Travel of the soul!

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EPISODE 06 - Thank you so much sister. That's really nice. Your visit has allowed me to free myself from all these weights that have been weighing on me. Now I feel free and very light in my head and in my soul and conscience. May God and the spirits of our ancestors bless you and bring you safely home.   - Amen! When the princess gets here, tell her that I have already left. I will come back to visit you often enough since I am present in the kingdom now.   - It will make my daughter and me very happy. Especially, please Yélian! When the time comes and I am no longer of this world, don't forget to continue to take care of my daughter and to educate her as your own blood. I can see how much she is attached to you and loves you. It is clear and indisputable that she likes you very much. I know you can be a good mother.   - Thank you very much for trusting me, Agossi, but please stop talking in those terms. We all know we're going out of this world any day now, but it's not going to happen soon. Stop talking like that. You'll make me sad all night.   - Oh no, my dear! I'm sorry. It's not to make you sad, but that's life. We don't hold the key to longevity," said the Queen, smiling at Mrs. Yélian. Only God has the power and he grants it to whom he wants and how he wants.   - Hahaha! It is true. May God grant us a long life to have white hair.   - Amen! Come on! I'll ask the driver to drop you off. Don't worry about it.   - Okay fine; got it. Thank you very much. In the next few days I'll have to buy a car for my travels. Having a car these days has become a matter of necessity, not luxury.   - Hahaha! Indeed. By the way, do you have a schedule tomorrow morning?   - Not at the moment. Would you like me to come and help you with something, my queen?   - In a way, yes Yélian. Tomorrow at nine o'clock I would like to go to the city to an orphanage for charity. I'll be happy if you come with me.   - In that case, you can count on me. Even if I happen to have another agenda, I will postpone it to another time. I can't refuse to do my queen a favor.   - Hahaha! Very good! Thank you for giving me your availability in advance.   - It's an honor for me right now.   - Hahaha! Well, it's getting late. I've kept you too long. Come with me. I'll signal the driver to drop you off before the traffic gets heavy enough.   - As you wish, your highness!   The queen signals the driver as promised. He takes the car out of the garage and the queen invites Mrs. Yélian to sit down. They hugged one last time and Yélian got into the Range Rover. The driver drives towards the house of Mrs. Yélian to drop her off.   The next morning, the king woke up and went to his place of work, which was located two kilometers from the royal palace building. Contrary to his habit of going to the office late, he was very early that day to set a good example for his employees.   A few minutes later, the princess woke up and arrived in the living room. She sits down after a while and then gets up. She walks to her mother's door to greet her and check on her, something she was not used to doing in the past. When she gets to the door, she pushes on the handle but the door doesn't give way. Usually, the queen always leaves her door unlocked when she is inside. But tonight, when she goes to bed, she takes care to block the back door and leaves the key. Surprised, the princess starts knocking on the door but receives no answer from the bedroom. She picked up her phone and called her mother's number right away. The phone rings from the bedroom, but unfortunately the queen doesn't pick up. The princess's worries begin to grow. She approaches the door again, sticking her right ear against the door and calling her mother:   - Mom are you there? Mom, is everything okay with you in the room?   Still without an answer, she leaves the door and goes to the maids. She asks them if they have already seen her mother this morning, but they all answer in the negative. When she approaches the royal guards as well, it is the same answer that the maids served her a short time ago that they serve her too. Worried, she decides to call her father to inform him of the situation and to ask if he has seen her when she wakes up before going to the office. The king's number rang, but he didn't pick up any time soon. It is only at the fourth ring that he picks up:   - Good morning daddy, the princess starts to say as she hasn't seen her father all day.   - My princess! How are you, baby?   - Daddy I'm fine. I hope you are too.   - Yes, my daughter. But is everything all right? I'm surprised to see you calling at this hour. What's wrong?   - It's mom, dad.   - Your mother?   - Yes, father.   - Is something wrong with her? What's wrong with her?   - Dad, you ask me too many questions at once. Did you see her this morning when you left the palace?   - No, I didn't. She was still sleeping when I left the palace.   - And since I woke up and knocked on her door to check on her, I haven't heard a response. Her door is locked. That's pretty strange. Mom doesn't usually lock her door when she's inside. Better yet, I call her, but she doesn't answer her phone. Do you think something bad has happened to her, Dad?...
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