Chapter 16 ( Taking Rose)

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Nimra (Pov)  This plan needs to work or ells everything I worked for will go down in flames ,luckily so far the Alpha prince doesn't know about me and now it can give Bion time to ask for the Princess's hand and get on with it before the wolf comes to know of our planes.  Before the witch could finish her thinking she got a strange unwelcome feeling and it felt like something has happened , now the time is near to put their plan into a faster pace.  Bion was at the castle having a painting day with the rest of the young people that the Queen organized for social seasons last two weeks, and so Nimra send Bion a message in the wind to tell him that he must make his move on Rose and lure her to his castle , for time is not on their side anymore and so Bion decide then and there to take the King aside to ask his permeation , not that he wants or need it but to keep this plan going smooth so he walks to King Ferdinand who was busy talking to other nobles. "My good King may I ask a bit of your time?", Bion asks and King Ferdinand complies walking with him . "So good Prince you ask to speak so out with it what was so important?", the king says rather nosy. "King I love your daughter … and I know she loves me so I ask to take her as my wife if I may do so with your blessing?" ,Bion ask in his nicened voice and the King smiles putting his hand on Bion shoulder. "You may Prince Bion, you have my blessing, so have you asked my daughter this or am I the first ? and what is the plan, I mean the date?", Bion smiles warmly feeling like he has won the war at last. "You are the first King and well I want to marry her very soon to ,but you see my father the King is very ill and well I would love to take Rose to meet him and wed her before he passes on , if you would agree to it Afcorse?' Bion plays yet another loyal card about his so called dying father who in fact is dead already, but he knew once Rose is in the blue island castle surrounded by their magic her father will never get her back and the wolf will never see her again. "I see , well then we will gladly send her with you and me and the Queen shall follow the next week ,but I will send her royal guards with her , not that I do not trust you but still we never liked the forest, you see as King I prefer to be save". the king says and Bion is beside himself on how easy this King gave his daughters hand away ,but alas he will love her and if she is good he might spare her family and keep them in a dungeons after all.  After getting his answer Bion rushes to the garden were Rose and Kate got a portrait done with the two of them but Bion stood on a table making everyone look to him while he tried to get their attention. Rose looked shocked but wondered what he was up to . "Friends and our hosts King and Queen thank you for this lovely day but I seem to have lost my heart so as I stand here today I ask Princess Rose to join me in marriage, will you marry me Princess Rose?", Bion says coming down bowing to Rose with a ring in his hand and she is dumbtrucked. "O Bion it is so beautiful, yes I will, I will marry you my Prince" Rose say and he kisses her hand then slips the ring on and then he takes her aside after everyone congratulated them.  "Bion what came over you today and what did my father say?" Rose say feeling all strange not knowing if she should laugh or cry. "He gave his blessing and well I have arranged that I will take you to my Kingdome tonight Rose ", this is way to sudden and Rose frowns. "Why , this is a bit fast Bion don't you think?". "O my dear I want to tell my father and let you meet him and show you your new home that's all and do not worry after a week your family will also come and join in the fun, nothing big I promise, so will you come and see my home?" Bion say and even though Rose feel a bit off she is very happy but wonder still where Derek is and why her heart thinks of him every day. "Fine I will come but only for you ". "good we leave now my love ", he says and she is cought of guard. "But we cant ,we need to pack and all". "O my dear it is done so come let us say goodnight and take the road". he says all convincing so Rose smile while hugging him but every time while close to him its like her soul wants to push him off her, but still she complies and in a mear hour they are off to Roses soon to be hell . Derek (Pov)  After leaving the fairy realm I felt stronger but I could feel a faint mate bond, not that it mattered, I would love Rose without it to but still my wolf needs his mate ,but first I need this emerald back and according to the fairy Queen my feeling towards it will take me to it so I go with some of my pack and so we went in search and the feeling or connection to the emerald took me to the dark forest where the great witch Nimra lives and I then knew she was behind it but today I will know why so we walk until we see a stone like castle and before I could sniff the air we were inside the castle and there before me the witch I so did not want to see but it seemed she was happy to see my, "Are you the witch Nimra ?" Derek says and the old lady laughs out loud. "Yes Alpha Prince I am and why may I ask do you want to see little old me?". "Well lets just say I met a deceiving fairy and her spell went haywire on me and my mate and well it turned out she was no real fairy and now I want my emerald back!" ,Derek shouts almost and still the witch smiles. "You come to my home telling me I took something from you, well wolf you and I made a deal and yes I was maybe a little over dramatic but you see I needed that emerald and I am sorry but ,you can not have it back and for your mate … well I think she is better off". Nimra says and she should not have because in seconds Derek storms her holding her by her neck. "You kill me then your pack dies , you runt, you are to late , leave and I will not see this as a insult" ,Nimra says ,but it seems Derek is not moving. "Tell me why?" . "Hahahahh , because wolf my son needed a wife and well I needed my power back and your little mate has my powers, but not for long and well the emerald is for my final spell on that dam human Kingdome that held me for a fool and now ha, I will be the one to laugh!!" ,Nimra says and Derek lets go of her . "Why , where is Rose , what did you do??", he shouts and Nimra waves her hand and in seconds Derek and his few men are in his territory.  "NOOOOO, Rose I'm coming for you with or without a emerald,!!! , but then just as the sun sets a white light comes to Derek making everyone's mouth hang open, what the hell, but then they see a woman with long black hair and she looks almost like his Rose but older. "Do not fear wolfs, I mean no harm I am Queen Jasmin, I come to give you this ", she says and hands Derek another green emerald but this one seems bigger , Derek falls to his knees looking to the woman and so does his pack members, only realizing she is Jasmin the sister of Selena the moon goddess, but only Jasmin is the long lost goddess of nature. "This can not be Rose's mother , but you are a goddess, you , you are the goddess of nature as your sister is the moon goddess". he says bowing to her holding the emerald. "Yes Alpha Prince and you are my daughters true mate , our sister is Nimra , she was once good you know , but humans was cruel to her being the goddess of night, so she turned evil growing jealous of me and Selena so we banished her to earth and I was send to watch over her ,but I fell in love with a King , a human King and at the birth of Rose I was dying and Rose to so I called on my sister for help wanting to give her a chance to be good again ,but then I was wrong , she saved us but when Rose turned two she got rogues to kill me seeing I was on earth a while my powers faded a bit so I died but I looked over Rose and told Salena to make you my daughters mate , now you must save her and bring her home, it must be so". All this was a lot of news but Derek asked nothing he only agreed and then Jasmin was gone into the wind.  Derek knew now Rose was in danger and he was going to save her and end Nimra and her son Bion.
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