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"H..How did you do that?” she finally asked when she could push behind the shock and let the oxygen go into her lungs. Both the male ignored her and started their conversation like they hadn't just literally given her a heart attack. "What's she doing here?" Dylan asked with barely controlled voice. "She is staying here for three months." The shock was instant and clear on Dylan's face, "Are you telling me that a girl will be staying in our home that's forbidden for any outsider for nearly three centuries?” "Yes, for three months." Elijah replied. His face remained strong and devoid of any feeling of regret, "That's exactly what I'm saying." "She'll be staying here as your Keep?" Suddenly the true meaning behind Elijah's words clicked into place in Dylan's mind. "Yes." On the other hand, taking their never ending weird conversation as an opportunity to run, Ally slowly started slipping towards the door. "Not accepting the new rule was our decision. Yours decision. What's changed now?" Dylan asked. Even though he didn't doubt his brother's decision, he found it essential to know the reason behind sudden change of will in Elijah. "I want her." Elijah said as he looked straight in Dylan's eyes. And Dylan knew if Elijah wanted something, then it must be worth having and fighting for. Suddenly they watched as Ally ran right past them like her ass was on fire while screaming at the top of her lungs. Though she ran at her fastest speed, to Elijah and Dylan, it looked like a slow motion show. None of them tried to stop her because, well, her expressions were that entertaining. "God, she is annoying." Elijah said in an exasperated tone to Dylan. Dylan chuckled at his words and dematerialized. Ally ran as fast as she could in hopes of finding a way out of the place. Vaguely she noticed her surroundings. The place looked like a mansion, a beautiful one. She could see the huge hall downstairs from where she was running side by side the railings. It would have been enough for a family of twenty to live freely on the ground floor only with the space that it was showing but it had another floor, from where she was running to get to the stairs. It wasn't modern at all, instead it looked like a historical home that was made a few hundred years ago. It was painted in a light blue color with thin silver linings in beautiful designs covering doors and walls. While running and seeing she wondered how well this place would look if it was decorated with beautiful lamps and dark curtains and a few vases of pretty orchids or roses. After a few seconds she shook her head hard in a hope to shake out the craziness that was covering her mind. Who the hell decorates a kidnapper's house while running from him? Elijah sighed heavily through the small grin covering his lips, trying to control his laugh at her actions, he dematerialized and appeared instantly in front of Ally before she could run down the stairs. He knew she would try to run. In fact, he would have been disappointed if she hadn't. Her feisty and strangely cute behavior was one of the many things that were making him attracted toward her more and more. Just as he appeared in front of her, a loud gasp of shock came out of Ally's mouth, and before she could give her heart a break to calm down, her footing slipped. Her ankle twisted in a painful curve on the stair and she fell face first in Elijah's chest. The sudden weight of Ally's body took Elijah by surprise as he too lost his balance and started falling backwards down the stairs. Ally was sure as hell that, that was it, now in a few seconds it was going to be her funeral and she was going to die without taking Shawn Mendes' autograph and watching Charlie Puth perform live, which is going to be a shame because what's the meaning of your life if you can't even see your favourite singers live. But before Elijah's head could touch the hard stone of the stair, suddenly she felt like she was falling into a black hole. Even though her eyes were wide open, everything in her sight went black for just a millisecond which actually felt like ages and the next thing she knew, Elijah was sitting on the couch that she had seen in the hall while running and she was sitting in his lap with both her legs on one side, her head plastered to his chest, and her arms tight around his neck. "What the f**k. Did just. Happen?", she whispered with barely audible voice. She actually felt like she would throw up if she moved even a bit. Elijah put his strong hand on the back of her head, grabbed it gently and pulled her head up to come face to face. Her face was chalk white. "Breath, sweetheart." Elijah whispered as his other hand went to her neck and with his thumb he started rubbing her throat in smooth, gentle circles. Not realizing she had stopped breathing, she scrunched her face in confusion at his words. A small smile covered Elijah's lips as he dragged his hand from her throat to her lips and rubbed her bottom lip gently. A surprised gasp left Ally's lips and she pulled a sharp breath in. When she was sure that she wasn't going to die in the next few seconds, she asked Elijah in a pleading voice as tears threatened to fall down from her eyes, her patience and strength had finally ran out, "Please tell me what's going on. Who and what are you. I seriously think that I'm going mad and.." "Incubus." Elijah interrupted her, his hand slipped from her head to her waist as he straightened his back and sat upright to look down in her eyes, "I'm an incubus. Neil and his pal sold you to me for three millions." Ally sat silent for some moments. After a second when she had absorbed the full meaning of his words in her head she spoke, "Are you making fun of me?"
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