Chapter 15 (Realm of the fairy's)

1977 Words
The air felt so thin in this realm and even though Derek has never travelled here he asked the wolf elders to give him a map as to how and were to find it and so Derek took the task with his Beta and best friend to find this fairy land to talk with the fairy Queen about one of her fairy's. Derek was not scared at all for this but the one thing that did scare this Alpha was the fact that he was loosing his mate and fast to so time was of the essence to him. Traveling light they descended on the fairy Kingdome. Rose (Pov)  I am walking in the forest all alone and that is when I see the lake I so love to go to, but it seems more quiet and alone so I go to this big log at the side resting my acing feet , seeing it felt like I was walking for to long and then I saw this white light on the water almost blinding my sight , it can not be the sun for the sun is much higher and do not hurt my eyes but then the white light soften and before me stands this goddess like woman with the longest blonde hair, stunning white and silver dress and the face of an angel if I'd ever seen any. She smiled lovingly to me and it made me relax knowing almost that she will not harm me, can it be an angel or maybe it's my mother?.  "Princess Rose it seems we meet at last", the woman says still standing in the lake. "I am sorry do I know you , grandmother is it you perhaps?", Rose ask in hopes it would be her mother ,but the woman smiles softly at the girl before her. "If I was your mother Jasmin I would have been the proudest mother seeing how beautiful her daughter has grown up into a strong woman, but I must share with you Rose I am not your birth mother ". Rose looks a bit disappointed and also looks down seeming to be saddened, "It's ok and thank you for your kind words it almost seem like you now or knew my birth mother?" ,Rose say and the woman walks closer. "Yes I did indeed Rose your mother is a remarkable woman and a formidable Queen and now lives in heavens and she is at peace knowing you are save and well lets just say me and her became friends ". the woman says to a disbelieving Rose because who could she be then, a aunt or what ? and why is it so quiet near the river. "Ok but still may I ask who you are ? and why you keep standing in the lake and why do I feel like I am in a dream?". "Fine child , I am Serena moon goddess and creator of werewolf's and fairy's and you are in a dream yes but I came to visit you here seeing it is more save and well private to", she announces and Rose is taken by surprise again. "O my... really, the moon goddess?, but why visit me I am human and I don't even know you". "Yes it is true you are only human child but you are the mate I chose for the Alpha prince , for you and him will again bring peace between humans and magical creatures .Derek is your destiny and you are his Luna Rose, you are destined to meet and be together", she says but Rose stands up laughing at this woman. "I mean no disrespect but you must be mistaken , I am a human princess and I do not want to marry a wolf , thank you but no I am in love with another and Derek is unfaithful so no I can not, thank you but no it will never be". The moon goddess smiles shaking her head at the answer knowing Rose is under a spell and the only way to brake it is if Rose kisses Derek but seeing this spell is strong Derek will need to do it with force it seems. "You may believe that Rose , but you are under a spell, why do you think you come to this lake so often, you feel the connection to me through nature Princess , Bion is a warlock and his mother is my cruel sister the great witch Nimra, she put a powerful spell on you and Derek are the only ones to lift it this way, or Bion will wed you and destroy your world were no human would be save again", Serena says but Rose frowns seeing this information as to much so Rose start to feel sweat running down her face not wanting to hear more, she is so confused now. "Rose wake up, but remember Derek is your true mate you are his and he is yours.. remember Rose, remember the past ,look for the roses...". And in seconds Rose awaken all sweaty and breathing fast as if running but then she sees she is in her room.  This was a nightmare if anything, but it felt so real.. all she remember is roses , Derek and  kiss, nothing more and for some reason her head hurts so much now so she takes a pill and go back to sleep hoping it will go away and no more nightmares... In the meantime Derek and his Beta were walking threw the fairy lands, it was so pretty it was covered in trees and fields of flowers everywhere you looked, it smelled like honey and lemon and the sky was so blue one could almost see your own reflection in the clouds, it was a secret world and it could only be accessed threw a magic portal known by only a few and one was a werewolf elder that married a fairy a long time ago and Alpha Derek knew this man all to well so he told him the passwords and where to find it and they did indeed.  "This is truly a fantastic place Alpha , don't you think?" his Beta ask to try and lighten the mood. "Yes it is ,but remember to keep your eye out for that red fairy ok", Derek reminds his friend. While walking for long the fairy castle came into view it was shining like pearls in the sun and it was surrounded by baobab trees stretching very high making it look almost gigantic to the outside but it was to ward of evil ,think giants lived hear. As they neared more a green fairy stopped the two and was not happy at seeing them. "Stop in the name of the Queen, may I ask who you are and why you have come to our Kingdome, seeing you are werewolf's?" ,the fairy asks not to happy but Derek only smile at this brave fellow taking on two wolfs on his own. "Well my good fellow we come in peace to see your Queen , I am the Alpha Prince Derek of the Royal Emerald pack in the snow mountains and this is my Beta, second in command". Derek says and just as the fairy wants to take them a voice speaks. "Felix let them enter!". And so they do thinking it might have been their Queen talking. The castle was very big and so pretty and it spoke of wealth and majesty and so the two wolfs were taken to a seating area in a big hall and told to wait for the Queen. Five minutes later the doors open an in came the most beautiful fairy in all the colors of the rainbow and she seems so happy and nice. "Well I must say I have met many wolfs in my time but none as handsome …Alpha Derek I presume", she says while sitting on her thrown smiling and looking at Derek. He smiles back at this Queen that seems to know him. "Thank you your majesty , but I am afraid I come to …" but before he can finish she speaks over him. "You seek a fairy whom did you wrong wolf, but I am sorry to say there is no such fairy in my realm or any as a matter of fact, you see Prince we fairy's do not have animal wings we merely have thin elegant wings of silk only and as fairies we do not have names like she had we are simply named after flowers and animals and our character for instants Droplet, nightsky, daffodil or fox and I looked into this so called fairy even before you came seeking me because if in my woods we will know but this fairy was not a fairy good sir , o no she was a witch taking on a descries as a fairy to fool you Alpha and it seems she did". "It can't be she looked like a fairy to me and she had magic, so what now ? what can I do, help me please". Derek pleads making the fairy Queen sad for him. "I see your sadness wolf , I can not help you find this witch, but I can tell you how to undo this spell,? , you have to kiss your Princess and only then the mate bond will be restored and the spell will be broken and while doing this you must place your green emerald in the Princess's hand for its power comes from nature and nature will restore itself through Rose". Derek frowns hitting the wall next to him making the Queen scared and so his Beta calms him down. "She took the emerald, as her price for helping me, and how do I find it now?". the Fairy Queen stands up flying to the wolfs coming to stand infront of him. "That was dumb,... but it has been done, but lucky for you Son of the emerald Queen I have a spell I can do on you and so just like finding a mate you can find were the stone is hidden,", The Queen says and Derek is dumbstruck about all he hears. "How?  , I am a wolf not a fairy and besides why did I not know all this?, that emerald is like a family emblem." He says but she puts her hand on his shoulders. "Lets just say I knew a very lively Luna and she loved nature as do we, we are the keepers of nature Alpha and your grandmother once saved my live and so we became good friends and I gave her the green Emerald as a symbol of our friendship bond and a true promise to always vow to come to each others aid if needed and that emerald has the power of love restored wolf and now I see it, so stand on your knees and let me set the spell you need to find that stone, to save you Luna from the witch and her son".  "Her son, what do you mean her son?" Derek says almost loosing it. "Calm down , her son is the Prince Bion , he is a warlock but was brought up by a human king of the blue islands and now Nimra got him to take your Luna for himself for what reason I do not know, but there must be something otherwise My dear Nimra would not go threw so much trouble to brake your bond and let her son claim Rose , kneel Alpha", and so he kneels. "Lavane asombero emeraldos da fin do!!" ,the fairy says and instantly Derek is in his castle with his Beta and he feels more powerful then ever. Now to find my emerald.
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