Chapter 10 ( Keeping Rose save )

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Alpha Derek (Pov)   I miss her terribly and I just could not rest to not be close to her so I followed her to the Vampire's castle , I needed to keep an eye on him to see she is save I also got a few warriors and my beta to go with me and so we hid in the forest and saw them talking, my blood was boiling, why would he want Rose besides that she is the most beautiful woman in all the world ,but she is human and I know she is my mate not his.  Rose looked so happy and it seemed she liked him too ,this was not good and I knew I needed to have a talk with him soon so I waited and as soon as she went to bed I waited knowing he will come out of that castle to hunt for deer or some animal to feed on and that is what happened but they smelled us too and I think in a way he had to know ."I can smell you Alpha Prince, show yourself and do not worry we will not take your head for spying on us", he says and so I appeared from out the trees and bushes. "I did not spie, I was watching out for my MATE !!". The vampire smirks shaking his head,"Yes I know Prince but it seems she doesn't even know what you really are yet and do tell me why is that?". Derek sneers at the vampire . "Her father and her mother will not approve and I do not want Rose thinking bad of us I want her to get to know me first and when the time is right I will tell her about me and my kind,but for now I can not, so now you tell me , it seems you knew she is my mate so why do you chase her vampire King?". The vampire looks irritated at the wolf now replacing his smile with a frown. "Because just like you she has captivated my heart, being it she is human I know and your mate , but do not fear wolf she will never be harmed by me anyway , the real threat to her live is Nimra the great witch , she doesn't seem to like Rose or her family, why I do not know yet , but I wanted to get her here and warn Rose ". Derek can not believe this to be true, this blood sucker likes his mate too , so he moves forward standing in the vampires fase. "You dare say you want Rose one more time then I will behead you , got it?". "Fine mind your temper , I know she is yours but for now I am not the danger". "Why would this witch want to harm Rose?" Derek says pasing trying to understand. So Adolf look to him. "she knows something we do not and I intend to find out what", "why , what do you get from this ?". "I see her as a wonderful person Prince Derek and truth be told she accepted us , our kind for what we are and I believe through her this world can be restored and all can get along again, I mean look at us we are talking about her and her safety aren't we?", the vampire says making Derek see that he speaks the truth, Rose is a beam of hope and maybe this witch doesn't like this. "Yes I get it and thank you for looking out for Rose, but still keep your hands to yourself , we don't want your head on a pike now do we vampire King?" Derek says shifting to Diago and then running into the dark forest with some of his pack. Diago didn't like the vampire but he was glad that he wanted to keep Rose save just like they did and this witch better keep to herself but still they need to find out what she is up to. "Derek we need to keep mate save at all costs", Diago say to his human. "Yes we will don't worry", Derek says back still running home.  While all this was happening  Prince Bion was getting ready for his big grand black and white party where all the guests were to dress in black or in white and he was very excited as to see Rose again and tonight he has his own gift for her,setting his plan in motion. So as he gets his own white suite on he goes downstairs to see that all is going as planned and as his first guests started to arrive he was very happy at this. "Welcome Lady Kate and Duke Greenwill if I remember correctly?", He says and they all bow. "Yes Prince you are correct and may I say your castle is beautiful inside and out", Kate says to him and they smile as the next people come in and it was the King and Queen of Urtania but where was Rose?. "Your majesties, so happy to see you but might I ask where the lovely Princess Rose ?", he says rather irritated again. "The Queen looks at him Questioningly but still keep her cool. "She is just behind us Prince, do not worry our daughter will not disrespect you by not attending such a grand affair ". He then feels better and just then Rose and Stefan her cousin enters and Rose once again blows his mind out of the water, she is dressed in a marvelous black gown and she looks almost mysterious tonight, fitting his taste and he loves it so he makes his way to her side . 'Princess Rose Larks and Lord Stefan if I am correct ?,welcome to my home, and Princess Rose you look breathtaking as always my dear", Bion says taking Rose's hand kissing it, but Rose is shy and quickly take her hand from him , he doesn't like it but still smile. "Thank you Prince and I must say this party looks splendid indeed, it must have been a lot of work". "O Rose do not be so modest, he is our host, af course it was work , come let us leave the Prince to see to his guests",Stefan says. "Yes Stefan I agree, so Prince Bion we shall speak later on then", Rose says as her and Stefan walks inside. Bion did not like this so called cousin of Rose and thought it a good idea to one day turn him into a frog because he looks to be very annoying. After that he still had lots of guests attending and Derek was also there and as Derek came in Bion saw him and knew this was the Person that was stealing Rose from him.  "Good evening welcome to my home I am Prince Bion, and you are?....". "Thank you I am Prince Derek ". "Welcome sir enjoy the evening", Bion says and as Derek walk in Derek turns again and Bion see him and the two share a look of challenging and Bion knew then and there this Prince was a werewolf too but he wondered if his beloved Rose knew this?. Bion was not happy but he could not create a scene so he started the party of by welcoming all his guests and asking them to enjoy the evening and then out of the blue he asked Rose for the first dance and a lot of the gentlemen were not happy especially one in particular, Prince Derek and he knew that wolf was up to something, but now he just focus on Rose. "You did well with this party Prince Bion" ,Rose say while dancing but in the corner of her eye she saw the way Derek looked at her and she felt his eyes on her the whole time. "Thank you Rose , yes but don't we all, I mean who doesn't like parties or dressing up ?". "Indeed", she says while Bion turns her and her stunning dress sprays open like a flower and it is so pretty for all looking at them.  "They would make  such a lovely couple don't you think Prince derek"?. A small voice says and as Derek looks he sees Lady Kate standing next to him. "Princes Rose could make any man look good lady Kate and I think she will look best by my side ", he says back and Kate only smile knowing her friend likes this man and she can see why, so she smile at them. "Mind to dance Prince?" Kate ask and Derek smile, "Not at all Lady". So the two also start to dance and laugh and this was maddening to Rose seeing her friend with the man she liked but alas she would make him jealous then so she also started to laugh with Bion and Bion took it as her liking him and so he whispered in her ear that he has a surprise for Rose, Rose smiled and agreed to walk with him. Once away from the boring eyes Bion took out a little black box handing it to Rose. She was excited and so she opened it and it was a stunning pearl bracelet , Bion took it out helping her to put it on and Rose loved it ."Thank you Bion , it is so pretty, but may I ask why this stunning gift?". Bion smiles and look her in the eye. "Because it is to show my affection towards you Rose, I want you and this is my way of saying to you that you captured my eye and hopefully I would yours". Rose is so taken back. "Thank you Prince it means a lot and believe me you have my eye", This made him glad and he was happy because now he has a tracking spell around her arm in the form of a braclet and she doesn't even know it , he will now have access to her body too , to use her own will against her if he would want to, she was his prisoner in a way now and she had no idea of the monster he was.  Rose went back to the party and in seconds Derek was behind her asking for his turn to dance with her and so she did, Derek noticed the bracelet on her arm , but Rose said it was a gift, Derek did not like this gift one bit, but he vowed to keep Rose save always .Derek also saw the vampire King and he knew somehow he could be an ally and the vampire King nodded to him as if saying the same, keeping Rose save...
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