Chapter 14 (Looking for answers)

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Rose was up early getting ready with Kate for yet another big garden party and she felt excited , it was like they were all happy and like Derek and her never fought and it was strange because Rose only remembered seeing him kiss another lady and they fought and then she ran to her room and Derek left and then waking up to feeling nothing not even anger but instead felt excited and happy to see no other then Prince Bion the other man she liked she thought, seeing that Derek might not be the one for her yet. This was the working of the spell making everyone believe they were doing the right thing and all that happened was the real truth,even though it was not. "Rose you seem to quiet today". Lady Kate says to her best friend. Rose then gets her shoes on smiling at how caring Kate always is, no wonder they are friends. "Yes dear friend of mine, today I need to spend more time with Prince Bion, it seems Prince Derek is not my type after all", Rose says but Lady Kate frowns wondering what changed seeing just a few days ago they seemed so in love almost, but perhaps it was her mistake. In the meantime the spell from Nimra was working on the whole kingdom even on Lady Kate too though she was a bit suspicious and it made it all seem like nothing. Bion (Pov)  "Mother at last you are back, did you get it, did you get the green emerald?". Bion says to Nimra. She smiles to her son walking to pour herself a drink from her drink cabinet. "O my son you must not worry to much, mommy is in control now and you can now claim your price , so go to the damn garden party and see that our Rose will most definitely like you more today and make sure Derek doesn't get too close to her , the bond might be broken but he will soon find out and then you must have her already, now go !", she says and Bion is soon off to see his price, Rose. While leaving Bion felt happy even if he knew Rose will never really love him but at least now she will be his thanks to his mother's spell . At the garden party he saw the King and Queen talking with lady Kate and then as he turned he saw Rose and just by the way she looked back at him he knew his mothers spell is working it's magic already, Rose smile to him like she just wanted to see him. " Prince Bion I am so happy you came", Rose say almost blushing witch he liked. "O my princess why would I not we have spent so many good days together you and I, that I simply can't stay away from you". he says and her heart instantly likes his remark. "You flatter me Prince , now come let us walk a bit, I can't remember if I have shown you the lake, it is rather pretty this time of year". Rose say and even though Bion hate the forest he follows Rose thinking how lucky he is now that his plan can actually work. While walking to the lake Rose talks and talks about how she loves the forest and it somehow irritates him so he decided to change the subject. "So my beloved Princes seeing this social season was so good for you and me bringing us together, I was thinking why not let me take your hand in marriage now and lets be done with it, I know my feelings for you and you know mine so why wait two more weeks?" ,he insists almost making Rose a bit worried. "Well I suppose we or you could talk to my father on this matter but why hurry Price, let's get to know each other more". Rose say and this is the time Bion takes to move in for the Kiss he has longed for and it seems Rose wants it to ,so he moves to her taking her in his arms kissing Rose full on but suddenly Bion is ripped from Rose frown against a tree and infront of them stands a very angry Prince Derek , but Rose runs in-between the two men taking a stand infront of Bion,like she is protecting him, this makes Derek more mad, why is his mate helping this man, this warlock?  "Rose what are you doing, do you know what he is, and what about us?, how can you kiss him?,  Derek shouts almost to Rose but she still stands infront of Bion and he is smiling knowing he won this battle. Rose frowns feeling confused,"What do you mean, Prince Derek, you are not trustworthy, you kissed another and now you want me to still like a man that can not stick to one woman?, no and besides me and Bion love each other and we have shared so much and you and I we only talked but once or  two times over the social season, so now you say you care, o please climb of you high horse Prince and rather leave before I ask the guards to let you out". Rose say almost mad. But Derek doesn't understand at all ,Rose was talking of him kissing a lady and that they were only talking , what the hell is wrong with her , could it be the spell, did that damn fairy mess it up or get it wrong? he thought while looking at his mate seeing how mad she is and it hurts him, how can she change her mind after two days, "Rose you said you loved me at this spot were you kissed him, so how am I at fault ? , and I never kissed another only you Rose". Derek pleads but Rose will hear nothing of it and shake her head no. "No Prince you are mistaken, I never said I love you , we also never kissed , you are mistaken and I care for Bion, why do you think he is here with me and not you?. Rose asks and Bion walks to Rose taking her by the hand smiling at the beaten Alpha. "You heard the Princess Prince Derek, go away she and I are in love and there is nothing you can do to change it, so keep your dignity Prince and leave like a gentleman", Bion spits at Derek and Derek can feel Diago wants to come to the surface and by feeling like he does he almost let him but as his gase falls on Rose he see her holding onto Bion to and she is mad, she seems to really like Bion ,looking at im like she used to look at himself, this is when reality steps in making Derek wonder what was happening and now he needs to find that damn red fairy and kill her for deceiving him and to get his green emerald back and then fix this mess. Derek looked to Rose bowing , loving her so much but hurting to see her in another man's arms and a warlock at it to. He knew something was wrong to ,because it felt like their bond was faint , almost like it was not there and this made Derek worried, what did that fairy do and why,? Answers he seeked and so he ran into the woods shifting to Diago in search of the red fairy and then hopefully the elders to help him. Leaving Rose hoping she would be ok. Diago ran and as they came to the same place were Derek saw the red fairy the forest was quiet and then he started to call out her bloody name but still nothing and no one was there, Derek was so mad and hurt and so he looked everywhere but still nothing. The only thing to do now was go to the fairy Queen and tell her what had happened and then ask for help about this so called spell and red fairy that called herself Nama...
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