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EPISODE 18 - My beautiful queen mother, answers the king to his wife, Queen Agossi. I want to make this clear... The king turns to face the queen with great seriousness: - So I want to make this clear, here and now, says the king with a rather firm tone. I had to leave you two because you are trying to instill a falsehood in my head. I am a king and there are things I should not pay attention to. - Okay. But I'm going to ask you one thing, says the queen, not very happy with the king's answer. - “What is it?" asked the king. - Please! Make sure that my daughter doesn't notice that you reject everything she says. If she becomes a pilot, it will be for the good of the family. - You should have known me by now. There are things I don't discuss. I'm not going to discuss them with my daughter. When is your friend going to leave? Or even until when will she stay? - “She's come for the weekend," the Queen replies. Please, your majesty! Make her feel comfortable. Please make her feel welcome here in the palace. The king agrees to grant this favor to his wife but with limits. They agree on the king's points and some of the queen's points and then the king goes up to his room while the queen has gone to talk with Princess Houenafa. ****** All royally dressed the next day, the king is back to better feelings towards Mrs. Yélian. They all gathered around the same table to enjoy a good juice as a family. The king took the opportunity to discuss with the queen and Mrs. Yélian about the sector in which he works: the oil sector. He drinks a little of his juice and then puts down his glass and tells them: - But what I just said is the pure truth. All the sectors of oil business are good, says the king while focusing his attention on Madam before continuing. Upstream, downstream and midstream, including oil service companies like ours! - “I totally agree with you," said Mrs. Yélian. - Hehehehehehe! - Do you agree? Asks the queen nervously. - Oh stop it! Don't worry my queen. She just wanted to tease you, answers the king while taking his glass of juice. - Hahahaha! - Hounhounhoun, laughs the king. - It's really better for her! - Hahahaha, laughs Mrs. Yélian. - Oh I completely forgot! - “What is it about?" asks the king, taking his glass out of his mouth. - “Uh... His majesty, I'll be right back," says the queen, getting up from her seat after sipping her juice one last time. The king is very surprised and does not stop looking at his wife strangely. The queen then says to her friend, holding up the ponytail she is holding: - Yélian! Excuse me, I'm coming, says the queen running. Mrs. Yélian did not take her eyes off the queen as she ran towards the interior of the palace. The king, very surprised and lost, turns to Mrs. Yélian: - Yélian, says the king with fury! Why are you looking at my wife like that? - His majesty, answers Mrs. Yélian softly, taking care to seduce the king through games of looks and body movements, before getting up to go towards the king. - “Is everything all right?" the king asks Mrs. Yélian, no longer understanding the game she wants to play. It is then that Mrs. Yélian, without being afraid, goes to stand in front of the king. She bends down and touches the king's chin with sensuality. She puts her lips on the lips of the king to give him a kiss on the lips. It is when she finishes and stands up again that the king holds his mouth, cleaning it. The king's fears become stronger with this action that his wife's best friend has just taken. Mrs. Yélian looks at the king in silence and the king also looks back at her. The two look at each other and Mrs. Yélian turns back to her seat, taking care to watch the queen. The king continues to pass his hand over his mouth. He lowers his head because it is at this moment that the queen appears and tells them: - I am back. I told you I wasn't going to take long, holding a document in her hand that she hands to the king. Oh your majesty, continues the queen. The king takes the documents from the queen's hands and opens it to look inside to see what it is about. They spend some time talking about the document that the queen brought before he decides to withdraw. The king can't get out of his head the scene that just happened between him and his wife's best friend, Mrs. Yélian. He is more than disturbed and could not continue to support the look of the queen and to look at her in return. So he gets up to go and stay alone. Some time later, the king and Mrs. Yélian meet without the queen noticing anything. Mrs. Yélian goes to meet the king at the defined place. When Mrs. Yélian arrives, she joins the king in his Jeep and asks him first: - I wonder why we stayed here in the car, your majesty! I heard that this is a hotel. I'm surprised that we are still here looking at each other, complains Mrs. Yélian. We must be in one of the rooms of this hotel, your majesty! The king, who had been silent all this time, listening religiously to Mrs. Yélian, decided to speak at the end: - Good! Yélian, if I brought you back to this place, it is to bring you back to reason. Therefore, we don't necessarily have to go to a room in this hotel as you wish. I don't see the need to do that. - Uh... Uh... And so, do you think the car would be a good place for us to talk? Asks Mrs. Yélian to the king, making sure to give him dirty looks. The king does not give her an answer. He just squeezes her face. Mrs. Yélian continues her remarks, leading the discussion alone this time: - Seriously! When you asked me to join you in this place, and I came and you asked me to get into the car, I was happy, I was very happy! I thought that at least today we were going to talk and we could start something, says Mrs. Yélian to the king, sending her hand wandering on the king's stomach…
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