2006 Words

MATT ALLOWED NAT TO choose the flowers he liked, so they made their entrance in Nora’s room with a large basket. To Becka’s delight, the toddler had chosen one full of Alstroemeria. She knew that the flower symbolized devotion, prosperity, and fortune. Nora’s gaze fell on the basket, which supposedly Matt and Nat carried, and her eyes widened. Matt had persuaded the boy that they should both carry it. He doubted that the boy had the strength to hold it in his tiny hands. Nora accepted the flowers gracefully, although she shook her head to Matt, chastising him for spending so much. Nora had seen baskets like that while window shopping, and she knew that they cost over $150. She couldn’t believe that Matt would spend so much only to humor a child. Her gaze was on Nat and Matt, so Nora nea

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