Mrs. Yélian's humiliation!

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EPISODE 15 - Ooooh! Princess Houenafa! But I don't bother you at all, answers Dognon with enough serenity! Even your father, King Sossou, knows that my feelings for you are true and pure.   - Hahahaha!   - That's not funny, my princess. All I ask is that you give me a chance to love you! Please, beg Dognon!   - ‘Love who?" the princess asks Dognon. Dognon! Just because I never told you about my Bachelor's degree, it must mean that I'm not up for your idea of dating me, answers the princess in a suave, commanding and adamant voice. I think you've studied hard to understand what I'm saying when I speak to you like this. Please! I don't want to lose another minute because of that, adds the princess.   About to leave him standing to leave, Dognon holds her back:   - ‘Hey, hey," Dognon says, grabbing the princess by the arm. Princess Houenafa, please! Wait! I heard you changed your number. Can you give me your new number? That way I can call you when you're calmer and ready to talk. Okay?   - ‘Hey, mister! Read my lips, make the princess understand! I'm not going to give you my number at all," Houenafa clarified, looking straight into Dognon's eyes without blinking or batting an eye. I'm not going to give you my number for the simple reason that I don't want any trouble. Make sure you keep your distance, so don't call me. Otherwise, I'll report you to the police for harassment so that you'll be arrested, the princess finally says and leaves this time in front of Dognon to go to his car.   - Uh... Princess, says Dognon, trying to grab her by the arm, but the princess avoids him.   - Stop talking to me, says the princess, holding her hand up, warning him off!   The princess leaves him standing and then heads to her waiting car. Dognon walks towards her, calling out: - Princess Houenafa!   She doesn't pay him any attention and finally gets into her car which then starts to drive to the other side of the palace. Confused, Dognon bites his fingers and becomes angry. Dognon watches her drive away, helpless. After the car disappears, Dognon screams loudly.   He then heads inside the company, very upset. Without being announced, he goes directly into the king's office. Once in front of the king, he greets him with a certain familiarity. The king answers him with a lot of familiarity in return and they sit down:   - So how is your father?   - He is very well, my father.   - That's good then, says the king, smiling. Chief Affôgnon! He is very busy lately. I can't even see him anymore.   - Your Majesty! That's the problem with you hard-working people.   - Hahahaha! You can say that again!   - Hahahaha!   - So tell me! How are you doing? And your work? Is it going well?   - Yes! The work is going well, and I'm doing well too!   - Gods be praised!   - “So, your majesty! I have just spoken with the princess," said Dognon directly, without the king asking him why he had come to his workplace, or more precisely to his office.   - “Wow," said the king, raising both his hands. Houenafa! - Yes your majesty! It is about her! And she was hard on me.   - Oh! Really? asks the king with some astonishment.   - Yes your majesty!   - Ah, but you know that Houenafa is still a baby, says the king in defense of his daughter. And one day she will grow up. I remain convinced that very soon she will understand how serious you are. Don't worry. I will talk to her.   - “Thank you very much, your majesty," replies Dognon.   - Wow! Miss Yélian, says the king from his seat!   Dognon turns to look at the person who has just joined them when Miss Yélian raises her voice to greet the king:   - Good afternoon to you your majesty, says Mrs. Yélian as she walks forward with wrappers in her hands! His majesty! I have made a rather special meal just for you. Certainly, you will like it. Shall I open it for you?   The king looks at her, very surprised. He says nothing and just looks at her. Mrs. Yélian did not pay attention to Dognon's presence. Seeing the situation, Dognon calls out to the king and says:   - Your majesty!   - “Oh yes, the king spontaneously answers Dognon. It's time, isn't it?" said the king, with a smile on his face, pointing at Dognon with his index finger to change the turn of the conversation and the situation so as to escape Mrs. Yélian and her meal. Well, let's go! Let's go, said the king, getting up to leave the office with Dognon, leaving Mrs. Yélian alone in the office!   The king passed her and Dognon got up from his seat. Pointing the way out with his finger, Dognon goes in front and the king follows him then the two men leave the office, under the bewildered look of Mrs. Yélian, who is ashamed and humiliated at what the king is doing to her. Mrs. Yélian did not fail to shed tears to show her disappointment and to be humiliated in this way by the king, in the presence of a person that she considers as a stranger. She doesn't know anymore if she should go out or lie down on the floor to be swallowed by the earth.   The king closes the door of his office behind them as they leave. He and Dognon have just arrived at his secretariat. They come across the secretary who is busy with a whole bunch of files that she is hurrying to process, file and send to the king to give his opinion.   As soon as the secretary lifts her head, her eyes fall on the king who was coming out of his office. She then pauses what she is doing and turns her full attention to the king and Dognon…
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