Chapter 9 ( Meeting again)

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After a very nice day of drinking tea and being very talkative all the time and sharing a perfect moment with Prince Derek, Rose felt that the social season was really going great and she was also happy that her best friend Kate also found a love interest like her and so today Rose intended to only go to violin practice and her and Kate would go swimming afterwards, but being in social season it meant no one really got some alone time and it could and would be dinners, party's and all sorts of gatherings so Rose stood on her balcony looking over the forest and her view was spectacular to see , she loved this land and she was so overwhelmed by all she came to know and so Maria came in greeting Rose like she does every day running her a nice hot bath. "Good morning Princess, I hope you had pleasant dreams", Maria greets Rose walking to run a nice warm bath. "O good morning Maria , o yes it is indeed a good day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing and it's just wonderful to be alive", Rose say while twirling around her room and Maria just smile knowing why this girl seems so alive this fine morning. "You seem very happy, it seems, might it be a certain Prince?", Maria smiles getting the towels ready too and Rose comes to hug Maria, "O Maria you know me to well, yes he is just ..."Rose say but Maria laughs saying to her. "Dreamy I presume?". "Yes indeed and he gets me , he likes all I like and he makes me smile and he makes my heart feel warm Maria". Rose holds her heart in a attempt to showcase her feeling towards her new found love. "Then Princess I am very happy for you, he seems very into you and I like that he makes you this happy, now come let's get you bathed already you father is waiting for you". Maria say and Rose knows that Maria knows who this man she likes is,so Rose do as she says but frowns while getting in the bathtub to wash herself. "Why does father want to see me Maria, I thought he went hunting?". "O Rose he got news and an invitation and so he wants you to attend today". "What invitation, from whom?" Rose asks and Maria looks a bit worried so she first help wash rose's hair. "The vampire King... Princess, he wanted to have you for lunch and well your father somehow agreed to it so you and Stefan will go to his castle and stay for two days and I will go too do not worry", Now Rose looks worried ,why ?,her father doesn't even like other creatures let alone vampires and now he agreed to this, not that the vampire King seemed weird but still why she thought. "I seems strange but I will go , I do not mind them but I am happy you are coming Maria". "As am I , now come let's get you dressed".  After Maria helped Rose dress for the day Rose went to her father and just like Maria told her she was to go visit the dark castle in the west and so Rose started to pack but after packing she wanted fresh air and so she went for a walk to the lake and it was so nice and quiet so Rose sat on a big log laying next to the water where Derek and her shared a kiss before her father interrupted them and as she enjoyed her peace she felt a strong presence behind her ,so turning around fast she saw Derek standing there and so she got up, "Prince Derek ,You scared me, I did not expect to see you today ",He miles at her , "I didn't mean to startle you... I came only to deliver a gift and then your mother informed me you were packing to visit the vampire King?", he say almost looking worried and mad. "Yes you heard correctly I am, and I must say I am a bit scared'. He walks closer to Rose standing very close to her. "Don't go I beg you, vampires are bad company Rose and dangerous to". "I know but they promised I would be save so I must go to keep the peace Derek ,but I will be back do not worry". "I must worry Princess, you ... you mean a lot to me and I can't lose you now" ,Derek pleads almost and I have to say it makes my heart swell thinking he cares for me . "I'll be fine , just promise to wait for me will you ,Prince Derek?', Rose smile while touching his arm and he and her instantly have this chemistry for each other like they are in their own love bubble all of a sudden. "I will always wait for you Rose no matter what, just be careful and remember to come back to me ok". he says and just as he wants to leave ,Rose leans forward kissing him on the cheek and gives him her bracelet to keep onto and he does holding it to his heart ,Then he goes behind a tree and comes out with a orange colour rose and gives it to Rose, he then says,' The colour to say you are my sunset and sunrise and with you the promise of forever comes",Rose looks at the once again pretty rose in her hand . "And you to me",Rose says back, then he walks into the forest and she wonders where his horse was but nevertheless she walk home to go get ready, putting the rose next to the others he has given her before,he is very romantic, They will meet again she thought...  Once on their way to the dark castle of the Vampire King ,Rose and Maria played some card games while Stefan was just observing it all and keeping his eye out for trouble but the King did not let his daughter travel light or alone , no she had the Royal guards with her and so they were save, for now. The forests were stunning and so the road was a sight to see too, as they Sat they saw the dark castle coming into view and it did not seem to be a dark cave like some of the lady's had said before , no it looked quite normal from the outside , the only thing that was strange , it had this almost dark cloud hanging over and this dead feeling as they came closer but Rose was positive and wanted to see what these vampires were all about saying they live in peace with humans and others. In Front of the castle they came to a stand still and then suddenly a dark figure was there all neat in a dark suit, it had to be a vampire ,so suddenly he spoke in this deep voice."Princess welcome to The Dark Castle and the Vampire Kingdom, please follow me , o and you may call me Damio ", he says and so I follow him with my cousin Stefan next to me. The castle is nice inside , a bit cold but still not to weird apart from all the statues all over , so I walk and soon I see the Vampire King and he smiles bowing to me and I to him. "You are a vision even today Princess, welcome to my humble home and Kingdom", he says. "Thank you King I am happy to attend,thank you for inviting me ". "Yes believe me it is my pleasure having such beauty in my home ", come please lets have something to eat ,you and I ", he says but I find it rather strange seeing they do not eat from what I heard but I guess now I shall see for myself. We walk side by side to the dinning hall and Stefan and the rest that came with me was asked to have there food elsewhere , Stefan was not happy but the Vampire King gave his word that I would be save so he and Maria and my men did as asked. I was a bit overwhelmed thinking he could ask this, what does he want. And why see me alone ?...  