997 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN –––––––– AN ICY FOG CLAIMED Matt’s mind when the nurse told him Nora had an older woman visiting with her. He knew who that woman might be. He needed a few seconds to react and gather his thoughts. Then, in a hurry, he threw a ‘thank you’ to the nurse over his shoulder and practically ran to Nora’s hospital room. He perceived a raised voice coming from the room just before opening the door. He didn’t waste time knocking but threw the door open. He stopped in the threshold, his nostrils flaring and his eyebrows almost knotted in a terrible frown. Nora was looming over his great-grandma, and he couldn’t stop admiring how good she looked in warrior mode. “Is it clear?” she continued, without noticing his arrival. “I don’t need your money or your approval. You can shove bo

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