The alpha's return

1789 Words
Amaya’s POV. My hands trembled by my side as I glimpsed him. His domineering poise filled the whole room, making the rest of us appear meaningless. From where he stood, I could make out some of his features like his onyx black hair alongside his well-chiseled jawline and his face which seemed to have been sculpted out of marble by a god. He stood tall, far from where I was, emitting an intense powerful aura that I could feel from where I stood. What went through my mind as he strode closer through the line we had created was, who did he think he was? He was the Alpha alright, but I had never seen an Alpha who hankered so much superiority that he made maids and guards line up just to welcome him. Was it even necessary? He was already powerful, what was then the essence of all this, and Why did….. Those impressions flew straight out of my mind when he halted in front of me. Oh boy! I panicked as beads of sweat gathered on my forehead. All my thoughts were immediately replaced with apprehension and I almost blacked out when he turned to look at me. His tall, athletic body hovered over me as his gray orbs scanned me with a stern look on his face. Those eyes held a lot; like he had encountered a lot of things in his life. Like he could kill without feeling a thing. He could most certainly rip anyone who chose to defile him apart, most especially someone he detested, and that someone was me_an omega. I swallowed hard. I had also realized that the other maids were bowing their heads, but I wasn’t. What was I thinking? The ster look on his face hardened as his eyes held resentment and at the same time, abhorrence. Then he spoke in the deepest blood-curdling voice I had ever heard. “How dare an omega look an alpha in the eye?” Those words sent cold shivers down my spine. I wanted to bow my head, but he roared at me. “On your knees now!” He wasn’t forbearing enough for me to do his bidding before grasping my hair forcefully and dragging me out of the line while I gritted my teeth to withstand the pain. He led me to the middle of the room and pushed me to the floor, but his hand never left my hair. My scalp hurt so bad that I wanted to hold onto my head for support, but I was scared that was only going to infuriate him more. He turned my face forcefully to look at Beta Jackson who stood by the side with a satisfied look on his face. “There better be an explanation for what this filthy animal is doing in my pack!” He roared in rage while I struggled with the pain “She says you accepted her” Beta Jackson slurred and I could tell he was just trying to get the Alpha angrier than he was. “I swear I was..“ those words left my lips when he raised my hair with all his might, dragging me to his level. I groaned in pain because it happened so fast that I couldn’t help myself by standing. He grasped my neck. “I would never let an omega stay in my pack, you liar,” he said, and with that, he let go of my hair and hurled me aside where I collided hard with my back. I felt immense pain but didn’t show it. My body failed to move due to humiliation. The place had almost 20 people and they all got to see how much the Alpha loathed me. “Guards!” He called out. “Get her out of my sight” I didn’t get the chance to voice out my pleas as I was grabbed by two guards. One of them forcefully bent my hand to the back due to how much I struggled and I yelped as a result of the pain I felt. There was no doubt that that hand had been broken. They struggled to get me out while I on the other hand struggled with one of the guards due to how he pressed my body against his. I knew what he was doing, but he made it seem like he was just doing his job. “Let go of me!” I screamed. My wolf couldn’t help as I could already hear her whimpering in fear. I managed to look into the eyes of the Alpha and they were as cold as ever. He didn’t care how much they abused me. The only thing he yearned for was for me to get out of his sight. What wrong did an omega ever do to him? “What is the meaning of this” a high-pitched feminine voice rang out and the commotion died down. She looked at me, then Alpha Jaxon, and a scoff made its way out of her lips. “Jaxon what is the meaning of this?” I gasped silently. Who was she and how did she have so much courage to talk to the Alpha the way she did? Alpha Jaxon didn’t look mad, instead, he looked relaxed. “An omega found its way to my pack” the way he spoke to her made me wonder if it was the same man who grasped my hair so tight as he screamed in my face. Oh yeah and he did refer to me as ‘it’ “I was accepted here,” I said in a low tone as I struggled to balance both crying and speaking. It was hard because I was basically choking on my tears. My left arm still hurt due to how the guard had it in the same distorted position. “And I never did” he turned to look at me.”I could never accept demons in my pack” “Well I did” The lady spoke up and his eyes softened almost immediately. “So what if she’s an omega, It doesn’t mean anything,” she added and I could tell from the look in Alpha Jaxon’s eyes that he was more than baffled. The lady turned to the guards that held me bound “Well now you know, let her go! “ She snapped at them. They were reluctant, looking at the alpha for the final say and surprisingly Jaxon waved his hand, telling them it was fine_ but it wasn’t. The look of scorn as he stared at me said it all. He obviously couldn’t stand me anymore and that made him walk out in rage. I gasped in pain when I brought my hand back to the position it was supposed to be in. The lady who had saved me from the cruel alpha and his guards stood in front of me and she beckoned on me to get up. “Come with me,” she said in a calm voice that soothed my troubled heart and I didn’t wait for a second before following her. Before we made our way upstairs, she stopped to look behind her. “Rebecca” she called out and the grumpy woman who I had grown to hate answered. “Get something fixed for her hand” “Yes Luna” she answered and it was then it occurred to me that she was the Alpha’s Luna. That was why she could speak to him the way she did. It was indeed magical how she was able to tame someone as harsh as Alpha Jaxon from me. I was certain he would have let the guards rip me apart if she hadn’t shown up. I stalked her from behind while she walked in front. I was worried we were going to bump into the Alpha again and he could finally have me for breakfast. Although I was assured of my safety with Luna, my lips still quivered. I had seen the hatred in his eyes and it wasn’t amusing at all The Luna led me to her room_ a space that exuded class and luxury, complemented by magnificent furnishings and high-end décor. The room’s size was spacious, with high ceilings, large windows offering stunning views, and plenty of natural light, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. The walls were adorned with high-end wallpaper, and the floors were typically made of marble. I couldn’t help but awe at the perfection of the place. The pack house was just too stunning correlated to the moonlight pack. “Why did you send out that request knowing fully well how this pack is?” asked the Luna who was already seated on her bed. I stood in front of her. I was scared I was going to mess up the perfectly laid down sheets of her king-size bed. “I sent out a plea to 16 other packs.” I swallowed hard. “None of them would take an omega. I was surprised I was taken here” “I wanted to see the courageous girl who dared send that to Darkmoon pack” she smiled at me. “And there she is” Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked so fast to stop them from falling. That was a lie, I wasn’t strong. I was weak and I couldn’t stand up for myself. “If you want to survive here, you better wipe that tear off your eyes” she let out a sigh. “I understand you have nowhere else to go and I saved you today, but I can’t save you forever, so you have to be strong” A lump formed in my throat when she said that. Did she realize the person who hated me was the Alpha himself? I didn’t think I could be strong for someone as ruthless as he was. “You don’t need to worry, no one is going to bother you when I am around” she reassured me. “And you can stay for as long as you want” My lips formed into a smile when she said that. “Thank you so much” I couldn’t stop the tears that made it down my cheeks. “But first you have to go through the initiation,” she said and my heart skipped a bit because I knew where she was heading. “You need to go to the Alpha for your initiation” I swallowed hard. He was going to use that opportunity to rip me apart like he earlier wanted to. There was no way I could stand his wrath.
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