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"What makes you say that?” Elijah asked without blinking. He was quite expecting a question like that. Actually, he was expecting many more questions like that, but it was good for starting ‘the conversation’. "You're telling me that you're an incubus and you are asking me what makes me say that?", Ally scoffed, "I mean, yeah, I actually knew that Neil was a motherfucking bastard and I hadn't expected him to be involved in a God damn human trafficking business, but what the f**k is wrong with your head dude?" Elijah's eyes flashed at the insult, but Ally continued without looking in his eyes, if she had, she sure would have forgot the art of speaking for a few days. "Bastard sold me to a fanatic psycho!", Ally spoke more to herself than Elijah, "The first thing I'm going to do is kill Neil with..", she stopped midsentence as suddenly Elijah lifted his right hand up to her eyes and shut them softly. A beautiful amber colour danced in her vision and the next thing that she knew, she was falling into unconsciousness. ***** Ally woke up from the sleep in her bed. Her own bed in her flat at the Fifth Avenue, Wall Street. She couldn't remember a thing about how she got here from Elijah's mansion. She felt happy and scared at the same time. If whatever she had seen and felt was just a dream then it was the most weird and imaginative dream that she had seen in her entire life. If Elijah suddenly had a change of heart because of her crappy talk and gibberish words, and he felt that it was best if she stayed a world away from him, then also she wasn’t complaining at all. She was just happy that was right there where she was supposed to be. She tried to get up from the bed. She tried lifting her head to sit up, but couldn't move even a limb. She panicked and tried harder, but still was unable to do anything else than wiggle a little. Her eyes followed snapped to her hands to see what force was keeping her captured but to her surprise, there was nothing that was keeping her bind. No ropes, no cloth, no handcuffs, nothing! It was like her hands and legs had gotten a mind of their own and had refused to move even an inch. She literally stopped breathing when suddenly Elijah materialized beside her bed. Just as he did, she panicked, because, let's just be honest, no matter how many times you see a man appear out of thin air, it just doesn't feel right. And truthfully, he scares the crap out of her by his stupid magic tricks. And according to her stupid hopeful mind, he was supposed to leave her the f**k alone. Why the hell was he here? Elijah grabbed the sheet that was over her body, pulled it completely off and got in the bed with her. "What are you...” Ally started, but before she could say anything further, Elijah bent his head and took her mouth in a scorching kiss. His minty aroma engulfed her instantly. His lips moved over hers, his tongue insistent on taking everything of her and giving everything of his. His lips moved over hers in a repeated rhythm. Like he had practiced the move a thousand times and knew just which nerve to touch to make her moan in pleasure. While still making her go mad with the kiss, he moved completely over her, his body touching every part of hers while she writhed under him. His hands grabbed her waist, slowly, sensually, in a teasing rhythm, they crawled upwards, dragging her night t-shirt up to her breasts. One of his hands grabbed the back of her head and other touched the swell of her breast, his thumb moved over the bunched up t-shirt and lightly rubbed the edge of her naked breast. Her breathing turned ragged. Her eyes were clenched shut because no one had made her feel this. The tingling surging through her whole body was nothing like she had ever experienced. Not even when she had her best orgasm. Elijah's touch was like ropes of happiness and pleasure dragging her into nirvana. Everything inside her head became fuzzy. All the reasons that were right and wrong became non-existent. The only thing remained was the feeling of his touch. His hand that was at the swell of her breast moved down and started roaming on her stomach and sides. It kept going down to touch just the top of her panty, never making an attempt to move south, to touch where she wanted his hands the most. Her heavy breaths were matching Elijah's, her lips moving over his in a desperate attempt to control the pleasurable feeling that was trying to engulf her. Her hands stayed pinned beside her head, bunching up the bed sheet in a death grip. Suddenly Elijah's hand that was roaming over her stomach and the swell of her breast moved upward. His beefy hand engulfed her breast. His thumb and forefinger grabbed her n****e in a pinch and gave a roll just as Elijah's mouth left hers to move sideways to her ear and growled heavily with ragged breath, "Do you believe me now?" Ally's eyes snapped open at the bizarre question and just as they did, she became still with shock. She wasn't in her room anymore. She was sitting in the same position that she remembered, sitting in Elijah's lap with all the clothes in the right places. Ally instantly shot off his lap and scrambled a few steps back in terror. Everything she had seen or felt was real, too real. What she had seen was not a dream or imagination, she was as sure of it as the feeling of her thudding heart in her chest. "What the f**k did just happen? How did we get back here?” Ally asked with a shaky voice as she swiped back the falling traces of her hair from her face, a nervous gesture that she wasn't even aware of having. Elijah didn't move from his place, instead, he put his right leg over left knee and got comfortable on the couch. "We didn't go anywhere to begin with.” Elijah replied with a smug face, "What you just saw was just a small part of one of your dirty fantasies. Quite surprising and enjoyable I must say." Ally's face instantly became red in shame because what he said wasn't false. She undoubtedly had a fantasy of being tied up and getting devoured along with many other fantasies that better should stay buried in her heart. Her deep desires that she hadn't been able to tell anyone ever in life were lying bare to a stranger to take advantage of and she really didn't like it even a bit. "How did you do that?” Ally asked while breathing heavily. How could he taste her, how could he make her arouse in her dreams and still feel so real? She felt like she was standing literally naked to the soul in front of Elijah while he devoured every desirable part of hers. An evil smirk covered his lips as he leaned forward to her level. His lips almost touched hers before he replied in a hushed tone, "I didn't do anything, sweetheart. It is what I am. It is what I know. This is how I quench my hunger. I can lick every sweet little part of yours in a thousand ways even in your dreams and you'll be begging me to f**k you in reality."
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