Chapter 4 (Sosial Season begins)

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The time has come to place all the bets on the table for marvelous young lady's and the Princess that will be shown off by their tactless and sometimes heartless and overbearing mothers, to see which one wins the heart of the best placed man or nobleman or Prince for that matter. But Princess Rose was lucky, she already came from a prolific family,noted for their good looks,wealth and great manors.The social season was like no other, it was for society to take out the strong from the weak and disposed of them and only then the strong could survive. Stunning and beautiful they all looked in their dresses which were perfectly made and tailored by only the best and it was only elegance that showed now. Every young Lady would be escorted to all the dazzling events in the social season if it was tea party's or game days or even a simple stroll along the ravine  by someone of her house.Normally an older brother,father,mother or cousin will escort a Lady, never ever to be left alone in a man's precense for it would be scandal's and not good manor's and in Rose's case she would be disowned and so because she had no brothers her very handsome cousin Lord Stefan would be her escort and in doing so he could be looking for a bride of his own. After the welcoming ball that was already held, the king also welcomed other creatures to join in the fun to help find their own kind in looking for mates and so forth and it was the first step to show the humans see the others as equal, even though the King found it a bit hard to allow but it was the first step of starting the season off in the right direction.This sosial season is only for the Lady's in waiting and Rose too and so the second thing that was most important was the presenting of all the lady's to the King and Queen that hosted this events.  On this lovely sunny day every Lady was getting herself dressed and ready in their best dresses they could find and so was Rose because this did not exclude her, no she was also to attend and be presented by her cousin, only for the knowledge that she represents her own royal house in this sosial season.Rose was dressed in a satin white and silver dress, her hair was in a stunning upstyle ans she looked dazzling . For this the big throne room will be used today and every other nobel also attended. Rose being the only princess this year was also meant that she goes in first to be presented, she stood next to Stefan waiting to enter the room full of eyes to be announced and so she was. The doors opened and in they walked while all the Lords and men eligible took this moment to stare too ,as Rose entered they announced " her Royal highness princess Rose Elizabeth Larks of the Kingdom of Urtania, as she stepped in the crowd was surprised and as she went in further she saw him,prince Derek and she instantly smiled at him then kept on walking towards her father the King and mother the Queen. Rose walked in with grace and poise ,she looked evertless and then she bowed and her father the King stood up looking at his daughter , "Flawless ", so after that the rest came in ,in all their beauty , showing off like peacocks and the King and Queen was very delighted by this. The King then stood up and announced the social season open. Making this formal now. The room clapped hands , now the success lies in all the meetings .  Before the day was done all the Ladies were to have tea with the King and Queen but Rose wandered off and there in the garden stands the man she hoped to see again today, Prince Derek," Derek ,I mean Prince Derek, I see you are still here?". Rose says and Derek smile at her cuteness. "Yes Princess I wanted to leave but then came here hoping to steal a glance of you and your beauty again before going home". He smiles. "well then it seems you got your wish Prince,so tell me are you well still ?", he walks closer . "I am well thank you and yes it seems I did and may I say you looked lovely today Princess", Rose blushes and smile but she can't seem to stop herself to look into his mesmerizing blue eyes. "Thank you , you are to kind but I am afraid my stay can not be much longer". and just then her cousin walks in looking to Derek as if he has overstepped his boundaries, looking to the man that dare to steal time with Rose in flirting and alone too."Rose your mother is looking for you and may I ask who your friend is?" ,Stefan says in a hard voice. and Derek is instantly blown from his feat , who is this arrogant little man?. "O yes stefan this is Prince Derek from the the Emerald mountains kingdom and he merely greeted me Stefan nothing more", she says bitterly to her cousin which came at a bad time , just when she enjoyed talking to this handsome man."If you say so Rose , Good to meet you sir but I am afraid duty call on Rose and I am the Lord Duke Stefan of house Clark", he spits at Derek but Derek being a true gentleman bows in respect even if he wanted to rip this man apart for touching his Rose.So Derek also look to Rose smiling taking her hand to kiss ever so lightly, "I shall see you soon Princess Rose", he says and the tingles on her hands made her heart beat so fast, she frowns at it but soon it goes away as she greets him back and then leave but as she leaves Derek feels alone again and letting go of her was getting harder every damn time his heart aches for her and Diago whines in his head too as he also wants to be close to Rose. Now he wonders who this Stefan is... What a day and as Derek and  Beta Chris runs home on their horses Chris smiles at his already in love Alpha. "Fine out with it Beta!", Derek says and Chris only laughs looking to his friend. "You are in love my friend and I am so happy we found her too , now comes the difficult part my Prince, to win a heart like hers". In this Derek agrees and shake his head yes while thinking that he is looking forward to see his love and mate again soon, Let the social season begin!...
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