Chapter 17 (The Roses)

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This must be from Maria, I wonder why she would give me dead roses and in these colors?, it seems a bit strange. "Maria can you come to my bed after you ran my bathe", Rose yells to Maria who is with her at the blue island castle, so Maria hurry's to Rose. "Yes Princess, you called". Maria says and see Rose holing the Roses Derek gave her for every time they saw each other, still not knowing why Rose never chose Derek and instead is going to marry Bion. "Did you put these dead Roses in my bag, it seems they are dead Maria and I know I did not pack it?" Rose say and it makes Maria worried, is Rose living in a dream or did Derek perhaps hurt her, why does she not remember the roses she so loved to receive from him. "Princess I did pack them yes, but only because you informed me after you got the first one to always pack it for you should you travel and so I did and I wanted to see if you remembered how you felt just a while ago about Prince Derek and now you marry the other Prince you did not really seem to like". Maria says at a frowning Rose as if Rose heard a strange tale from her handmaiden that she knew all her live and came to love like a mother. "But , did Derek give them to me, when,? I surly would remember a bunch of roses Maria", Rose say irritated and a bit unsure because how can Maria say things she doesn't remember. "No my dear he gave you one rose every time at a special function, telling you also why he chose that specific color Rose and you liked the boy you kept it safe under your pillow". Maria says worried... Rose felt strange hearing this, no it can not be ….she loves Bion and Bion was the man she fancied from the start ,right?. "Maria I know nothing of this, am I going crazy?" Rose say and Maria is instantly worried but then the door opens and in walk the one Rose must fear, Nimra. "Princess I do know I must have waited ,but I had to see my sons bride and well to tell you ,you will not meet the King today but instead you and I can have tea". Rose smiles a small smile, "O that is a shame but ok tea sounds nice thank you, will Bion join us?", Rose say and Nimra smirks. "No he is busy child, but well I think it is time I get to know my daughter in law and well lets just say show you around. " just then Maria walk in seeing Nimra ,she froze letting everything in her hands fall to the floor like she saw a ghost. Nimra smiles evilly knowing Maria is the midwife that held Jasmin's hand while giving birth to Rose, knowing what she is. "Nimra, what do you want ? , why are you here?, come to me Rose!" .Maria says but was struck down with magic when she called to Rose, Rose gets up running to a now dead Maria on the floor. Blood seeping from her head indicating a bad blow to the head. "What did you do , she , she …, she is dead, you killed my handmaiden and friend, what did she mean by Nimra?, what have you done?". Rose cry for the loss she feels for Maria,  but at the same time gets so angry at this woman standing over them smirking, but then before her eyes the Queen turns and in return a evil looking witch stands before Rose who now is more afraid of what she sees. "I am your mother in law dear and you are my hostage Princess, now do as we say or I will kill your family". Nimra spits and Rose hugs the dead body of her friend while Nimra stands watching her. Rose never felt so alone  but the strength in her came from her mother and Nimra knew this will happen but it seems the girl is only human after all left with no powers from her late mother. "What do you want from me witch?", Rose ask with so much hate in her voice wondering where bloody Bion is and if he knew what was happening . "I want you to be a good girl, marry my son and that is all nothing more , o ,except to bare children that will be all and as long as you do as we say you will be save and your family to ok". Nimra says then before Rose can answer leaves the room only to let in a old woman that also looked like a handmaiden but she and another starts to lift Maria's body while Rose cry's nonstop only then does Bion enter her room walking to her holding her so she could cry her heart out. It seemed like this was normal to Bion, maybe he was under his mother's spell to. "Bion your mother killed Maria and she wants to kill my family, your mother is the witch Nimra, did you know all this?" Rose ask hoping he would know nothing but his face speaks a thousand words. "Rose my mother is dangerous so I try not to madden her ,but do not fear my love she will never harm you nor them as long as you stay with me, you love me still don't you Rose?", Bion plays his sympathy cards and Rose once again falls for his lies and shake her head in agreement making Bion pleased to know she trusts him not knowing that he planes to kill her family after they are wed. "I trust you Bion", Rose says. "Good love then forget Maria , my mother killed her because she was trying to take you away from us , from me and well my mother knows we love each other so she did it ,but I know she did not mean to, you know... kill Maria", he says filling her head with more lies but Rose buys it every time being under this spell made her forget her love , her true love for Derek but Derek did not .  After Rose was put under a forgetting spell about Maria, Bion send a dressmaker to Rose's room to help her get a dress to wear for their engagement party and well Rose felt like a true Princess her parents were there and a lot of people were invited too and she felt happy but saddened somehow like something was missing but at least she knew her parents loved her and liked Bion to and that was all that mattered . "O my daughter you look like painting painted by the angels ", Queen Aria say to her stepdaughter while walking into her room and Rose feels happy to see her, she did love her too like a mother. "Thank you mother as do you as always". Rose say and so the two walk down to greet the rest of the guests but it seems Nimra is nowhere to be found again, not really one for a lot of people .  As Rose stood with her mother and Bion she felt eyes on her and it felt very intense like the outside breeze was folding its eyes around her strapless dress and like the forest was watching her in this dark castle but she ignored it talking as only she could. Derek (Pov)  She was a vision and like every time I saw her she was the most beautiful lady at the ball or tea party and my heart asked for her . In his hand he had a red rose , meaning to give it to her to let her know he loves her and that no spell could change it for him. He wanted to get Rose alone to put the emerald in her hand to brake the spell and he would wait all night because he knew it was in her, it was a part of her that called to the forest , the part that needs to bring her to him tonight...
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