Dognon on the tracks of the princess!

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EPISODE 14 - Now that it's just you and me, tell me what's bothering you so much, Houenafa. What is your problem? I am after all your father, so if it's something, tell me!   - Dad, who was that girl you brought to the hotel this afternoon?   - What? But how did you know that? the king is astonished. This is the second time you've asked me that question, my daughter.   - Mrs. Yélian did indeed tell me.   - Mrs. Yélian told you? asks the king, contracting his face in displeasure. Has she become a detective agent to the point of watching me now or what? What does it all mean?   - No but dad, why are you playing with this wonderful woman's emotions? Why are you doing it?" the princess asked calmly. I'm talking to you like this because this lady was so attached to our mother. She is the one I can replace with my mother, Queen Agossi, right now. She is the one I can call mom, not another one. What I say is not only for me, but it is for the happiness of all of us that I say it. Daddy! - My daughter!   - She has always been there and is still there for us, daddy.   The king listens to her, still angry. So he doesn't say anything. The princess asks him:   - Daddy, aren't you going to say anything?   - What do you want me to say specifically? What do you want me to say about it?   - Ok! Very well! I have another concern in the form of a question for you. Why don't you want to marry Mrs. Yélian? Princess Houenafa finally asks confidently.   - Hmmm! My dear girl! If I see the woman I can marry, I will know it without you telling me, the king makes his daughter understand, calmly.   - Do you see, daddy? You start again with the same arguments. You never put forward anything else as a reason to justify what you say.   - I'm sorry, dear. I'm very exhausted and I have to go to bed now," the king told his daughter as he got up from his seat to give her a kiss on her forehead. Good night!   Displeased, she said nothing. She watches her father go to his room. After spending some time alone in the dining room, she finally got up and went to her room.   The next day, the princess wakes up to the same song as the day before. This time, she is in front of her older brother Noukpo. Both are in the billiard room of the royal palace. She keeps raising her voice, while her brother calms her down, but she doesn't listen to him:   - But no, Houenafa! What are you talking about? Calm down! It's morning!   - Why should I calm down, Noukpo? asks the princess. Calm down for what? Why are you staying on this? Why do you stay on this? Why don't you tell Dad the truth instead of letting him? - You ask me why?   - Yes! Tell me why? You need to talk to Dad and not keep supporting him like you always have. You really need to talk to him. I've told him everything, but he refuses to marry Mrs. Yélian, and for no reason!   - Listen to me Houenafa! You must give him time. For me, the choice of finding a woman to replace my mother is not so easy to make. Let's give her some time, Houenafa!   - “You don't understand Noukpo! You don't understand the problem," the princess tried to explain to her brother. What I fear is that Daddy will be captivated by his daughters. That's all! They will ruin everything I tell you. It's true what I'm telling you, brother," Houenafa tried to explain to Noukpo in a whining voice. You and I both know that Daddy is too weak in front of the girls!   - In the same way, young girl, you and I know that dad is mature enough to deal with his problems.   - “No you don't," replied the princess.   - But he doesn't bring the girls home!   - “Noukpo," said the princess, staring into the void in front of her. I want you to think with me. Please! I want you to understand me!   - I understand very well what you are saying, Houenafa!   - “No! You don't understand. You don't understand. Why did I even talk to you? Excuse me," said the princess as she pushed her brother past her and out of the playroom.   - Houenafa listen! Houenafa! Houenafa!   The princess does not look at him. She leaves the room directly without turning back under the astonished look of Noukpo. Noukpo then asks himself:   - Why is it even a problem for you? Héhé! It's amazing that!   He then starts to play billiards by himself.   The princess leaves the game room and goes directly to her father's place of work. She finishes talking with him and turns around normally. She comes across a man who seems to be an acquaintance of hers and her brother at the entrance of the business. The man waves to her and she stops. After the usual greetings and courtesies, the two engage in a discussion that relates both to the family business, the princess' brother and the princess:   - “Uh... To my knowledge only, my brother is not working on the case you just mentioned. And for your personal information, he is not part of AKÖGNON anymore. He has his own business that he runs now," said the princess with a contracted face.   - Of course I know that. I know that your brother hasn't worked for AKOGNÖN for a while, but I'm not here to see your brother. I'm here to see you, my princess.   - And what does that mean? What am I supposed to understand by that? But you know what? I'm curious to know how you could know that I'm here, in this place, to find myself. I would like to know because I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I left the palace and left my brother there and even he doesn't know where I went.   - “My princess! Do we have to talk about this every day?" asked the man in front of the princess. Let me make one thing clear. When a man loves a woman, he, he will do anything he can to get to know her! Please don't be angry with me. If I did it my princess, it is because I care about you, make the young man standing in front of the princess understand.   - Dognon, said the princess to point to her interlocutor!   - Yes my princess!   - Do you know what it means to disturb a person?...
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