Chapter 2 (The Ball ,part 1)

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It was a big day for the Kingdom of Urtania , it has finally came and all the castle was busy getting ready to greet people from all over the Kingdom and beyond to the magnificent Ball that is always held in the Princesses name, this year will be no different and every bit of glamore will be shown and it will also be the perfect time to announce the social season starting soon,in which the princess and also a few Noble lady's will get the chance to be courted by princes from all over the world and lord's too, it is very important and it goes on for a few months and at the end these eligible men,lords and princes get to propose to the bride they choose, but it is mostly for Princess Rose , she will get to choose too and if not her father will do it for her, for she is the next ruler of this Kingdom and a woman can never rule on her own according to her father King Ferdinand.  The castle has this big Ball room where these types of occasions normally is held, it is the most glorious room in the castle and with it's perfectly decorated hall it is perfect to host so many people at once.The ball room is mostly in white and gold and beautiful glass chandeliers hangs from the roof giving that extra special touch to it and the floor is a perfect marble floor shining to perfection , the tables are put in such a manor that there is enough space for the dancing and the food tables to.The tables is set with the best cutlery and exquisite candles , linen and flowers that will leave all the guests blown away and it is the perfect setting for some romance and it will also be used in the social season for entertaining again.  Rose loved this castle it has been in her family for many generations and she would gladly have her own children run these halls just like she did and her father and mother before her. Rose was still in bed when her handmaiden Maria came in again greeting her Princess with so much love in her heart, knowing tonight is also a big night for Rose and she gets to really meet some of the guests she had never even seen before , all over the Kingdom guests are attending and some are from the Vampire Kingdom, the fairy Queen, the werewolf Alphas and some others to ,even a well known witch is coming, this was exciting to say the least because previous years her father wanted nothing like this but in the meantime he formed  a lot of different alliances and because we are only humans we were a bit weak compared to them and needed to be protected and in return we helped out with riches and other stuff to keep them going too, so it was like one helps the other and vice versa.That is why this Ball is also important tonight, this will show respect from everyone to everyone and it symbolise unity for all, but the guests also knew that King Ferdinand is very strict and he does not take lightly to insults meaning his daughter is of limits to other creatures and that she will only marry a human prince or nobleman and they respected it in that way. Even though her father knew her beauty was not easily mislooked, but they may look but never have.King Ferdinand might have been a human King but he was still a mighty warrior and not easy to go to war with. Rose was up and she was done so she went to breakfast and soon after she had to attend violin classes and then reading and then start to get ready for her Ball. "Let's try that one more time Princess,your talent is really good, you are a natural at this", The teacher says smiling at Rose while he listens to her play the violin like a pro."Thank you ,you are to kind". After she was done she thanked him and cleaned and polished her violin again because it needed to shine for tonight as she will greet her guests with a bit of show playing for them. After this Rose went to the library for her reading classes,  she was also one loving poetry and all the lovely languages she could almost speak. While Rose was reading her handmaiden came in telling the teacher that Rose must start to get ready and so she was hurried to her room, finally in the room Rose took of her close and got into a warm bath to relax her body and so she washed and got out again, A Princess never seemed to have time to herself but Rose was used to it and knew this is her live and when she becomes Queen one day it will be worse then this,but she was ready , it is her path and she would walk it gladly. The gown for the ball was stunning it was a golden ballroom dress with a low cut back and in the front it showed just enough of her perfect breasts and her long red hair was nicely styled and a thin golden crown was put on her head making the picture perfect Princes look like a dream, Her beauty was beyond stunning and she was also beautiful at heart and it showed in the way she carried herself and how she treated people around her. Alpha Derek (Pov)  "Can you help a man, this tie is really annoying me now !", Derek says to his Beta and best friend Chris, while looking at himself in the mirror. "Is it really the tie or are you a bit nervous tonight?", Chris askes Derek. "Nervous? why do you think I will be bloody nervous?" Derek bites back while Chris helps him with the tie. Chris smiles shaking is head to his Alpha who is clearly on edge tonight and that because of humans. "Just asking because I know you to well, that's why!". "Chris I just don't like these fancy ball's, and besides I told the old King we won't be staying to long ". Chris fixes Derek's jacket too while frowning. "Does the King even know you are the new Alpha now?, he saw you about five years ago man ". "I don't know but you know what I don't even care what he thinks, and if he would even know who I am is another story ", Derek says. "Yes so let's keep a low key ok and get back home ". "Yes now your talking my friend". So after debating and talking the two wolves looking like real princes were off to the Ball and little did Alpha Derek know he would meet his mate tonight and the one woman he would die for and be anything for.
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