The death of Queen Agossi!

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EPISODE 07 - Keep calm my baby. Nothing will happen to your mother. Go to my room and look on the nightstand next to my bed. You will find a key on it. Take this and use it to open the door to your mother's room. This is the spare key she gave me. As soon as you do, call me back and let me know what's going on so I know what to do.   - Okay, Dad. I'll be right there.   - I'll be waiting for you.   - Okay, Father.   Click!   As soon as the princess hangs up, she rushes to the room to get the spare key to her mother's room. She finds the key indeed in the place her father indicated to her. She retrieves it and goes back to her mother's room. As soon as she inserts the key and turns it, it does not turn. She does everything possible, but the key refuses to turn in the lock. Indeed, the queen had taken care to leave her own key in the door from the inside. This prevented anyone from the outside to open the door. The princess became more worried and began to sweat profusely. She then called her father back as he had asked her to do so. As soon as the king hears the information, he leaves his workplace to rush to the palace to see what was wrong with his own eyes. When he arrived at the palace gate, he met Yélian who was getting out of the cab. The two greet each other and when the gate opens, the king's vehicle enters the palace courtyard followed by Yélian. She falls on the princess who is not quiet in her movements. She rushes towards her. At the same time, the princess also goes towards her father:   - Good arrival dad.   - Thank you, my daughter.   - My princess, says Yélian.   - Hello, Mrs. Yélian.   - Is there anything wrong here? Where is the queen?   - It's for her that I just brought my father from his job to the palace. I don't know what's going on. I stopped by to see her when I woke up, but she didn't answer me and her door is locked.   - Damn it!   - Follow me," the king told the princess and Mrs. Yélian.   They all go to the queen's door. The king tries to open the door but he can't. They are all panicking now. They are all panicked now. The king then calls in some guards to force the door. They use their physical strength to break the door. The door gives way under the force of the guards. They rush into the room and fall on the queen. She is still lying in bed, face down. The king touches her and the princess, but she does not react. They lift her hand, but she still makes no movement. The supple movement of the queen's arm brings tears to the king's eyes. The princess having seen her father in tears is astonished and asks him:    - Daddy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?   The king still does not answer. His tears continued to flow. Yélian is left without words, while the guards look at each other, helpless and lost in front of the king's tears. The king comes out of the room and grabs his phone to call the royal family doctor:   - Hello your majesty!   - Hello doctor Gbênounkoun! Come immediately to the palace to see my wife. It is a case of extreme urgency.   - Right away, your majesty. I'm on my way.   - Please!   Click!   Just as the king is making his call, the princess joins him and everyone else. Their eyes are filled with worry and fear. The princess has not stopped pushing her father, King Sossou, to explain what is going on with her mother, Queen Agossi:   - But father! Tell us something! You're scaring us, especially me.   - “Keep calm, dear," said the king, taking the princess in his arms. I just called the doctor and he is already on his way. He will come to do consultations for your mother and we will know what is wrong.   - Dad, I'm scared. I don't want to lose mom. Please do something.   - Your mother will be fine, honey. The doctor will take care of her. She must have had a fit during the night.   - I'm going to move out of my room and sleep next to her now so I can keep an eye on her.   - Yes, that's right, my princess. You are right.   The doctor finally arrived at the palace. Led by one of the guards to the queen's room, he goes to meet the king. He goes into the room and checks the princess' breathing and then her blood pressure and straightens up before putting his hands around her hip to look at the queen's body. He examines the queen once more and turns to the king, with his eyes all red:   - Come with me, please, your majesty!   The king follows him and they move aside, then Doctor Gbênounkoun lowers his head, then raises it again and says to the king:   - Excuse me for what I am going to say to you your majesty! I know that you are a strong man. You must therefore show yourself to be strong in the face of this situation that falls upon you. The queen, your wife went to Allada. - “What?" exclaimed the princess who had just approached the doctor and her father without either of them realizing her arrival. Doctor? My mother is dead you just said?   - Hmmm, can be heard in the rank of the royal guards. Our queen?   - Calm down my princess. I am truly sorry. I am sorry for your loss, your majesty.   - “What did she die of, doctor?" asks the king, whose eyes have already turned from white to bright red.   Mrs. Yélian, who has heard the princess' words from afar, holds her head. With teary eyes, she moves closer to the princess to take her in her arms to comfort her. But the princess is inconsolable in the face of this painful trial of life. The king looks at her from the arms of Mrs. Yélian in silence. He already knew it when he lifted the queen's arm and her arm was very soft. He still wanted the doctor to come and see so that he could be sure that his wife really went to Allada, as the doctor just said…
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