Chapter 3 (The Ball part 2)

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As all the guests started to arrive Rose got very excited and her best friend Lady Kate was next to her bowing at her in a instant and Kate was also dressed very nicely and a true lady of the court.Rose and Kate knew each other since they were small girls and they ended up being best friends to this day. "So my dear Rose have you seen any handsome princes yet or perhaps a vampire or two?" Kate says softly in Rose's ear and they both giggle but the Queen look to them and they both stop instantly, a young lady should know her manors."Well Kate no I have not but I believe we will very soon seeing the King invited all the world it seems even the fear folk ", Rose admits to Kate and both of them looked intrigued now, then the champanje started to be poured and everyone took their places and so the guests started to come into the perfectly decorated hall, everyone was dressed very formel and one could see the wealth of them all as they entered, nobleman after nableman and so it started, a night they would always remember.  "Princess Rose if I may say your majesty you look very pretty tonight", The Duke of Greenwill says taking my hand after bowing to me and I smiled, he is nice looking but not really my type of man, he is more into hunting than anything else, but being polite I curtsy and greet him to. "Thank you Duke of Greenwill, you look very handsome yourself",I say then thank heavens above my mother the Queen calls me over and there infront of her stands a man looking very dark, dark suit,dark hair and even his eyes was dark, it scared me a bit ,but I walked over being friendly. "Your majesty, beauty is your new name I see, you are a vision blinding my sight", he says also bowing and taking my hand but I flinch away , his hand is stone cold,he smiles at my action but my mother frowns to me and I feel so bad . "I apologize Princess, I am Ricardo the Vampire King, and that is why the hands are so cold", he says smiling and I instantly feel bad at my action. "Pleased to meet you King Ricardo, and please accept my apology for being rude , I was just cought off guard at that moment."He smiles again bowing to us. "No need , but I accept only if you agree to a dance later tonight?"."Yes it will be a plesuere", I say without thinking and I can feel my mother stiffen next to me and after he leaves she takes my hand walking me to the table with all the food. "Rose just be carefull and just remember what your father told you, these creatures are not human so just don't wander alone ok " ,she says then heads to my father talking to another good looking man and he looks a bit more human . "You know Princess they say vampires lure you to dark corners but it's really the fairy's you should look out for",Kate says in my ear and I smile happy that we can mingle again seeing the hall is filling up with all the guests."So I heard and that vampire King was freaky , he was so cold and that Duke was just to nice".I say back and she just takes my arm as we walk through the guest and then just as we wanted to sit this stunning looking woman walks up to us smirking a bit evil. "OH no you are too much competition for me Princess Rose, when they said you were pretty I did not expect to see a goddess", she laughs while looking at me and Kate. "Thank you and the same to you uhm...", "O lovely Princess I did not introduce myself, I am the great and powerful witch Nimra of Tantarica, the valley of the dead",she says bowing only a little. "Well then Nimra of Tantarica, welcome to my home , the Kingdom of Urtania,I hope you would enjoy tonight with us",I say smiling but she doesn't seem to care one bit, "Thank you I intend too'. This made me a bit uneasy thinking that she did not seem to happy to be here , but then the music started to play and my mother and father opened the dance floor and soon everyone was dancing to the fine music but me, I was a bit shy and never realy like to show off but then I felt this strange feeling , it's like my heart and my mind has switched places and my heart is happy somehow and just as I want to go get some champagne this big bold figure comes to a stand still behind me handing me the full glass almost sniffing me, which was a bit weird and then he spoke into my ear."It seems the most beautiful woman in this room is not into dancing even though I personally think she would be the centre of it with her undeniable beauty" ,he says in this deep sexy voice and I had to turn to see his face and as I do I am blown away, he is the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on ,he's got dark brown hair,blue eyes and his face is that of a god, he is perfection to me and so I smile blushing instantly but just as he wants to take my hand my father steps in looking at this man frowning not seeming to recognize him and then look to me telling me we should dance and so I smile to him looking to my father  but then he smiles saying. "Go on Princess, I will dance with you tonight, so