He is changed

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Is he insane??. Only the people who are good at sports and studies can be selected and I'm good at neither. Then how did this happen.? So is Vivian, she is far from studies or sports she is a straight F+ student. There is no way her father paid for this, he is an honest man, he will never give hush money and, more than anything she doesn't look like she is interested in it either. But looks like we have no say in it. Which sucks, I'm not complaining I'm really happy they selected me even though it is for some mysterious reasons. He told us we could go back to our class and our training starts on Monday. Some people congratulated us and some glared at me in envy, and of course not to mention Sarah. '' I don't know how you did this b***h, but trust me he is mine! '' She sneered at me. She didn't even try to hide her jealousy and I can feel her and her minions throwing draggers behind my back. Didi and Nina hugged me in congratulations and motivated me, that I can do it. For the first time in my life, my father looked happy and impressed with me, and that made me happy too. *** The weekend ended and the Monday morning rolled over. I woke up and looked out to see it was still dark outside, the clock showed it was 5 in the morning. I have this weird feeling in my guts I can't understand, Is it anxiety cause of my first day or excitement that I'm going to spend time with those green eyes? Who knows. I took a good long bath, dressed in my new tracksuit, packed my stuff and everything I would need in my bag and set to leave. As I reached the school I saw Vivian waiting for me. We both reported to the principal's office where Mr. Green Eyes and his friends gave us our welcome speech. '' Welcome to FIB training Ms.Spencer and Ms. Trent. I'm Raine, this is Razor and this is Dane. '' Raine said. So the green eye man's name is Dane, that's a nice name. '' As you already might've known, we choose assertive people and train them to give them better opportunities to get selected in the FIB, which is a government institution that will give you a solid bright future. We hope you both will get selected for this. '' ''Dane and Razor both will train you two, Your training will start at 6 in the morning and 7 in the evening, Don't miss any of the training, the training might be brutal but, do your best '' He said while handing us few tablets '' These tables will help you regain your consciousness in case the training took a toll on you ''. I gulped, as I looked at the tablets in my hand. What have I got myself into? Just, as I was dreading what was to come, I heard a masculine yet silky voice, that just did something that played DJ in my nerves, I could feel my heartbeat fasten at his words. ''My name is Dane, and I will be your trainer for the next two months, I recommend you to be on time and be responsible for the opportunity you've got. I will not tolerate tardiness and if you did anything wrong or if there is any sign of disrespect you will be punished immediately, no question asked. Never argue with us. We will be starting our training from now ''. He said and left the room. He looks so different, he is the one who stared at me weirdly and now he is ignoring me. He didn't look at me for the whole day, his eyes looked so cold, and bitter. What's wrong? He made us run for a whole 6 hours straight, no breaks, no water, nothing. I had never run like this before, my lungs were burning like it was on fire, begging me to stop, Vivian was breathing so hard as she got tired easily, but every time we stopped for a short break, he made us run another round as punishment for stopping without permission. By 1, we both fell on our backs in exhaustion, finally, he stopped us for our lunch break. We both sat at the table to eat our lunch, I took the tuna sandwich my mom prepared for me out of my lunch box, and as I was about to take a bite, a hand snatched my sandwich from me and threw it in the garbage. I looked up in shock, Dane was glaring at me. '' You shouldn't eat anything that makes you even fatter than you already are i***t! '' He said snidely at me. Vivian looked like she wanted to tell him off, but I quickly shook my head no, I don't want her to get in trouble because of me. Getting body-shamed is not a new thing for me, but it hits a whole different level of hurt when it comes from him. But I hid that emotion quickly, I didn't want anyone to see it. He took us to a restaurant that served healthy foods of some sort, where he brought some smoothies that tasted and looked just like mud and some salad with no dressings. It was humiliating as he kept telling me how fat I was and what I should eat to slim down. I know he wants me to be in shape for me to win, but I didn't sign up for this! I'm the only one he treated like this while treating Vivian with good respect buying her whatever she wants saying I need to look at least like her. I hate being compared to others, and more than that, there isn't more difference between us, we practically have the same shape, I know our school kids took her in, cause of her wealthy father, but him too. Vivian was seething beside me at how he was treating me. I didn't open my mouth for the rest of the day, I'm at the peak of my anger now, but didn't say anything and once we finished our food, he took us back to the ground and once again made us start running. By the time we finished for the day, he hadn't said anything but just left us alone. Every muscle in my body is screaming in pain at me, I couldn't even move any more, everything hurts and Vivian almost cried in exhaustion. It didn't look like any normal training though, it looked like he was punishing us, especially ME for some reason. He even let her rest for some time in between but he didn't let me stop even for a second. I barely, made it home, My mom called me to eat dinner but I could nowhere find any strength to eat anything, so I just took a long hot shower and went to sleep, dreading the next day. The next morning, I barely opened my eyes. My body felt like it got hit by a truck multiple times, every bit of my muscle begged for rest, but I didn't want any more punishments, so rolled out of my bed got ready and set to school. I can't do anything about his behaviour but at least I could escape from the punishments, if I made it on time. Vivian was there when I reached the ground looking just as worn out as me. We entered the gym room to see Dane was there with Raine and Razor. His face split into a huge grin when he saw me, he looked so shocked like he couldn't believe it. Maybe he might have thought I wouldn't show up anymore after yesterday. He looked so handsome with the smile, that lit up his whole face, almost made me forget what happened yesterday, but, No. I will never forget what he said and did yesterday, He called me fat !!!!. I should have expected that from someone like him, cause not a single boy that looked good I have seen, has ever been nice to me. After all, Sarah was right, there is no way a man like him would like a girl like me. So I ignored him, We both went to our lockers to take our things, but I still felt his burning gaze follow me, and I turned to see him approaching. '' So?, Are you excited for today's training ? ''. He said with a handsome grin. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. What the f**k is wrong with him. He acted like a douchebag yesterday and all sweet today?
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