Inspection day

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Inspection day. On the same day of inspection, Unknown pov, I seriously don't know why I have to do this, I'm an alpha, a powerful one at that, and I have so many f*****g things to do than this. I have a pack to take care of, people to look after and much more, but here I am, accompanying my friend on some f*****g! inspection of some shitty school. I could've said no, of course, I'm an Alpha and no one can argue with me, but the stupid mutt called me on a favour I owed for him that happened decades ago. And my wolf 'Dragen' really that's what his name is, He just keeps prancing in my head ever since my friend Raine mentioned the inspection and asked me to go with him in the place of his subordinate that had dropped out at the last minute because his mate went into labour. And that's why I'm here, sitting in his car to the doomed 'Inspection'. But what is more annoying is the way my wolf keeps jumping here and there in my head like some horney school girl who was about to lose her virginity. Ughhhhhh. He is one of the deadliest alphas for crying out loud, Why the heck is he acting this cringe?!. After a painfully long head-aching ride, we finally arrived at this so-called 'school' that my wolf has been dying to see, it looked too big for a school that runs on trust, it had some good infrastructure and all, but it was clear that the maintenance sucks. It won't take a genius to see that a few things got changed at the last minute, like the water dripping on the leaves in the garden. Like seriously? It's almost 2 in the afternoon, Who would water the plants at this hour? The smell of dust is thick in the air, as it lingers everywhere around the hallways and corridors and some rooms smell even worse like they just dumped all the dusted things inside. Some staff welcomed us and led us to the principal's office. The office is big and clean, I guess it's the only place in this entire school that is getting maintained regularly. While Raine and the principal were discussing some audit-related and other matters, the burning gazes of the female teachers and staff, even though some were married and some were very old, made my skin ripple in disgust. I'm damn sure I am not wearing any clothes in any of their imaginations. Fucking humans. I despise their kind, they make me want to tear them to pieces with my claws. Their mere presence was ticking me off, but I masked off all reactions from my face, trying to keep myself from doing so. I don't know why, but my wolf keeps asking me to look around the school, ignoring the fact that this place is covered with humans. Weird. Usually, Dragen hates humans too, he usually would beg to be let out so he can kill the humans but now, he is silent, humming something in his deep voice. "Are they finished talking yet? , can we look around now?" He asked in an excited tone, his tongue wagging out. Yeah, Who needs a tour around this dust and insect-infested school, my wolf mutt does. After a painfully hour-long discussion, we finally started looking around the school. All the girls shamelessly tried to flirt with me the minute they saw me But got upset when I ignored them. They better not touch me with their disgusting hands, I won't guarantee anything if they did. '' Wow man, I think you are going to have a long list to choose from for your bed tonight, '' Raine said with a playful wink. '' It'll be best for you to shut the f**k up, I'm already pissed enough, don't make it worse for yourself '' I snapped glaring at him. I am not one to wait for my mate or anything, but I'm certainly not a man w***e, I won't just sleep around with any woman especially not with humans. These girls are something else. I can't believe how the girls who know nothing of life, I'm sure most of the girls here are not even 18, yet acting like whores and sluts. I know my alpha aura can get girls aroused but these girls reacting like they are playing some porn inside their heads. It's disgusting. Some of their faces are flushed red like someone is doing something to them. I came here as an officer, show some respect! And there are boys, it is clear that most of the boys are morons and that they don't like the attention we were getting from the girls. As we were passing through the classes on the 1st floor, something caught our A smell, an insanely awesome smell, it's an earthy smell of forest, sunshine and lavenders. It's a weird smell but, an insanely good kind of weird smell. It makes me feel like I'm in a field of lavender farm under the sunlight, it's a heaven. I took a long sniff of the heavenly smell, It looked like it was coming from the 2nd floor, and it was increasing with each step We took a step up the stairs. My wolf wanted to run towards it and I, too wanted to know what it was that, smelled this good, But I knew, I couldn't. I can't afford to let the humans get suspicious of my behaviour. I took another long sniff, which made my wolf go wild, he started fighting for control, and it took all my strength to pull him back. I was so concentrated on fighting my wolf that I lost the grip on my aura, which is blazing at its full strength right now. It is so strong that, even staff and the principal got scared of this sudden change in the atmosphere. Raine pulled me aside, away from the humans. '' Are you f*****g out of your mind? , Get a grip on yourself Man!! '', He said in my ears, shaking me furiously. I can feel that he is scared, as being a wolf, he can feel it more than the humans could, but he knows I won't hurt him. '' Do you smell that '' I asked still trying to control Dragen. '' Smell what? '' He asked scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. '' You don't smell that? ''It's my turn to ask him confused. Suddenly, it all came to its place, with a loud click of realisation. If I am the only one who can smell this amazing mouth-watering smell, then there is only one reason is there for it. Both of our eyes widened. Mate!. It's my mate. No no no no no. If it is really what it is, then everything will crumble on top of my head. I just can't let this happen. I should reject her immediately whoever she is, If she is in here then that can only mean one thing, she is a human, And there is no way I can accept a human as my mate. But how the hell can I reject my mate? What the f**k moon goddess thinks she is playing at? I am f****d. I want to run far away from this place and forget about the freaking awesome smell. But, just to be sure, what we thought was real, we went back and followed the scent to the second floor and found the room the scent was heavily from. As I entered the room, my nose was instantly assaulted by the disgusting smells of arousal from the girls, but luckily the smell of my mate overpowered others and hit my nostrils, reaching straight to my soul, taking it in a tight grip. My eyes searched for the source of the smell from the group of girls and finally landed on her. 