go on show of this dress", he says and so I go against my will but as I walk I see him looking at me boring holes in my head as he looks so intense.. Alpha Derek (Poc) As I step into this castle with my Beta and best friend Chris I catch this amazing smell of chocolate, roses and berrys and my wolf goes wild in my head but the more we walk in the more he goes mad and so I warn him to keep calm, but then Chris looks at me,"Alpha are you ok, you look a bit weird". he says as we stop before entering the hall. "I don't know it's like I don't know Chris, I think my mate is in there", I say and he smiles."Great so we will soon learn who our Luna is,they did say all the kingdoms were here my prince and you are indeed a prince remember?" Chris says and so they open the doors for us, we were overwhelmed by all the guests and then I saw this vision in this stunning golden dress and I knew then and there it's the girl of my dreams, the red hair goddess , Mate! Diago says in my head and I cheer with him but wait, she is human I mindlink Chris even if he was right there next to me."Yes Alpha she is the princess of Urtania, the next heir to the throne and she is human", this was so not good ,but I couldn't stop looking ,admiring her, she was perfect, my mate, my Luna and one day she could be my Queen, but we all know all too well what her father thinks of us and he will wage a war if he knows this . I mindlink Chris ."For now we are not wolfs, you hear me, I am a prince until I get to figure this out on what we are to do ok?"."Yes Alpha, so I guess Prince Derek should mingle and get to meet her ". The both agree and so Derek makes his way to her seeing her talking, laughing with her guests like the true Queen she already is to him. My heart wants to be close to her and man I need to talk to her and make her believe I am a bloody prince now, but for her I will even be a fairy if I must, so I walk always staying close waiting for the moment to talk to her and after a while I see her standing alone looking so fragile and so I make my way to her taking this as the time to talk and so my plan worked , I gave her the champagne and she took it , her smell is driving us insane but keeping cool is my middle name so we talked but then her father came taking her, I was mad but I knew to play it nice, I will be her shadow and for now I only stood there watching her dance with her father and I knew later I will dance too. After a while everyone was eating and having a rather good time and so the King took this as the time to welcome the guests. "Dear guests from all over , from far and wide welcome to our Kingdom of Urtania, me my Queen and my daughter Rose are blessed to have you all and now my Rose would like to play something for you , o and just a reminder that the new sosial season will start in a week where my only heir and daughter Rose will be joining in hopes to find her husband so gentlemen please join in the fun and behave ok, now lets enjoy, Rose the floor is yours",The King says and all eyes were now on Rose. She walks to the small stage and the band bowed to her as she sat down and in seconds she started to play the most beautiful medley on her violin and the room was quite enjoying this stunning princess and her talent too. In the back Derek was overwhelmed watching his mate play this instrument so perfectly and he was in love knowing that he must be the only one to win her hand and her heart,she belongs to him but for now until she loves him he is Prince Derek and he stood there waiting and soon when she was done he walked up to her , he took her hand bowing ."Princess might I have this dance with you now?", he ask and she takes his hand smiling and agreeing so he took her hand walking to the floor, she was stunning,"So now that you are dancing with me may I know your name?"she says. "Yes I am Prince Derek from the Emerald Kingdom far in the north, but please only call me Derek". "O your a prince now are you?", He frowns at his mate holding her a bit tighter to him as they dance. "Yes why is it a problem?, I thought it is a prince you wanted?" She then looks to him getting a bit mad, who is he to judge her so?."No Prince it is not a prince I want!" she bites back and now he is confused. "O really then what do you want?". She then stops the dancing looking at him. "I want a man that loves me, a man that can be my king, my lover and my best friend and it doesn't matter if he was a prince nor a dwarf". she says and he smiles. "I didn't mean to offend you", "you did not it just seemed you think little of a girl you do not yet know". "Yes that is why I would love to get to know you Princess Rose", she smiles again at him. "Then my prince you would be at the social season and if it be then maybe I will give you a bit of my time, but for now I will retreat to my chamber , I am very tired after dancing the whole night", she says and he bows to her feeling a bit overwhelmed by this but he knew already that he loved her .
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