Initiation part 2 (trigger warning)

1500 Words
*Trigger warning ❗dark scene below!* Amaya's POV I knew of the initiation by blood, but I had never heard of the initiation by fire. When Alpha Jaxon ordered me to change my dress and put on something sleeveless, I knew something was off. I didn't understand how the initiation pertained to what I was putting on. Just outside my room, stood the guards he had asked to fetch me. I felt this unusual feeling in my gut. Even my wolf was appalled and didn't entertain the notion at all. She effortlessly tried to convince me of how this could turn out bad for both of us and how I had very thin luck, so nothing ever worked in my favor. The sleeveless dress I could find was one of my old clothes, not befitting enough, but still presentable. At least that was what he wanted. A knock on my door made me realize I had spent too much time. My heartbeat increased so much as I walked towards the door while my wolf combated me on the inside. She wanted me to remain in the room, but what she didn't understand was even if I chose to stay, those vicious guards were going to bundle me to him anyway. I got outside the room and they led me to where the initiation ceremony was to take place. I kept breathing in and out at intervals to ease my tense self and when that didn't work, I began to hum a song I had always sung when I was in distress and that was the song my mum used to put me to sleep when I was little. They lead me to a hall and I was glad they didn't rush me because my pace wasn't encouraging at all. As the big door was opened, my heart stopped. Anxiety took over immediately. If I wasn't exaggerating, the whole pack members were present in the enormous hall. I was the only omega amid other wolves who despised me. What if they decided to lynch me? The Alpha would gladly give them approval and Luna Kate wouldn't be able to save me from them. I could see the scorn in their eyes as I walked into the middle of the hall. Some even took pictures. What was so amusing about me that needed to be snapped? I was a pale-looking wolf who looked malnourished. Except they did that to make fun of me. The guards led me to the front of the hall where Alpha Jaxon stood and my eyes darted around, searching for Luna Kate and I almost cried when I didn't see her. The guards pushed me to kneel before the Alpha and I fell to the floor. During that process, my eyes caught sight of the firebox that stood just beside Alpha Jaxon and a branding iron that had AJ inscribed on it. Fear gripped me instantly. He had said fire initiation, but the least I thought about was fire branding. Did stuff like this still exist in the 21st century? I asked myself as fear consumed me. No wonder he had told me to wear something sleeveless and maybe that was why the wolves were agitated when they saw me, laughing while some shook their head in pity. “So, Amaya here has decided to join the Darkmoon pack" That was the first time he had called my name and it didn't sound nice to my ear at all. It made me shudder in fear so much that I almost cried. “We need to show her, how her kind is initiated here" he declared openly and the murmurs started. More people brought out their phones to video. I didn't understand what he meant by “my kind” I was the only omega in the pack and presumably the first in ages. There was no way there had to be a specific initiation for my kind. Something wasn't right. Why did initiation involve branding? It was the first time I had heard of this sort of initiation. "Hold her,” he ordered the guards and before I could lift a finger to defend myself, the guards held my two arms, spreading them wide to prevent me from struggling. I gritted my teeth in pain. My bad hand was being rough-handled again. I wasn't even struggling, but they held me so tight like a criminal. My eyes widened when Alpha Jaxon raised the iron from the fire which was already red due to hotness. My heartbeat quickened and sweat gathered on my forehead even though I had not felt the heat yet. The uproar of the crowd was too much, but it felt as though the sound of my heartbeat was louder. I was absorbed with so much fear that my eyes watered, flowing down like an overflowing ocean. He brought the branding iron closer and it was then I learned to struggle. I tugged on my arms which were held firmly by the guards, but they didn't let me go a bit. The iron kept descending and descending. “Please" I begged. “Please" I cried. I cried more loudly when it made contact with my skin. It was just right above my left breast. I screamed so loud due to the pain and he didn't want to stop. The hot iron burned through my skin as it made hissing noises due to my sweat against the hotness. When he was more than satisfied, he withdrew the hot iron and the guards left me as I dropped to the floor like a pile of wood. I tried to catch my breath, but the pain prevented me from breathing properly. I couldn't even cry. The tears wouldn't fall. “Jaxon!" A familiar voice was heard and my eyes met with Luna Kate walking through the crowd with rage. “What did you do!" She asked when her eyes fell on my motionless body on the floor. I wanted time to replenish all the energy I had used to cry out. “She got what she deserved" he looked at me, very satisfied. “This is madness! Pure madness! How long are you going to dwell on something that happened years ago!" She screamed at the top of her voice. She shook her head as she gazed at me. It was then I found the energy to cry. Tears flowed freely from my cheeks as I sobbed. “Bring her to me" she ordered the guards and they immediately bent to grab me again. “And be f*****g gentle!" she yelled at them. This time, my hand didn't suffer. They led me gently to the Luna like she had ordered them to. She was right in front of us and she kept looking behind to make sure I was okay. What did I do to deserve such kindness? I had never seen a wolf which such a pure heart as she had. It was almost as though the moon goddess sent her to show me that at least there was someone who cared about omegas. After the guards left, she made me sit on her bed as I cried. I wasn't sobbing anymore, but the tears just kept falling. “Oh, poor thing," she mumbled as she made her way to her closet and got back with an ointment. Then she plopped down next to me. “It's going to heal soon enough with this," she assured me. She even knew omegas didn't heal as fast as other wolves and she was considerate enough to help me with that. “And the scar will stay with me for the rest of my life" I broke down. “Was this even an initiation" I was an omega, but that didn't mean I was dumb. She sighed as she took the ointment in her hand and began to dab the surrounding of the AJ wound in my chest. “No it wasn't" it took her almost five minutes to say and I could hear the difficulty in her voice. "Then what is this," I asked, wiping my tears off. “Initiation by blood is for normal wolves who want to join the pack, but initiation by fire is for" she looked at me as she paused. “Slaves" she finally added. My heart tore into two. The tears I had cleaned came right back. “What?" I asked, trying to catch my breath due to how hard I was crying. “It doesn't work that way. You are not his slave" "Yes, but he did it to humiliate me” I trialed off. "Why does he hate me so much?” I asked. She set down the ointment on the table and she brought her hand to my face to wipe my tears."Jaxon had a rough childhood and the main reason for that is an omega” I was taken aback. "That's all I can say, Amaya,” she said softly
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