The table was full of food and it was sort of out of the ordinary ,but I sat down waiting for him and so he also sat down asking a man to pour some whine for us, I was surprised he drank it ,so then he  toasted to me and I found it nice. "So King why ask me here if I may ask". Rose says and he smiles. "you don't beat around the bush do you Princess?". "No sir I do not and I think we all know well that a vampire and you being a King have a mate still and I am not her or am I mistaken?", Rose lets out. The King smiles at her shaking his head. "It seems Princess you already know a lot ,but do not fear I will never harm you, I actually like you a lot and yes you might not be my mate but I feel like we do have a bond Princess and I would like to get to know you if you would let me", he says while holding a plate to me with fruit. " But do you not worry where your mate is King and besides I am human , does it not seem strange", Rose say while eating. He smirks' at her and then take another sip of his wine. "No I do not , I simply like you and even if we could be friends it will still be enough for me but let's talk more about you and this social season, how do you find it so far?" , he diverst the combertation. "I find it hard but I believe in love and that is what I hope to find and I have met you haven't I ?" ,Rose gives back a bit of herself . "Indeed and if I can say I think you have a lot of followers, but one stands out  it seems and I wonder what you know of him,?". Rose is immediately angry at his nosy forwardness. "We all do respect but I do not wish to tell you about who I talk with and who I like , it is simply none of your business, but I will say yes there is someone that I like very much and he feels the same and I hope it will be the one and I think I know everything I need to know". "Then I am very happy for you , so tell me when did you start playing violin?, he asks forgetting about the rest and I was happy so I also decided to talk about other stuff."I started from a young age , my father believed a girl should know at least one instrument and that is what I chose and you , do you play an instrument?". "Not at all like you but from time to time I play piano ,but not much", he says and so the two started to talk like old friends about music and Rose still did not know why but she was going to find out even if he thinks he can play with her feelings , she doesn't think he is only being nice, he wanted to meet her again but the only meeting she looked forward to was Derek, meeting him again . Rose was taken to her room and she was happy to see Maria and so they got ready for bed not knowing what the next day in the dark caste held..Vampire's are indeed very nosy and it seemed like the King was trying to hard perhaps he liked Rose to or he had a agenda.One thing was certain, Rose was the envy of a lot of men and the vampire king was one of them too. Vampire King (Pov)  Last night I went overboard with asking Rose about her personal live but it is because I need to know who she liked and if it was that wolf she needed to know and if he is her mate they need to know Rose could be in danger and today I saw her I could not help feeling something for her even though I know she is human but still, I need to be her friend why I do not know but one thing is I will not let anyone harm her not even Nimra .Rose must be warned. The new day started and today The vampire King Adolf decided to show Rose the cave , she seemed excited and really into getting to understand vampires . "Rose this cave is where the first of our kind came from and as you can see we have had many enemies along the way", he says as they look at the drawings on the wall and one catches her eye, the one with a werewolf and a vampire. "Is this a wolf and vampire?". "Yes it was, we have been enemies a long time , even today, and you must be wary of them Rose they are sly and can be even more cruel than us" ,The vampire King says and it amazes Rose. Then she sees a coffin of red and black in the middle of the cave with all the candles around it. "What is this Adolf "?. He smirks. "This was the very first vampires resting place and now like a holy place for us". "I see, thank you for showing me this, I knew you were not that bad, and you know what I think you and I can be friends King Adolf ,but I am afraid nothing more for now", Rose say and even though he was a bit pissed he still wanted to be her friend maybe if she knows about the werewolf she would be mad at him for lying to her at least she knows what he is and that is all that matters. "One more thing Princess before you go home, I know how you feel and I will respect it but know that I will alway be here for you if you change your mind and a bit of advice, watch out for the witch Nimra she is very conniving and she has been in hiding till your ball, and no one knows why , so just be carefull ok", he says and Rose smile. "Can I hug you?" "yes you may". he says and so they hug like old friends and they then walk out where Rose get into the courage to leave thinking this was not just a meeting again , no he tried to warn her of this witch and she was grateful to him....
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