile on my thin lips as I walked toward him. He looked different with a different hairstyle which accentuated his perfectly sculpted face. He had also grown out his stubbles_ just the way I loved it. How striking he looked as his dark orbs were fixated on me from behind his big desk. The moment his eyes met with mine, they saddened, but it happened so quickly that the next minute his face hardened. Something was definitely wrong Wasn’t he happy to see me? I asked inwardly as my smile slowly faded. “You didn’t tell me you were coming back. I had to hear the news from Ray” He peeled his eyes off me and they landed back on the laptop in front of him. Okay, that was strange. “You should knock before entering my office next time,” he said in an unusually cold tone and I was taken aback. Confusion swirled within me immediately. Why was he acting like that? I scoffed. “You don’t look happy to see me, Lucas,” I said ignoring what he said because I truly didn’t have a reply for that. “Is there a reason for me too?” he glared as he scanned me from top to bottom. I didn’t look my best, deeming I just got back from work, but he never really cared about how I looked. He always told me that. “Maybe because that’s what lovers do,” My voice turned shaky due to the tears I was preventing from invading my cheeks. “I don’t think that can happen anymore,” he said the words and I felt my world crashing down. He didn’t mean that I consoled myself. Of course, he didn’t mean that. “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, trying to force a smile, but my lips were too numb and quivering from the urge I fought not to cry. “I and you can’t be together anymore. What business does an Alpha have with an omega? We just aren’t compatible” Tears trickled from my cheeks. I had heard people say that, but never for once did I think he was going to say that to my face. His eyes didn’t hold any remorse to show he meant to hurt my feelings. “I am pregnant for you, Lucas,” I said in a whisper and immediately his eyes softened. He looked stunned and short of words as he tried to understand what I had just said. “Amaya I…” He wanted to say something, but the door opened and I swerved to look at the gorgeous brunette girl who ambled towards Lucas's table with her heels making clicking noises as they made contact with the hard floor. She was pretty, her skin was flawless and I could even smell her cologne from where I was. I, on the other hand, smelled like fried chips. “What is the problem honey?” she looked at Lucas and then at me. He smiled at her. The same smile I wanted. He was giving it to another woman. “No darling, don’t worry yourself” He turned to look at me once more and the smile faded. “Amaya meet my mate Leanne,” he didn’t look proud when he said it. Almost as though he was scared of hurting my feeling.

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