A treacherous friend!

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EPISODE 19 - “What do you think we can start with, Yélian?'' Asks the king, who is very upset by this unworthy attitude of his wife's best friend. As far as I know, you are my wife's best friend, Yélian," the king firmly tells Mrs. Yélian! She sees you as a sister! Why do you keep throwing yourself at me, Yélian? Try to understand the king. - Oh well! As you would like to know, first declare Mrs. Yélian, I will tell you. Well, know that it is because you are one of the great kings. This will not disturb the relationship you have with your wife! I promise you in my honor, his majesty, that I will maintain you well as no one had ever done it until the moment I took the firm resolution to make you live, makes understand Mrs. Yélian by stroking the whitish beards of the king. Hahaha! The king looks at her with astonishment, opening his eyes widely to get a better idea of the substance of Mrs. Yélian's statements. Very soon, she hurried to give an explanation of her statements to the king: - Uh... Apparently, it is said that he does not understand me, our king, the great king Sossou of the great and kingdom of Savalou. In fact! I don't want to take your wife's place. Oh no! On the contrary, I just want to be with you, to take care of you. That's all I want. - “Ah! Phew! Listen to me, Yélian," the king said calmly, to reason with Mrs. Yélian. “The receptionist has been told to give you a comfortable room where you can spend the rest of your weekend. Drink and eat whatever you want, on my account, in my name," the king asks her, now taken by anger. “Whatever you want, Yélian, as long as you show them your card.” - If I have understood you correctly, you are not entering this room with me? - If I brought you here, you should know that it is simply because I am tired of your games in the palace! I don't want to be upset. Now that I'm done with you, I'm asking you to get out of my car, before I start thinking that this is an action that I would call suspicious. The king speaks cruelly to Mrs. Yélian to free himself from her. These words of the king may have shocked Mrs. Yélian, who began by shedding tears on the spot. She was sad and started to tremble like a dead leaf in the car, but the king did not show any sympathy. He orders her to get off by shouting at her this time. She gets out of the car, dead of sadness and bitterness, because, she has just been rejected by the king. The king without waiting any longer starts his car and takes the direction of his palace. ****** The next day, the king goes to his place of work, as every working day. He was there when the door to his office opened and his eyes fell on Mrs. Yélian who was there to visit him. Despite the king's hurtful words and numerous warnings, Mrs. Yélian chose not to give up. She persists and comes to see the king in his office to discuss with him her feelings for him. Dressed in a flowery dress that leaves her thighs visible at first sight, she walks towards the king's seat, forgetting the scene of the day before in the king's Jeep. She lifts one of her half visible legs. She places it on the table, right in front of the king so that he has a view of her thigh. She says to the king after she has finished greeting him and the king has responded in an unwelcome and stern manner: - You brought me to your hotel last Saturday and abandoned me there, says Mrs. Yélian to the king. - With the firm instruction that you be allowed to use the best of the facilities that exist there. And according to the report made to me by my manager, you took advantage of the opportunity. So I would like to understand why you come back to my office with a spirit of ingratitude, seeks to know the king, who now has his face attached. I don't understand you anymore with your attitude of barging into my office unannounced in that outfit! - Hahaha! His Majesty! His majesty, repeats Mrs. Yélian smiling at the king. You know what? Let me tell you that the best gift to give to a person is the exact gift that is that same person! You refuse to give me what I need, while you find time to call me ungrateful. - You know what, Yélian? I took care to give you respect because of Agossi, the queen. - Really? - I'm telling you, Yélian. It is because of my wife that I gave you my respect because she introduced you to me as her best friend, her sister. Now this is what the best friend is doing to you to my wife. Deep down, are you at peace? - I don't regret anything. And then you don't respect me at all as you claim, his majesty! You don't respect me at all, since I have given you what every man is looking for and moreover, I am completely available for you, but what are you doing? Rejecting me as usual. But now I know what you want. - Tell me then, said the king, very irritated. - You want a secret cooperation. That's what you want, but you probably don't know how to do it. Don't you? A secret cooperation that will not be in the palace or in the hotel. The king doesn't say anything more. He keeps his calm. He is so embarrassed by Lady Yélian's words. Faced with his silence, Mrs. Yélian considers that the king would like a secret relationship with her. She says to him: - So in this case, I invite you to my house tonight, declares Mrs. Yélian while touching the king. And believe me my love, it will be an experience you will never forget. She says all this while snuggling up to the king. At the end of her words, she places a kiss on the king's cheek. He does not object. He remained sitting in his seat without trying to react. Mrs. Yélian takes advantage of the king's calm to kiss his neck, then she sends her tongue to the king's ear to lick it. At this point, the king begins by moving his body away from Mrs. Yélian's mouth. He then says to her: - Do you see, Yélian? Now I am totally convinced, that considering your actions, even the useless Jezebel of the Old Testament, is a saint compared to you Yélian. You disgust me. Leave my office immediately. Now," the king orders him in anger. - But...
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