The princess in sadness!

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EPISODE 10 Princess Houenafa, who has become very attached to Mrs. Yélian, now wants her as her mother. She wants to see her in the palace as her father's new wife. She does not miss any opportunity to create proximity between the two. Of course, she succeeded in bringing her father and Mrs. Yélian closer together and for some time now, the two have been seeing each other almost all the time. Both of them tried to start a love affair to please the princess. The king thus gives in to the whim of his beloved daughter to do her will and not to see her suffer, but deep down the king, this decision of his daughter is not quite shared by him. He did not see himself becoming the husband of his wife's best friend, he who already had a reputation not credible enough, but this was not the real reason for his refusal. He didn't want it simply because he wanted to be a free man without any commitment. This subject does not fail to surface every time the princess meets to exchange. This was the case this afternoon during an exchange between father, son and daughter. King Sossou once again asked the princess that she should do everything to practice what she studied in the United States, but Houenafa does not share her father's opinion at all:   - There is no point in trying to force me to follow the path you want for me when I don't agree with you, dad.   The king and Noukpo look at the princess with a look of astonishment without commenting on her words. She continues her words:   - Well, whatever. Now tell me, Dad. I just remembered something. Daddy," said the princess with a soothing look and a pleading voice. How are things with you and Mrs. Yélian? I mean, is everything okay? How is it going?   The king becomes silent in front of the princess' question and his face gets mixed. She says: - Daddy? But I'm talking to you!   Seeing that the question is embarrassing for the king and that he had difficulty answering it, Noukpo gets up and finds a pretext to digress in order to remove the princess from her idea:   - Houenafa come to me this thing please! I have something for you that I forgot to give you last time when I came back from work.   - Hey! Is that true, big brother? Are you sure about this?   - Yes, your brother can't lie to you, honey. Go upstairs with him to see what he brought you.   - Yes, Dad. Come on, follow me Houenafa.   - Okay. I'll follow you then.   She got up and followed her brother's steps and the two of them went upstairs while Noukpo continued to distract her in order to take her mind off the idea of a relationship between her father and Mrs. Yélian. The king was very happy with the intervention of Noukpo and relieved, he smiled from the corner of his lips and got up to go to the courtyard of the palace to see Affôgnon.   ******   In the evening, at about eight o'clock, Mrs. Yélian goes to the palace after returning from her service to take news of the princess Houenafa. The two women exchange hugs at the same time that they exchange words of greeting. They then sit down face to face:   - Ah, I am very happy for you my princess. It is a great joy to know that you are doing so well, considering the painful ordeals you have faced recently," says Mrs. Yélian, after noticing the cheerfulness with which the princess received her as soon as she arrived at the palace.   - Really? asks the princess, smiling at Mrs. Yélian.   - Oh yes! I am really happy to see you in this state, reassures Mrs. Yélian, smiling at Princess Houenafa in turn.   - Thank you so much mom," the princess replied, taking Mrs. Yélian's hands in hers. But there is one thing I didn't like about you mom.   - Oh, I've got big fines to pay. What is it about, my princess?   - Well mom! I'm not happy, just because you didn't show up at my father's party last week.   - Oh I understand everything! There is a lot to be unhappy about. But really! I really wanted to be there that day to be with you, but something came up at the last minute. I'm really sorry and I hope to be forgiven by my great and radiant princess.   - It will depend on which unexpected event it was, answers the princess.   - That's right, my princess," said Mrs. Yélian calmly.   - And this unforeseen event has no name? asks the princess with an affectionate look.   - Hahahaha! Snooping! No! Rather curious!   - Hahahaha! Come on, tell me mom. What's funny about what I said that makes you laugh so much? asks the princess, a little nervous.   - Nothing my princess. It wasn't much. It was just that you reminded me of your mother, Queen Agossi. You have that same way of questioning people.   Faced with this answer, the princess' face becomes radiant and sweet. She smiles, while moving her shoulders, but says nothing for a few seconds, while looking at her mother. - You are practically the same!   - Like mother, like daughter," the princess replies to her adoptive mother's statement, smiling at her.   - Yes, that's right," agrees Mrs. Yélian, the princess's adoptive mother. But I am very sorry that I missed the ceremony organized in your honor by your father, King Sossou. That's why I came here straight from work to apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness.   - Okay, I understand. I have forgiven you, sweet mama. I missed you a lot you know?   - And you too," says Mrs. Yélian. I missed you a lot.   - Oh! Hahaha! Okay! That's great. That's it for me. Let's talk about you now.   - Okay! It's up to you, sweetheart.   - Now tell me! Uh, how are you and my dad doing? Otherwise, I mean, how are you cooperating? Is everything okay with you? Are you still okay with each other?   - Whew! It's just complicated, but I can understand it.   - Oh!   - Don't worry, my princess. It's going to be fine. Well, I was just coming to see you. I have to get home before it gets too late. I have to get home to cook.   - But you can wait to eat here. That way you won't have to bother when you get home. The maids can cook whatever you want.   - Thank you very much for your offer. It's very kind. Another time, I promise to stay.   - All right, then. I'll take you home then.   - Okay!   All smiling, the two women get up and head for the main exit. The princess walks her to the gate before turning to go to her mother's room where she locks herself away to meditate and remember her. She sits on the long sofa opposite the queen's bed, both hands forming points, on which she rests her chin…
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