Noukpo's suggestions!

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EPISODE 21 - Well, gentlemen, last time I had instructed my secretary to tell you to furnish me with copies of the detailed accounts of all the transactions made from January of the past year to date. In what I have received, everything seems to be confused. And I find many discrepancies in the account. What is wrong with it? Is there anything you two need to explain to me?" the king asks the two men who are looking at him with great calm and serenity. - ‘’Oun oun," says Finagnon, the accountant, clearing his throat. First of all boss, he continues, I am sorry about the confusion. But the fact is that everything is correct, defends the accountant with great confidence. - Uh... Right! I think you've gone through everything you asked for," says the General Manager as he speaks. And I am reassured that the figures correspond... - Of course," said the King, cutting off Sagbo, who had been the company's General Manager until then. The numbers can only match," the king replied, without letting the CEO get to the bottom of his explanations. But somehow, there are unreconciled elements," justifies the king, pointing to the account on the documents in front of him. I am now convinced that my funds are being embezzled, says the king. It confuses me," says the king, looking them straight in the eye. - Oh no! You don't need to be confused, sir! And besides, I would like to reassure you that your funds are not misappropriated. Such a situation cannot occur when you have Mr. Finagnon AGBOSSOU and me as General Manager and Accountant. - Precisely boss! And on this point I fully agree with Mr. Sagbo. Mr. Sagbo is right! I manage the accounting for which I am responsible with great care, if not, I would even say that I manage it with extreme care. I do not allow myself to make mistakes with my work. All the results I produce are always accurate. - Thank you Mr. Finagnon. Also, I would like to add boss, that in reality, the only thing that affects our business and that makes you believe, I think, that your funds are stolen, is the fall in the price of goods, defends the General Manager while glancing at Finagnon. - Exactly," says Finagnon in support of his colleague. - But in spite of that, the company is still having, sir! - Absolutely, sir, the accountant supports him. The king looks at them in turn without having a contrary answer to give to the justifications brought by the two agents to defend themselves. The king allows them to withdraw. The king continues to think about what ideal solutions to find to succeed in seeing clearly the background of this story that will soon give him insomnia if he does not solve it very quickly. When Sagbo and Finagnon leave the king's office and find themselves alone in the company's corridors, Sagbo has a number of things to clarify with the accountant while it's still possible to prevent the situation from getting worse. He doesn't hesitate to let his colleague know his point of view about this financial scheme of which they are the instigators: - Finagnon! In all sincerity, I don't think we should continue things this way," Sagbo tells the accountant. I do think we should stop like this, because the fact that the CEO started by suspecting us is not good for us at all. - ‘’Come on, Sagbo," replies Finagnon to his colleague and accomplice Sagbo. Are you afraid or what? Don't you trust me anymore? - It's not that I don't trust you anymore, but the situation is about to get out of hand! Do you see what could happen to us? The prison! - Now listen to me, Sagbo. None of that will happen. I am an expert in accounting! You shouldn't forget that. And I reassure you once again that it will never be possible for anyone to discover the fraud that I, Finagnon AGBOSSOU, was able to organize," said the accountant confidently, beating his chest as a sign of confidence in his theft techniques. Trust me and stay calm brother. Look at how you are sweating profusely. - Yes, I know you're a fraud god, but... - There is no hand holding here Sagbo, my brother. Remember that we are building a house, each of us. Do I have to tell you again that we cannot finish building these houses if we stop embezzling from this company? I want to finish the construction of my house and the salary we earn here is not going to be used to do it. It is not possible! Or tell me! Don't you want to finish building your house? Asks Finagnon to his colleague, looking him straight in the eyes. Do you really understand me? We don't have to suffer for money. A second time, do you understand me, Sagbo? - Yes, I do. Well... - Well, Finagnon is happy to have his accomplice with him to continue the fraud! - I... - So, the deal goes on, says Finagnon, all happy. Deep down, Sagbo's heart is not at rest and his mind is not at peace. He does not want to disappoint his friend and colleague Finagnon, but on the other hand, he wants to finish building his house with the money he and the accountant stole from the company. So he agrees to continue to defraud with Finagnon, the pioneer of this fraud idea. He agrees to cooperate. Back home in the evening, the king met with Noukpo in the palace's game room to report on his meeting with the accountant and the General Manager: - Phew! They reassured me that everything was fine, son. They said that the only problem affecting the company was the fall in the price of goods. - And what do you think, Dad? What did you give them in return? Did you believe them? - I don't know, son. I don't even know what to believe, replied the king, very perplexed. But if there is one thing I am one hundred percent convinced of, it is that my funds are being embezzled. Even though I do not know how, he adds by looking Noukpo in the eyes, the dejected air. - But if that's the case father, find a solution to put an end to this big mess once and for all! You must understand that if the tree does not produce a good fruit anymore, it is a sign that the roots of the tree have a problem, father! I find that you have not yet succeeded in discovering all that is organized to prevent discovering and the people who are at the origin of this. If I have any other advice to give you, Father, it is to call in a professional auditing agency to perform a second opinion. That's the right thing to do, Father…
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