The princess's wishes!

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EPISODE 13 - “You look very pretty, my princess," said Mrs. Yélian, pulling away from Houenafa.   - “Thank you mother. You look lovely," replied the princess, admiring Mrs. Yélian's clothing. Isn't it so, daddy? asks the princess to her father, turning to him.   - “Good morning, Your Majesty," says Mrs. Yélian, bowing to the King's presence.   - “Good morning, Mrs. Yélian," replies the king, barely looking at Mrs. Yélian's face, and then looking away from her into the living room.   - Uh... In fact...   - “Well, says the king to cut him off and get out of the room before they hold him back again to take all his time. I think I will leave now. I'll see you after," the king tells the princess, who is surprised that her father is so eager to get to work when he sees Mrs. Yélian.   The two women surprised, they look at the king without adding anything; then the king to say then to the princess:   - You understood me well I suppose. Good day, then the king runs out of the palace to join his office!   - Ok daddy, finally answers the princess, throwing glances to her father, while the king already crossed the steps of the door of the lounge.   - Yeah, sends her father to whom his words manage to reach.   - “Mom, you look very beautiful," said the princess, looking at Mrs. Yélian.   - Do I? - Yes, you do.   - Thank you very much, my princess. It's nice to hear you say it, if it's the truth, of course.   They burst out laughing. Mrs. Yélian opens her arms and once again she and the princess embrace. When she unties herself, the princess says to her:   - It's the truth, mom. Let's go and sit down. Let's sit down.   They finish to sit down then madam puts down the bag which she holds in hand then asks the princess by looking her right in the eyes:   - But my princess! Why is your face like that? Were you arguing with the king before I came?   - “No," replies the princess, nonchalant. Didn't you notice that he didn't even welcome you earlier when you came to this house?   - Oh, is that all?   - Yes, Mom. I don't appreciate this at all.   - Oh, don't beat yourself up about your father's reaction. I've already been inoculated against that. I'm already prepared for it and have been doing it for a while. So don't worry, reassures Mrs. Yélian, her eyes drowning in the nothingness in front of her.   - I still don't understand why my father doesn't do me this favor, the princess wonders, plaintive. Why does he refuse to grant me this favor? Why does he refuse to do me this favor? I asked him to take you as his wife. By the way, I remember that you were here when my mother was still alive. And even in her absence, you were always there for us! You are the mother we have now. I don't know why my request doesn't work with him. What is it that he...can't understand!   - “Don't worry," Mrs. Yélian tells him. I am optimistic about this. If there's one thing I'm sure of, my daughter, it's that he will understand one day. So, please! Don't make it a problem. I just want you to be well. Do you understand? The princess looks at her without saying anything. So she said to her:   - So, smile! Go ahead and smile! Give me a smile, my dear!   The princess smiled at her in spite of herself. Mrs. Yélian then said to her:   - Well, well, well! I wasn't going to forget that!   She sends her hand to the white bag that she had kept in her hand while coming to the palace earlier and she says to the princess:   - This is for you.   - What is it? What's inside?   - It's up to you to find out! Go on, open it! Open it!   - “Oh, it's very beautiful," said the princess after opening the bag to see its contents.   - So, do you like it?   - Very much so! It's so beautiful that words won't be enough to describe this big marvel, mom. Oh, I am so happy. It's a gift that makes me so happy.   - “I... I had," Mrs. Yélian tried to explain to the princess how she could have the jewel.   The princess threw herself into her arms to thank her for her gesture.   - “I knew you would like it," says Mrs. Yélian.   - Thank you very much, Mom. - Indeed, I saw it yesterday when I came home from work. I... I thought it was so beautiful and right then and there I thought that this kind of jewelry, that my baby would definitely like it.   - Oh! I love it.   - That's how I bought this and I thought I would bring it to you this morning before I went to work!   - I definitely love it, mom. Not going to lie to you, I think it is very wonderful.   - I'm glad you liked it so much.   - “Once again, thank you so much," said the princess as she threw herself into Mrs. Yélian's bars and hugged her.   - You're welcome my daughter.   The two women smile at each other as soon as they detach themselves. Mrs. Yélian stays to chat with the princess for a few more minutes before she decides to go to work.   On the evening of the return home after work, the king and his two children meet at the table to have dinner together, as is the custom in their home. During the dinner, the princess remained silent without intervening in the discussions. As soon as they finish eating, the maids come by to clear the table. The king takes breaks the ice:   - My darling! What kind of problem do you have? Why don't you tell us about it so that we can help you find solutions, instead of keeping silent? asks the king to the princess after the maids have left. Is it money you need by any chance? How much do you need? Tell me and I'll give it to you.   - “I don't think she has a money problem right now, Dad. Her problem is somewhere else," Noukpo replied, faced with the silence of her little sister, Princess Houenafa.   - What is her problem in this case, Noukpo? She hasn't even touched her food. So what's the problem that takes away her appetite? - Excuse me, my phone is ringing.   He picks up the call and talks for a while, then asks permission to continue his call in the palace courtyard. After he leaves, the king continues his discussion with his daughter…
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