1173 Words

CHAPTER TEN –––––––– MATT COULDN’T WAIT to have a visit with Nora only for himself. He had enjoyed watching her interacting with Nat, and he had been quite pleased to see Nora getting along with Becka. However, Matt longed to be alone with Nora. He wanted to further the relationship he had told her about, and that wasn’t going quite smooth when there were witnesses in the room. He drove and left Nat and Becka at the puppet show, promising that he would be back for them before it ended. He hurried to the hospital afterward, and on the way there, he stopped to buy a potted orchid for Nora. Matt remembered Nat’s words. People brought flowers when they came to visit someone in the hospital. Matt thought a little further ahead and decided to buy some cookies for Nora to nibble on, a coupl

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