1194 Words

“SMART OF YOU TO MENTION that fridge,” Matt told Bryan. “All those vegetables and fruit would have gone to waste.” “Told you. From what you said, Nora seems a very devoted mother, Matt. I don’t know why you can’t see it. Anyway, I was sure that she’d have a lot of good food for the child. We need to buy only a few things for you – coffee, tea, things like that, and you’re good for a few days. I’ll make you a few casseroles for today and tomorrow, at least, and you can easily warm them in the microwave.” Matt shook his head and said, “You can’t imagine how grateful I am to you right now.” “Matt, you are a smart guy, and you can also read minds. Read mine, already, and stop bothering me with your gratitude. We’re family, man. You were there for me when I needed you. I’m here for you now,”

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