3102 Words

CHAPTER SEVEN –––––––– * * * * THE NURSE BUZZED MATT into the intensive care unit immediately after his arrival. Her stern and reproachful face made him uncomfortable. He felt as if he were a teenager again, called to the principal’s office for one of the pranks for which he had been so famous. “Nora’s been frantic, but she refused a sedative. You need to calm her down. Her fever spiked, and that’s not good,” the nurse explained to Matt. Matt nodded and followed her to Nora’s ICU room. He looked at Nora through the glass before opening the door. The bed seemed to swallow her whole, and his heart cringed. “Try to calm her down, not to agitate her,” the nurse warned him again, in an authoritative voice. “Of course,” Matt replied, although he doubted that he wouldn’t agitate Nora. The

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