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EPISODE 17 - “Of course," replies the princess to counterattack her father. - Of course I'm going to bring her into this conversation because she has to be part of this family! She gave me the feedback on how you treated her when she left your office just because she brought you food! What's that, Dad? The king positions himself well in his seat. He gives the princess a dirty look and then looks away. The princess comes back to defend Mrs. Yélian again: - “Don't you see that she worries about us too much? Can't you? Daddy! You're playing with this woman's emotions and that's not a good thing. It's not good," says Princess Houenafa, looking at Noukpo. The king no longer argued with the princess. She had just proved to him that he was wrong not to take Mrs. Yélian's feelings into account. They look at each other in silence, all three. Suddenly, the king remembered a situation from the past. The memories were so strong that he had to travel his entire mind back in time to remember this unforgettable situation. The king indeed remembered a discussion she had with Queen Agossi during her lifetime a few days before Princess Houenafa went to the United States for her training. FLASH-BACK The king and his wife are sitting on the veranda of the royal palace. They are sitting around a table sipping fruit spray while enjoying the cool morning air. The queen speaks up and then tells the king her joy: - I am so delighted that finally Princess Houenafa has agreed to study aviation. This has always been my wish for her, my king. - Since you always wanted it! - “Oh yes, of course! And I think she would have benefited more from it than if she had studied medicine," added the queen. - “How can you be sure of that?" asks the king. - “Maybe you'll figure it out later," the queen replied, with all the confidence she had left. But I am so happy! I am so happy that my baby is already a pilot in the making. And my friend also shared the same opinion as me and she is happy, the queen completed with a smile. - How come I feel that everything is about your friend? - Your majesty, am I still going to mention Yélian in this matter? Oh yes, I think so, your majesty. I had discussed with her and we still confirmed that pilots, pilots have more respect than medical doctors. - “I'm sorry my dear, but you can't make that argument anywhere," the king refuted flatly. You can't even support it in this house. In any case! Besides, Yélian isn't even qualified to propose anything to you, the king adds before bringing his glass of juice to his mouth to empty it halfway. - “Your majesty," Queen Agossi says sharply. But why do you always reject everything that comes from my friend? - But that's how it is, my dear! It is like that! Aah! It's me who's talking to you, says the king and brings his glass to his mouth again! The queen wants to do the same. But when she raises her glass and looks in front of her, her face changes. The king also looks in the same direction as Queen Agossi and then says: - Oh, we're talking about the wolf and we see its tail! I didn't even know she was here. It was Mrs. Yélian who had just entered the palace. Dressed in jeans, green color, she wears a simple nylon top. She wears her glasses and like all the women, she holds in hand her purse of black color. Her neck is highlighted by jewels that sparkle in contact with the first sun of the morning. With her phone in her second hand, she walks straight towards the king and queen. Her hair performs springy movements to the rhythm of her steps. Once a face of the royal couple, she says: - Hello your majesty! I see that you are having a good time with my friend. The king looks at her without answering anything in return. Mrs. Yélian then hands her cell phone directly to the queen and says exactly this: - I just came to give you this. Here you go! You have to call the president. It's very urgent. As soon as the queen takes the phone from her hand she adds: - Thank you. She does not wait any more before turning around. But very quickly, the queen hurries to call her: - Uh... Wait, Yélian! Please! Can you confirm to my husband that Houenafa will make a good pilot rather than a medical doctor? - “Oh certainly," Mrs. Yélian replies on the spot. It's just that there are enough medical doctors here and there, in all the families, but the pilots are less, argues Mrs. Yélian with a smile to the king. So it won't be a bad idea to have a pilot in the royal family! The king is content to enjoy his juice while Mrs. Yélian is busy justifying herself. When she finishes, the queen happily exclaims: - “You see! I told you so," defends the queen, smiling and happy. - “Well, says the king while putting his glass on the table. I don't think I'm ready to talk about these things now. Make yourself comfortable," said the king, standing up with his glass of juice in hand. I'll be in my room. As the king left, the queen kept looking at Mrs. Yélian with admiration, giving her a big smile. Mrs. Yélian feeling embarrassed, looks at the king with indignation and says: - Hmmm! The queen having noticed that says to him: - You can join me eh Mrs. Yélian, offering to come and sit and drink with her! - No, it's okay, my dear. There is no problem. Thank you. I was just about to leave. I was just about to leave. Mrs. Yélian declined the offer and went back to the guest room that the Queen had arranged for her on her return from the United States. A few minutes later, the queen joined the king and reproached him for his behavior towards her best friend: - But your majesty! Why did you sabotage my friend like that? You keep giving my friend the impression that you don't like her. And that's not fair…
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