The emergency meeting!

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EPISODE 20 - And don't ever come back. - Your Majesty! - Get out I say, the king shouts. END OF THE FLASH-BLACK When the king comes out of his memories, he speaks to the princess as follows: - You don't even know anything about the woman you present and force me to marry, my daughter. I have sung to you many times that I will know the woman I can marry when I see one! If you allow me, I will continue by studying it, ends up saying the king to his daughter before rising, angry to put an end to the meeting and to go in his room. Noukpo and the princess watch their father withdraw from the living room and go to his room. They say nothing to go against what their father has just said. Princess Houenafa is very surprised to see her father speak in these terms. So she looks for answers to understand the information that her father has about Mrs. Yelian to speak about her in this way. When she notices that her father has entered her room, she quickly approaches Noukpo and says to him with a plaintive voice: - Noukpo? Why don't you talk to dad about treating this woman like a good person? - “It is me who should ask you," corrects Noukpo. You're insulting Dad by implying that he doesn't know what he wants in a woman! I advise you to control what you say to him, Houenafa. He will end up getting angry. What's that? Damn it! Forget about him for a moment I beg you! The two siblings get angry and turn their backs on each other immediately. The very angry princess gets up to go to the palace yard in the garden. She is very unhappy with her elder brother who never supports her in her actions to see Mrs. Yélian and their father together. Noukpo for his part remained seated in the living room. He was there when I fall asleep and he got up to go to his room. The next day, the king, after having received and checked all the copies of the transactions made since January of the previous year until the day he asked to make the inventory, realized that there was an error in the figures. He took the trouble to check a second time to be sure he was not mistaken, but the result was still the same. He realized that a large sum of money had been embezzled by his employees without him suspecting anything all this time. Back home, the king is very angry. He could no longer stand his ground. Noukpo comes to surprise him. Worried to see his father in this state, he does not hesitate to press him with questions to find a solution together with the king: - But Dad, why have you been going around in circles for so long? Try to tell me what's wrong with you, father, otherwise I don't really understand, says Noukpo to his father. What's the problem, Dad? - I have noticed that the sales figures are falling a lot. And this situation makes me very confused. I just don't understand how all this happened. - Seriously? What do you think? - éI'm sure my funds are being embezzled," replies the king with great bitterness. “Phew! There's probably a fraudster in the company. But the biggest problem is that I can't put my finger on what is going on or who is doing it," the king told his son with a sad face. Noukpo found this matter strange. He looked at his father with enough questions to ask him. He did not understand how such a situation could happen without his father feeling it from the beginning. The king is very sad and the expression on his face shows it. - But if this is how it is, I suggest you call a meeting with the General Manager and the Accountant! They are the two people who can really give you answers on this subject, father! In fact, they are in a better position to know more about this story of falling sales. They should be able to provide you with proof. - “Thank you for your idea, my son," said the king with a sad face. “It's a good idea by the way, but I've already done this once and it revealed these flaws. When I did it, it seems that nobody knew exactly what had happened. And the same thing is likely to happen.” - That's all the more reason to get to the bottom of this one, Dad. You almost did. - I didn't want to bother you with the company's problems because you have your own problems with the business you run. Besides, I trusted them. - Trust! You should talk to me about it! Let me make you understand for once that many companies that started like this have gone bankrupt for the same reasons you just mentioned dad. I would like you to correct this situation now and this, once and for all, recommends Noukpo firmly to his father. And as for the question of trust, you should keep an eye on the way the work is done and the way your accountant works. Trust does not exclude being on the lookout. The sad and dejected king looks at Noukpo for a long time, touching his beard. He reflects on the recommendations of his son before reassuring him to do as he proposed: - I heard you my son. I will have to take into account your suggestions to hope to see this matter clearly. Things cannot go on like this. They can't. - I'm glad, Dad. Good luck to you. - Thank you very much, Noukpo. Tomorrow I will call Sagbo and Finagnon to discuss this with them. ****** The next morning at the office, the king asks his private secretary to bring the General Manager and the Accountant to his office to have an emergency meeting with them. Once they arrive in his office, he wastes no time in telling them about his concerns about the copies of documents he had requested...
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