Is he insane???

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Dane's POV: Once the Inspection was over for the day, we wrapped up everything and set to leave. I asked the principal for her name, and he looked at me like I was delusional to even ask about her, but he didn't argue and said her name. Smart guy, he may have lost his head if he dared to argue with me. '' Maya'', ''Maya Spencer '' 'That's her name . and that's the only word kept coming out of my mouth since. ' Maya ' Her name on my tongue feels like an exotic sweet, that I'm enjoying every bit of. It's been a day, yet, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Now that I have seen my fated Mate. My Mate Bond has started getting into the act, soon she is all I will be thinking about till I mark and claim her as mine, and my wolf will make sure of it. Sigh. I wonder what she is feeling right now, Does she too feel it like me?, Or is she being a human, She couldn't feel it. I doubt the latter, even though she is a human she too looked attracted to me in a good way, unlike the other girls in her class, she looked kind of happy to see me like she was waiting for me all along. I know, that must have confused her, getting this kind of attachment to a stranger. But lucky her, cause unlike her, I'm dying here, My wolf is nagging me to find and mark her and I can't let that happen, once I start touching her, I'll lose my freaking mind and all I'll ever want is her and the effect will increase, double the time it is already on me now. The faster I reject her, the better, I know rejecting her is not going to be easy, but I know I have to. She is a human, the one species that I hate the most, I can no way in hell accept a human for my mate. A human can never be a good luna to our people, she will only make us weak, I have to do this for the people. Maya's POV: It's been like 8 hours since I saw him and I already feel like there is a huge hole in my chest, I wish, I had at least asked for his name before he left. Something is really weird. I've never been this attracted to someone before, but all it took for him was to look straight into my eyes for a few minutes and, Bam!!. I'm all ready to give myself to him on a silver platter. Sigh. *** The next few days went uneventful with the inspection still going on and people wandering here and there but the green-eyed man was nowhere to be seen. I miss him, but looking around, clearly, I'm not the only one, my entire school is missing him. I signed, Maybe he was not looking at me and I imagined everything??, It looks like I'm not the only one who felt attracted to him, maybe it's me, just like the others fell into his trap. From when did I turn into a slut like others, throwing myself onto some stranger ?. Eww... I think I kind of overreacted to the situation, I read too much into his stare. I'm a f*****g i***t!. This is what I do, falling for all the sick pranks and feeling too much, always reading into things. How can someone as good-looking as him, will ever have interest in me, a fat, weird girl?? , a nice joke. Ugh. The next couple of days went the same, with inspection going on full force, I still couldn't see him anywhere. I continued torturing myself with all the possibility of the meaning of his look, No matter what or how much I tried, I just couldn't seem to forget about him at all. *** I oddly feel so drained of energy today, everything feels so exhausting and irritating. I groaned in annoyance with my face pressed to the table when I heard everyone gasping in surprise around me. I looked up in confusion to see the same green eyes, once again, staring straight at me, like he was seeing me for the first time. Am I imagining things now? Why is he looking at me like that? Usually, it would make me uncomfortable but his look makes me want more. But, why is he here now? The inspection was over yesterday. I looked around to make sure I was not seeing things and sure enough everyone had the same reaction as me, showing I was not imagining and he was here for real but when I looked back, was gone. Maybe I became delusional? Maybe this is the result of being alone for so long. Maybe my weird longing for him made me imagine everything. But if it is all just my imagination, then why the f**k others are chatting this excitedly. '' See, I told you he would come back to see me '' Sarah squealed happily. So I didn't imagine anything. '' Yes, but he still didn't look at you, he ignored you '' One of her friends said, making others laugh. '' Oh? And who do you think he looked at now uh?, you? '' Sarah spat. '' Well, her '' Her minion said pointing at me, making her glare turn to me. Shit!. '' Her? Have you all lost your freaking minds? why would someone as hot as him, look at a fat b***h like her? '' Said snidely. '' We don't know, but, both the time he came, all he did was stare at her '' One said looking at her perfectly manicured nails. So that's real too, I didn't imagine that. '' Ha, he must have looked at her like that 'cause of how fugly and fat she looks, what do you all think, he likes her? She has nothing, she is just a broke-ass slut that would go with anyone for 20$ '' she said, everyone burst into laughter. Her words made me angry, but sad, we used to be friends when we were young, I would help her with her homework and other projects and she would buy me lunch sometimes, I thought it was a friendly exchange but I learnt it in a hard way she was using me all those times. I can't believe she would put something like that like this, I wanted to teach her a lesson but stopped myself. I don't want another suspension, Sarah is that leech principal's favourite pet and he will do anything for her, No matter how much I try to explain, it is me who is going to get punished in the end. Luckily someone changed the topic before Sarah could continue her verbal assault on me. '' Girls, did you all hear the news? They finished selecting candidates for that FIB competition, and I think, he is going to pick me as one, 'cause I know for sure he is so, into me, he looked at me like he can't wait to devour me! '' One of the girls said. '' Oh, you wish it was you alright, but I know who he is going to choose, my daddy paid so much money to the principal for it and he even said he liked my short skirt so much that I should wear it when we train '' Sarah giggled. She is lying so disgustingly, there is no way he spoke like that to her. I rolled my eyes, There was no way he would say that about her skirt, it was a uniform after all, and all the girls were wearing the same kind of skirt. That's how stupid she is, she can't even make up a good lie. But I felt a pang in my chest, What if she was telling the truth, I know her dad is so wealthy, he could surely pay so much amount to make them select her. ANNOUNCEMENT: ATTENTION PLEASE. STUDENTS THAT ARE TO BE CALLED SHOULD COME TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!!. VIVIAN TRENT MAYA SPENCER PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY! Did I hear it right? Why me? And Vivian ?. What did we both do? I and Vivian have a good bond with each other, She is a bubbly one, with short strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes with freckles sprinkling on her cheeks and nose. She is shorter than me by a few inches and she too has few folds in her waist but her father being so rich made her better than me so she was accepted into the cool kids' circle. She has always been so nice to me, unlike her friends. She is not a troubling one either, she is so sweet and even Sarah sucked up to her sometimes. Why did they call us? With the train of thoughts still running at full speed in my head, we both made our way to the principal's office. '' Any idea why we are here? '' She whispered in my ear. I replied shaking my head no. I wiped my sweaty hands in my skirt and we both stepped into the office. There, again I saw the green-eyed man sitting on the sofa with other officers. He turned to me the instant I stepped inside like he felt my presence or something. His eyes once again bored into my soul, making a mark on it. He is looking at me with something I couldn't quite understand what it is. His eyes looked clouded like he was in deep thoughts. I looked at the other two inspectors one was looking at me with a smirk on his face like he knew something that I didn't. The other is looking at Vivian just like the green eyes looking at me. I wanted to ask Vivian if she is seeing this too. but the principal's voice turned our attention to him. He stood from his seat and came closer to us with a smile on his face, like a 1000-watt light. This man! He disgusts me in so many ways, I would never want to be anywhere near him. I cringed as he came closer. ''Congratulations, you two, you both got selected as the candidates for the training for FIB and if you both worked hard, then both of you will get selected for the higher training, which is a big thing and huge pride for our school '' '' You both are going make our school proud '' He said patting our shoulders. We both looked at one another in confusion. Is he insane??.
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