Houenafa's new life!

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EPISODE 09 - It is as you wish your majesty.   - I'm sorry to have moved you for nothing.   - Oh no! It is your right to make the decision you just made. We will leave now.   - Thank you for coming. Take this for your carburation and welcome back.   - Oh! Thank you so much your majesty.   - That's more like it.   The king goes to the family doctor to explain the situation and his refusal to continue the autopsy: - Understood your majesty!   - Yes, I understand. I consider this to be a call from the ancestors that the queen has answered. I cannot conceive of the queen's corpse undergoing surgery. Still the process will take enough time according to the explanations of your friend, the pathologist.   - I respect your decision your majesty. Once again, please accept my deepest condolences.   - Thank you very much. The royal council will meet and we will decide what will be done to bring our queen to her final resting place.   - It's no problem. I too will ask to leave.   - Okay, Doctor Gbênounkoun.   And so the king escorted Dr. Gbênounkoun out. He then returned to the living room where Madame Yélian was consoling Princess Houenafa:   - Oun oun, does the you while clearing his throat, his hands behind his back.   - Ah your majesty!   - Yes! Thank you very much for taking care of the princess.   - It is my duty to do so, your majesty.   - Thank you very much. Good! I won't be able to go back to work. I will call on the members of the royal cabinet to discuss the Queen's funeral arrangements with them. But before I leave, you were with the Queen yesterday, weren't you?   - That's right, your majesty.   - Did you notice anything suspicious in the Queen's behavior yesterday when you came to see her?   - Not really, your majesty! Except that when I returned, she had to make a speech, if I may say so, that was gloomy. A speech that let us see that she felt her death coming.   - Did she?   - That's right. When she started, I tried to take this idea out of her mouth and out of her head since it was not a good idea to start talking about death. She then understood me, but still stayed true to her conception. In fact, she gave me an appointment this morning to accompany her to an orphanage. It is to come with her that I came to the palace this morning, but great is my surprise when I unfortunately learn the sad information about her death. Sniff!   - Phew! She had foreseen it. Well, good! Please take care of the princess for me!   - You can count on me, your majesty.   - Good! I will inform Noukpo. With him, the notables and myself, we will send the body to the morgue first. I'll come back later.   - Ok, my king. Courage to you.   - Thanks to you.   - Please, your majesty! My princess, please calm down. Your tears will make the queen's soul sadder. Let us pray instead that the lord will open the gates of heaven for her.   - Sniff! It hurts auntie. She shouldn't part with us anytime soon! At only thirty-one years old. Sniff!   - It's God's will, my princess. I am here for you. I'll take care of you from now on.   - Okay, okay, okay. I'll calm down. Sniff," said the princess between sobs with tears rolling down her cheeks!   - Come on, it's okay, honey. Come into my arms.   Madame Yélian then takes the princess Houenafa in her arms, exactly as the queen used to do during her lifetime. Houenafa let herself be cuddled in the arms of the young woman to draw comfort. Mrs. Yelian keeps on saying words of courage and hope to make the princess strong so that she can face this painful and sudden separation. With her words and lullabies, she managed to soothe the princess who finally fell asleep. She went upstairs to her room to get a blanket to cover her with.   EIGHT WEEKS LATER   It has been eight weeks since Queen Agossi passed away and was buried. The announcement was made to King Agboliagbo who had gone to the kingdom of Savalou the same day to see the body of his daughter. Together with the royal council of Savalou, the organization of the funeral of the queen was retained. Thus, within eight weeks, all the ceremonies took place without any incident. The queen's father did not make any noise, contrary to what was said. For him also, it was the call of the ancestors of the kingdom of the queen and those of the kingdom of Savalou. The king had thus just put the love of his life in the ground.   During these eight weeks, which represent a period of two months, the king spent all that time in the palace. He had given himself a rest during the eight weeks to mourn his wife whom he loved so dearly in spite of his deceptions during the queen's lifetime. Today is the end of his mourning. He will have to leave the palace for the first time after the burial of the queen to go to his place of work. A new life will undoubtedly begin for the king. From now on, he will have on his shoulders, all the responsibility of father and mother for Princess Houenafa. Fortunately, Noukpo and Mrs. Yélian are there to help him, because it is more or less with these two people that the princess gets along well.   Since the death of her mother, Princess Houenafa can not separate herself from Mrs. Yélian. She spends almost all her time with her since the beginning of the eight weeks. But she manages to get the princess used to her mother's absence. Little by little, living alone starts to become her habit as well. She is no longer as glued to her adoptive mother, which Mrs. Yélian has become for a few months. She can live alone without seeing her for days or weeks, despite her mother's absence. She is content with the presence of her father and her brother Noukpo and sometimes with the presence of her new mother, Mrs. Yélian. But it must be said that Houenafa has also become very capricious. She will not fail to annoy her father at times and to impose her choices on him. At times, she goes to her mother's room to collect herself and cry…
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