Face to face!

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EPISODE 12 - Since this is the time you yourself got home from work, it's a good thing he's not back yet! But if there's one thing I'm convinced of, it's that he's currently in the arms of women who aren't even worthy of him. Damn it! Daddy doesn't want to change. Don't you see? I'm sure Dad hasn't stopped playing his flirtation game with the young women of the kingdom. It's an obvious fact that you're hiding from me.   - Don't talk nonsense, Houenafa. For your own good, please stop worrying so much about Dad. You'll give yourself unnecessary headaches every time.   - What you are saying is not logical, Noukpo. What you are saying does not make sense.   - And what is not logical about what I am saying?   - How can daddy keep playing with other girls outside when Mrs. Yélian is there hoping he will marry her? Is that disrespectful or what is that?   - I honestly don't know. What about you?   - What about me?   - Now listen to me. I'm going to tell you one more time. It's been a long time since you were in the kingdom. Are we clear?   - That's what would justify these deviant behaviors of daddy's, right? If that's what it is, tell me!   - That's not what I want to talk to you about. I just want to tell you that with time, you will get used to everything that happens in this palace where you grew up. Come on! Don't worry about daddy anymore. By the way! Have you eaten yet?   - How can I eat while you're all out? I'm not hungry.   - I'm hungry. And I think you must be hungry too. Let's get up and eat. Dinner should be served by now. Come on! Come with me.   The princess complies with her brother's orders and then the two of them head to the dining room. As soon as they finish eating, her eyes get so heavy that she couldn't keep awake to watch her father's return. She got up and went to her room to sleep. It is only in the early morning that she wakes up unfortunately, very angry.   As soon as she gets up from her bed, she leaves the room to go to the living room, waiting for her father to come down from his room, located upstairs, to talk to him. She is impatient to see him come down. She still takes the trouble to sit down and keep her calm, in order to succeed in getting answers from her father who will soon come down from his room to go to his place of work. Arms crossed, she gets up from her seat to stand when she feels footsteps coming from the floor:   - “Oh, Princess Houenafa! You're already awake," the king says as soon as he sees the princess as he walks down the stairs to the living room!   - Yes, Father! Good morning father.   - You are very early. Good morning baby!   - Daddy, do you want to go to work already?   - Whew! I don't understand your question, my princess, the king is surprised. Didn't I once make you understand in this palace that I am not one of those kings who live only on the back of the income that the kingdom brings them? I work, Houenafa. I am a businessman. Don't you know that? I have a business that is flourishing quite well right now! So, my dear, I have to go to work, since I have an obligation of result.   - “It's not just that, Father," replied the princess. You are certainly in the early morning, since yesterday you went to work. You see that? And already you want to go away again, Dad!   - Good! If I follow your logic, it's because you don't want me to go to work anymore. Is that what you want me to understand?   - “Oh no, Dad! That's not really my problem," the princess corrects.   - Then what is the real problem, Houenafa?   - I would like to know where you were last night, Dad.   - Just like the last time. Well, my daughter! I'm already late, please. We'll talk about it when I get home from work tonight. Do you understand me?   - No, Father. But Father, why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me, your daughter?   - But I don't understand what you just said," replied the king. What have I done now?   - Well! Daddy! Please! I want you to marry Mrs. Yélian. Please daddy; I beg you to do it for me.   The king looks away, exhausted by the questions but especially by the subject that the princess has just broached. In a plaintive voice, the princess asks him again:   - As I have sung to you so often, Daddy, marry a woman who will be able to be my mother! I beg you, my love. My own father. This is the only thing I ask of you, Father. Nothing more. Daddy, I'm sorry!   - I've listened to you, my dear. We'll talk about it when I get back. Time flies. Come on, hold your kiss, said the king while placing a kiss on the forehead of the princess.   The king was about to leave when the door of the living room opened on him and the princess to let Mrs. Yélian enter. The king ticked and took a step back, looking at this woman that his daughter was forcing on him, so that he could make her his new mother. Very happy to see her in the presence of her father, the princess shows her joy to see her. While she goes towards Mrs. Yélian, the king makes his back to them so that his glance does not cross the glance of Mrs. Yélian. The princess keeps smiling at Mrs. Yélian. She hurried to greet her:   - Good morning mom, says the princess all smiling and happy! - My dear, are you well this morning?   - "Yes, I'm fine, Mama," said the princess as she went into Mrs. Yélian's arms…
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