
The Princess and her Alpha

opposites attract
kickass heroine
magical world

Little did they know they were meant for each other, their paths were to cross and she would fall in love with a magical being a werewolf, He would find his mate and he would do anything to have her even if it meant being the prince her father prefers ,but what is she learns the truth and what will she choose, him or her father's kingdom???

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Chapter 1 (The First chapter)
"Blast you, you evil thing, why burn me so harshly?, a lady like me getting her hands burned by this unforgiving piece off ….".  "That tone your majesty, is not meant for a young lady and nor for a princess such as yourself now is it?!" Maria the handmaiden and nurse hurries in to help as soon as the heard the loud noises . "Yes Maria you are right ,but I forgot this thing can burn me so and I think it happens every time ,when will I ever get a new kettle ?, this old thing is not suited for me you know" ,Rose says back sitting again on her big Queen size bed .Maria walk over to her taking her hands in hers smiling at her, "Princess you know your father is a busy man and he told you , you have one now so we will need to wait, so let me pour you a cup to enjoy and tomorrow I will put a pretty knitted cover on the kettle to keep you from burning yourself again, but now please get ready your mother wishes to see you at breakfast", Maria almost pleads to her princess.  Rose, Elisabeth Larks the Princess of The Kingdom of Urtania and only heir to the throne is a lifely , well-spoken, wild and lovable young lady with the most beautiful long red hair , green eyes and the most perfect face any woman could want, she was perfection and if all the world would know of her beauty, there would be many war's over her, but she was only 21 and still waited to be wed, but her father King Ferdinand the second of Urtania tried to keep his daughter hidden and only he would decide on a suitable suitor for her not even her mother Queen Aria had a say in this matter and not that she cared she was her step mother from the day Rose was two , her real birth mother was killed while traveling, by a pack of wolves and she was a beauty to , just like Rose a true gem  ,Queen Jasmin was. Rose loved nature and she would sometimes find herself walking in the forest all alone picking wild flowers for her father's table, she loved her parents even if her father the King was very strict and her mother to .Rose was getting dressed by her handmaidens and today she decided again on wearing a green dress seeing it goes perfectly with her fiery red hair and her emerald green eyes. The handmaid's' fixed the corset and then the rest and she was dazzling and everyone in the kingdome loved her even the birds liked her always singing on her window syl to help her welcome the day. Rose was done so she went down the many steps in the big old grand castle to go have early breakfast with her mother, she hoped they made her favorite and that can only be a fruit plate and a egg or two. "Mother good morning ", Rose says before she sits at the nicely decorated table . "Morning Rose my love, did you sleep well?", she ask Rose realy loving her step daughter like her own, seeing she never could have her own, she was luckily nothing like the stepmothers in other stories, "Yes mother thank you for asking,and I again dreamed of this village in the mountain that was covered in snow, it must be there by the snow mountains or something where we were when I was still a child?" ,Rose says while taking some grapes to eat. "Must be my dear, now more important things to attend to then silly dreams", The Queen says also eating her fruit. "Your father and I want to host a ball in your name and we want to look for suiters Rose", she says softly but Rose stiffens at the news. "What, why I am happy to be alone mother, we all do respect but it is to soon, no !" ,Rose almost shout but then lower her head realising her tone towards her mother. "Rose you are 21 now, it is time, I tried but your father will have it no other way so the wedding and suiter season will be announced at the ball and then it will start". "Sosial season , but ?" ,Rose says but was soon interrupted by her father King Ferdinand."Rose you need to accept this, you can not rule alone, that is why I thought it a good idea to invite all the eligible princes to attend this time with us and then you and I will choose the most suitable one for you , so it will be up to you whom you choose afterall", the King says sitting down at the head of the table drinking some juice. Rose was not happy at this, she was mad, she still wanted to be free but she knew if not this way then her father would make her Marry a man she doesn't even know and that could be worse so she looks at her father not having much of a apitaite now. "I shall do the social season and then take my time in choosing my husband father", she bows at him and they smile feeling happy that she is agreeing to this news. "But father might I ask will you let all the kingdoms come or only humans ?", she ask, making the King almost choked on his food, her father don't like other creatures and everyone respects everyone and they seldom come together for this because all creatures and humans have different traditions and ways of live. "Only to the ball daughter but the social season is only for humans ok so do not worry about that."...  In the more colder part of the land lived the biggest werewolf pack , The Emerald Pack, they are nestled in the snow mountains and are very well hidden from the rest. The rular and Alpha of this pack is the very handsome godlike man Derek Darkwood ( his name means : gifted ruler),the Alpha of the Emerald pack, he is the only child too and a hunk of a man, he has dark brown hair, blue eyes and he just turned 24 years old and he still hasn't found his mate but he will sooner then he thinks...his wolf's name is Diago and he is very big and strong , his color is dark brown and white ...., the two make a mean team. This is the story of what might be and what shall be...

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