'Mate' My wolf growled, fully confirming my suspicion. My heartbeat stopped, Instantly at the sight of her. She is a tiny beautiful little thing, my mate, She has a round face with cute full lips and long wavy luscious hair, She sure does look plumb but it only enhances her beauty. While all the girls look at me like they want me for their dinner, her little brown soft eyes look down at something so focused. My wolf came front to look at her, and just like me he too was stunned at the sight of her. All we could think about at that moment was to stare at the beauty in front of us, praying to the moon goddess to make her look at me at least once. And as if she heard us, she looked up at me, her dark brown doe eyes looking straight into mine. My wolf took a deep sniff of her scent with her sight in front of us making it a kind of a drug that would be wonderful to get addicted to. My wolf growled in my head, ordering me to let him out so he could mark and mate her right here, he doesn't like having our mate being in the same room with this many boys. I can't do that, As much as it is wonderful to look at her, she is far from my type and more than anything, she is just a pathetic human. ' Don't say that about our mate! ' He growled at me. She is still looking at me with her dark brown orbs, which hold so much innocence in them, I can tell by her smell she is a pure virgin. That's good, I don't have to kill anyone. While I was still looking at her, Raine started a speech trying to distract others from noticing us. We both were just staring at each other, her eyes held confusion in them. I know she can feel this instant attraction between us but can't quite comprehend what it is. She looked like she was about to say something but stopped when Raine dragged me out of the class. Damn!, what was that? , I lost all of my senses, I would have just stayed there staring at her forever. As much as I like everything about her, I have to remember one thing! She is a human. I have always wanted a mate in my life, that can make me and others happy, but I never wanted a human for mate. I hated their species, they are nothing but cunning, selfish and hateful creatures. I am an alpha who needs a powerful luna beside us, not some power-hungry b***h. I need to reject her. ' You are doing no such thing, you must! Stop talking about her like that. She is our mate and if you dared to try to reject her, I will leave your f*****g ass! ' It's the 1st time I hear him speak to me like this. It's not even a few minutes ago since we saw her and she already has him wrapped around her fingers. I need to do something real quick before it all gets out of my hands. Maya's POV: Everything happened so fast, one minute, I was sitting there writing my notes and the next minute I felt this strange change in air like the temperature just hiked a few degrees. What is happening here? I felt like someone whispering in my ears, telling me to look up. And when I did, My eyes instantly met with something unexpected. There, standing in the middle of the class is the most handsome and hottest man I have ever seen in my life, staring straight at me. He looked so stunning. He has these chiselled jaws that I'm sure could cut anything with their sharpness, he has a kind of ash brown hair that reaches his neck, and his body is so huge yet every inch is of pure muscle not a single bit of fat in there. Damn!, the god must've spent millions of years sculpting a body like his, mesmerizing forest green eyes staring straight at me, making my heart beg me to explore and drown in it. Overall, he is easily the sexiest man in the whole wide world, no! universe. I was looking deep into his, drowning in it when I realised he too was looking at me, reciprocating with the same attraction and interest. I wanted to look away but I couldn't, Not a single muscle in my body is respecting me and all I want is to look at him and that's all. The strange thing about this is, I'm sure I have never seen this man before, but it oddly feels like I have known him for all my life. There is this strange feeling in my heart pulling me towards him like I'm a kite and he is my thread. Something in my mind is screaming at me, telling me he is the one I have been waiting for all this time and I found him. His forest green orbs looked straight at me and my mind ran a mile a minute with all the future poses we could have each other, sending a deep blush to my face. WAIT!!!!. He is the inspector that came for inspection I should not look at him like this!, but looking around everyone was doing the same thing, even the teachers. Even Sarah was looking at him like she couldn't wait to have her hands on him, but he didn't pay a single glance at her, he was still looking at me his eyes didn't move from mine even for a second. The other inspector that came with him, is giving away some speech that I couldn't hear. My entire focus is captured by this green-eyed man, we both were just looking at each other. He is looking at me so deep like he is talking to my soul, trying to tell me something. I opened my mouth like I wanted to say something but the other inspector dragged him out of the class. '' Damn! Look at his ass, I really can't wait to have him '' Sarah said biting her lips. '' But he didn't even look your way,'' One of her friends said much to her chagrin. '' He might act all tough and stubborn now, but, trust me, once I give him a taste he will follow around me like a good puppy. '' She said with a smirk. A fear gripped me. Everyone will give in to Sarah eventually, and will he too? I spent the rest of the day torturing myself. I felt this strange burning sensation inside me when I repeated what she said in my mind. What feels like .....Jealousy??. Wait . A . Minute. Why am I overreacting now? Who is he? and why the f**k am I getting jealous of nothing! Why would I feel jealous about some inspection officer? what the f**k?
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