Take them away?

1632 Words
Beep... Beep... Beep..... Bee..... I stopped my alarm and checked the time to see it was six in the morning. I should have woken by now but as usual, I went back to sleep again, The comfort of my warm and comfortable bed lulled me back to sleep, but before I knew. '' Honey, wake up! , you are going to be late for school!!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs. Her sound made me jerk out of my slumber. '' I'm coming Mom'' I shouted back, and sat up to see myself drenched in sweat making the sheets stick to my skin, I groaned as the rays of the hot sun flashed straight to my eyes through the open window, blinding me. I peeled the blanket off my wet skin and slowly walked to the window, closed the blinds, turned to check the time and saw it was 45 past 7. Shit, s**t, s**t!!. How the actual freaking hell did this happen, I thought I just closed my eyes for a second and it was already 7:45! I'm going to be late for my school. My school starts at 8:30 am and we should be inside at least before 8:25 am, if we arrive late then they will make us stand at the gate for the whole day, no excuse unless you are a popular kid with a loaded daddy. Ughhhh..... I can already imagine how f****d up this day is going to be !!. I dashed into my bathroom quickly brushed my teeth did my morning business and changed into my uniform. We had navy knee-length pleated skirts with white shirts and navy blazers with white socks and black shiny shoes as uniforms for girls and white shirts with navy blazers and navy pants and shiny shoes for boys. It should have been ironed neatly but due to my laziness, it has too many wrinkles to even do anything now, at least my shoes are shiny. I took my bag and dashed out of my room, as I entered the dining room, I was welcomed by the disapproving look on my father's face. He glared at me with tired eyes like he hadn't slept in a very long period. My father is the sole breadwinner of our family since he works day and night for our family he always had this tired look, but looks like paying for my brother's med school fee is putting extra weight on his shoulders nowadays. I have a pretty good relationship with my family, both my mom and brother have always been like my friends, I love my father too, even with his awful controlling spree on me. Growing up my father was not with us as he had to work in different places as he was in the top position in his company and they wanted him everywhere for his work. We weren't a full family until I had my puberty at 13 which is 5 years ago he finally decided to ask for a permanent transfer to where we were living and has come to live with us since. After a very long time our family became full, but as we had barely seen him in our childhood, my brother and I kind of felt an unknown distance from him like our hearts knew he was our father but our minds just wouldn't accept it. But we later accepted the reality and came to an understanding he is the best father anyone could ever wish for. I always wanted to impress him and make him happy like my brother does. It came for him naturally, Me and my brother are polar opposites. He is bad at everything I'm good at ( which is not a very long list ) and he is good at everything that I am bad at ( which is a very long list ) and it is almost near impossible for me to impress my father. I sighed and joined him at the dinner table, knowing full well I was about to hear a full-length lecture from him now. But to my relief, he didn't, as he knew I needed to eat and I was already late for school. So, he just finished with a short and, stern lecture. Which I'm grateful for. I made sure I had everything for my school and kissed both my mom and dad on the cheeks. I said bye and took my bike to the school and just as I reached the gate it was already 8:35 a.m. and the gate was closed. I'm late. Just as I was about to return home, the gate opened and the security ushered me inside. I was confused for a second, it never happened before, but I didn't complain and rushed inside. Everything looked different today, the plants looked fresh, the hallways which used to be covered with dust and old furniture looked clean and missed a few overly dust-infested tables that had been neglected by the maids for so long. Everything looked good and clean today though. The only thing I liked about my school is its infrastructure, we had all the games, and sports, smart classes and a big garden with lots of flowers and statues. And one of the many things I hate is, they never maintained anything properly. The gardener only watered the plants which were big and noticeable, he left the other plants to wilt, The maids only cleaned the principal's office every day, they cleaned the classroom only once or twice a week. They barely cleaned the hallways, it's all because, the principal himself never cared about any of this, even when I complained about it, he ignored me. I hate that man, he is such a blood-sucking leech. All he cares about is money and himself, he always sucked up the rich popular kids so their parents will give huge 'donations', which he can get his hands full on. But the million-dollar question of the day is, who is he trying to impress like this ???. Are there any functions or meetings happening today? I want to know who that leech is trying to impress this hard. I entered my class only to see everyone whispering in a hushed tone in groups and just like always everyone ignored me like I was invisible and as usual I did the same to them. It's the only way to escape from them or get myself in trouble All the girls in my school are size zeros and an inch over the zero is called fat according to them. In that list, being an XL-sized made me a freak and outcast for them. At first, it hurt a lot, Boys were even ashamed to look my side. It made me feel ugly, but then I understood, that they are just nothing but jealous bitches who are jealous of my features and I'm too good for any of these boys. I love the way I look. I have a tall figure of 5.5 feet which is the tallest in the whole class on the girls' side. My dark brown hair is long and healthy passes through my back and reaches my hip in cascading waves, I have a round face with full lips and dark brown eyes and my golden-toned skin glows with a halo. Every time I looked into the mirror I looked more and more beautiful every day, I loved everything about me it's not my fault that these shits can't see that, so I overcame their mean words and accepted myself and ignored them completely. I didn't have many friends and even the friends I had were not in my class so I just went to my seat and sat. I usually won't do conversations as I have no one to speak with, in my class, but today's events picked my curiosity. It's already 9:00 a.m. but there is still no teacher in the class, which is maths, Our math teacher Ms. Swanson is the only responsible teacher in this whole school, she would swim through a flood rather than skip a class. For her to not be in class? It never happened before. Something fishy is going on in here. So I slipped out of the room and called out my friends from their classes to ask about it. '' You don't know??!! '' My friend Didi screeched in a high pitch. Like it's a matter that everyone already knows. '' No, so tell me already '' I said rolling my eyes. '' There going to be an Inspection today, and they are very important people and if our school f****d this up? We are doomed forever" My other friend Nina said in a hushed tone. Wow, a lot is happening indeed, and personally though I would be so happy if this school got into trouble. It will be perfect to show that sorry for the principal, what a f*****g failure he is. I hated this school for every reason. Every staff was either so biased or self bitching witches, and don't even start about the students and their stereotypic minds. '' Looks like it's good news after all'' I smirked but their face looked haunted. '' What?? '' '' That's not all May, the inspection people will choose a few people who are to be trained mercilessly and taken with them '' What is this? A brothel or something, they can't just come and take people with them. I wanted to ask her more but we heard the bell ring, announcing the students to get back to classes. So, we said ourbyes and scurried off. ' Hmmm, I guess, this day won't be as boring as I thought it would be '. I smirked to myself.
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