Yélian's visit!

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EPISODE 04 The king is angry. He doesn't know what to say to his daughter to end this story. The princess then asks him: - Daddy, aren't you going to say anything anymore? - “What do you want me to say?" asks the king nervously. - Ok that's fine! I have a question to ask you then. Why can't you stay faithful to mom? - My dear girl, I don't want you to get so involved in this story. Let me settle it with your mother. - You're doing it again with the same excuses. You see? You have no reason to justify this life you lead. No reason at all! - I'm sorry, honey. Now I have to go to bed. I'm going to get sleepy first. Come on! Kiss my darling! Come on, good night! The king gets up to end the conversation. So much this discussion begins by putting him out of it. Before going to his room, he puts a kiss on the forehead of the princess. Disgruntled, my princess does not answer her father. He leaves her in the dining room and goes to her room. The princess did not stop giving him angry looks. The next morning, the queen received a visit from one of her former friends who lives in the United States and with whom the princess stayed during her stay to complete her continuing education. When the queen is informed by one of the palace maids of the visit of her long-time friend, she leaves her room and goes to her in the living room. When the woman sitting in the living room sees the queen arrive, she gets up to meet her. The two women hug each other, happy to have found each other after many years of not seeing each other. They embrace each other for a moment, smiling, while exchanging words of reunion. When they loosen up, the queen spends her time contemplating her long-time friend before exclaiming : - Wow! So it's really you I see in front of me? - Yes, it is. Why do you find it hard to believe? I'm not a ghost, Agossi; well, Queen Agossi! The two women let themselves be carried away in a hilarity before the queen continues her words: - Actually, I didn't expect to see you here at all. You didn't tell me you were coming. That's why I'm surprised, but at the same time, I'm delighted to see you finally, after all these years. But you should have told me you were coming, so I could organize a little party for your return, Yelian! - I just wanted to surprise everyone. I'm really sorry. - Don't worry about it. Come and sit down my dear. Welcome back to the fold, to the land of your ancestors. I am happy to see you back on top form. - Me too my queen. So how are things around here in the kingdom? - It's going great Yélian. I'm here with the management and the household. It's just not easy. - I don't doubt that at all. Difficulties, there will be no shortage of them considering the greatness of the position you hold. - Hahaha! Is this just a temporary or permanent return? - Well, that's final, but I'll be sure to visit the US from time to time since I have business there. But living there is not really a priority for me anymore. - I understand. And really, thank you so much for taking good care of my daughter if she was hers. She gave me an update on how well you took care of her while she was staying with you. - “Oh, I'm glad, but you don't have to thank me for so little. You're welcome," said a smiling Yélian. So, what about your husband, the king? - Ah! The king! He is well. He must be in his office at work. It's on the other side of the palace. It's about two kilometers from where we are now. - Oh, my. That's something new. I thought he used to devote himself solely to his royal function! - You did say once, didn't you? - That's right," answers Yelian with a smile. - That's the old story. He decided he didn't want to be one of those kings who only lived off the kingdom's income. So he set up a business that he is currently running with his adopted son, his nephew Noukpo. - I am really happy and agree with him. He made a very good choice. - It's not entirely wrong what you say. But you know what? - Tell me everything my queen! - In your absence, enough has happened. I even left the palace a few months ago to go and stay with Princess Afiavi in Somê! - The little sister of King Sossou? - Of course she did. It was not easy. My husband became unbearable and started to be interested in my maids. It's quite a long story that could take days to tell. - How incredible! With all that you have experienced since your father's house in Agbomey? It's really mean and ungrateful of him. But what really happened my queen? I have no flight waiting for me Agossi. So I have plenty of time to listen to you. Go on, tell me. The queen then took a deep breath and began to tell her friend the story from the beginning with her sister Agôyi until her arrival in the kingdom of Savalou. She tells her the story of how Mindésè led to the birth of a boy and how the child died afterwards. She also tells Yélian about the episode of Adjoa, her maid whom she brought from Agbomey with her and who ended up dating the king later. She also told him how the king chased her out of the palace so that she could take refuge with Princess Afiavi in Somê. She also told Yélian the circumstances in which she returned to the palace after the death of Adjoa and her sister directly by poison administered by Adjoa in the meal to kill the notables, because she wanted to discover his schemes. - This is the situation until my return to the palace. I am not a witness to the facts, since I was no longer part of the palace at the time the events took place. This is what Father Ibrahim told me and I told you about Adjoa's life and her death after I left the palace...
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