1065 Words
Present Thirsty, groggy and confused, that's how Ally woke up. Everything that had happened in the past hours, including the part that she had heard of Neil and some other guy's conversation about selling her out to some Incubus' (Which mostly felt like an imagination of her mind because it sounded completely absurd and stupid) when she was half conscious came rushing inside her head the moment she opened her eyes. And that's when the panic set in. Her breathing became heavy and it got hard for her to not fall back unconscious. But the rational part of her mind contemplated that panic wouldn't get her anywhere, her legs would, so instead of pondering over the amount of danger she was in or waiting for the police to come save her or some kidnapper to come to her and spook her out more with his creepy teeth and scary face, she sat up, scrambled off the bed, and started searching for a way out as best as she could in the dark. The only problem with this overly hopeful mind of hers was, it didn't think about the kidnapper, or Neil, or the people with Neil, having a mind of their own and not leaving their victim alone to wander off in the lalaland. So of course her stupidity bit her back in the ass. The second she took a few steps ahead to wander off in the dark in hopes for a way out, a click sounded and everything became too bright for her to keep her eyes open. After blinking back the blackness, just as she opened her eyes slowly, her gaze landed straight on a man standing in front of her. And the second she saw him, she breathed, "Oh my God." These words didn't come out of her mouth because she was scared or spooked or panicked. These words came out of her mouth because the man standing in front of her was hard to describe in other words. He was standing in front of her, blocking the way to the door, in a dark blue suit with the top two buttons of his white shirt's wide open. His skin was the color of caramel, sharp jaw, hair combed back in a smooth but ruffled way, and eyes so dark brown, they felt like pools of liquid dark chocolate. Her heart was beating so loud, she was sure he could hear it. The weird thing was, she wasn't scared of him. She was attracted to him. He was literally the god of beauty. It wasn't the reaction that she had expected from herself, neither had Elijah. The second her reaction registered over him as not panic, but awe, a smile covered his lips. And just when she thought that she couldn’t get any stupider, he smiled, and she stopped breathing altogether. After a few seconds Ally inhaled deep to shake off the magic that had been casted over her by the angel standing in front of her and asked aloud, “Who are you?” He didn't reply for a few seconds. He still wasn't sure why he had brought her from the Provider, why he had brought her here, at his house. Maybe it was the hunger that he had felt for her after inhaling her scent even before seeing her, maybe it was the undeniable feeling of possession that had kept him captivated from the moment his eyes had landed on her, or maybe he had just convinced himself that he needed a Keep to get The Otherworld Society off his back. The only thing he was sure of was, he wasn't feeling regret at all. "I’m Elijah.", he replied. Ally stood there in an awkward silence. She wasn't sure what was going on. Was she kidnapped or not? The man standing in front of her looked like he had just stepped out of the doors of haven, and was ready to go on the stage of a fashion show. Plus, judging by his smile, his teeth and face were as clean as they could get, so getting spooked by his appearance (in a bad way) was out of question for her. His appearance in the mess that had gotten her clutched in an iron shield seemed weird and completely out of place. All the nerves in her head were becoming a jumbled mess of confusion. "So...", Ally started as she took a hesitant step towards the door, "I would like to go home?" And then she made a mad dash towards the door. Well, even she knew that it was a dumb move. And the man standing in front of her proved it right when without any effort at all he grabbed her by the waist when she tried to run past him, hoisted her up on his shoulder in a fireman hold, walked ahead and dumped her on the fluffy like a cloud bed. Before she could scramble off and attempt the seemingly stupid move again, Elijah got on the bed and trapped her completely under him. "What do you want from me?", Ally asked in a strong voice even though she was feeling just the opposite of it. The shortly forgotten panic had come back with full force in Ally's head and that panic was rising with every passing second. "Where is Neil?", she asked again. When he didn't answer the second question too, her mind went off in full panic mode and that panic brought back the most depressing and gnarly assumption that were running through her head, But before she could scream her heart out in hopes for a rescue or probably try to smash a lamp or something on the crazy-non-talker's head like they show in the super violent scaryass movies, a manly voice came that sounded kinda pissed off, "What the hell?" Because she was trapped under Elijah's body, she couldn't see to whom that voice belonged. "Dylan." Elijah growled without looking behind him. His whole attention was centered on Ally. After a second he gave a wink to Ally, dematerialized and appeared in front of Dylan who was standing just inside the door. Ally literally had a heart attack. Either dude had crazy super-fast reflexes or he had supernatural powers. She so... wanted it to be the former because if it was the latter, she was f****d.
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