Chapter 13 (The Voice in the forest )

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"Why look so droopy Alpha Prince of the Emerald Pack ,in the snow mountains"?, the voice say and Derek wonders to himself who this was  or why this voice was talking to him. "Show yourself !! , do not hide behind your voice and red light blinding my sight !". Derek shouts to the still unknown voice. Then it speaks again, "O Alpha I do not mean to scare you so" ,the voice says back and Derek doesn't like it one bit. "I do not scare easy ,but if you need to hide perhaps it is you that are scared, now show yourself , or be gone from me !!". The voice then laughs loudly but in a kind way making Derek think it could be a fairy pestering him for walking in their woods. "O no Alpha Prince I am not scared , see I sensed your sorrowful heart and soul so I thought to myself, Why not go and see why this wolf is lost ?". After this is is quite a bit. Then Derek talks, "You wish to know why a wolf is sorrowful ?, well ... maybe if you stood before me I could tell you, but I prefer not to talk to just a voice". Suddenly the red light goes away and Derek then think to himself maybe he was right it was a fairy teasing him , now she left at last,and so just as he wanted to walk further he feels a presence behind him, he turns around fast feeling Diago on the surface too but then he sees a rather small looking red fairy ,but with bat like wings which he has never seen or heard of before so he frowns while she smiles at him. "Is this better wolf Alpha "?, she says and he relaxes a bit. "Yes at least now I can see a face , but why those weird wings ?, are you a fairy even?", Derek asks and she smiles at him again. "I am yes , I am rare and so they call me the red fire fairy good Prince and my name is Nama". Derek now looks a bit more convinced ,"Well then I am pleased to meet you Nama, I am Derek Alpha of the Emerald Pack like you somehow already know which is weird". He bickers back annoud. "Hahahahah Alpha you are funny, let me tell you , my gifts are widespread and well I can feel emotions and read minds and well I can also do a bit of spells too here and there ,and you know ...I like you so may I ask why you are sorrowful, perhaps... love?" ,she says while flying a bit closer to him. "Well yes because I fell in love but she doesn't want me or love me". Derek says feeling sad again while going to sit on this big log, he looked broken to her ,for a werewolf it is not good to show such sorrowness, some may take it as weak ,but when it comes to mates it is painful, "She is human I presume and your true mate am I not right?" the red fairy says and she knows this is her chance to get into his head.  "Yes and her father is the human King Ferdinand, he hates us and I do not know why, but now she hates me too for lying to her but I wanted her to know me first then I would have told her what I am, but now I am forbidden to see her and if I wage a war she would hate me too, so I am lost". the red fairy smirks, "Well it seems you are in need of help then, but it will cost you wolf". the red fairy says while flying around Derek . "What can you do , you are just a fairy?" ,he says back making her a bit mad but she remembers that Derek doesn't really know who she really is, which is in fact Nimra the great and powerful witch of all disguising herself to put her plan into working. "O but I can ,I can whip up a spell to make you only a prince ,but it will cost you , I must have the green emerald you posses Alpha Prince". Derek stands up frowning at her forwardness,"No !!, that has been in my family for generations, no ,why do you want it and how do you know of it?" he says asking her. "Well you see we fairy's talk and well I need it to heal some lands for the fairy's and only then will they let me into our realm again, you see we all get a bit nauty and well I kinda did".  He looks to her wondering why it feels so strange to talk to her and so he speaks again. "Will you really use the emerald for good?, and what will your so called spell do then?".She flaps her bat like wings,"Yes I promise alpha and well about that, well my spell will make her and her family think you are only a prince , never knowing of your werewolf side , ever and she would love you back like you love her and then you can live happily ever after, you see Derek I know of her father and he will never let you have her , he can be cruel for a human and long ago he also killed witches and fairies too and when werewolf's killed poor Rose's mother the King hated wolfs but with my help they will never see you as such ,only as human and the King will let her go and even let her marry you, just think wolf how happy you could be having your mate all to yourself", she says and Derek decides to make the deal with this so called fairy, according to what he knows fairies are bound to promises and if she promises to only use the emerald for good it will be or the fairy could die. "Fine I will take your offer red fairy and you must take the prommis too then".The evil witch then agrees to this and so she starts her spel witch is not of a pure fairy like he thought ,but that of an evil witch and it is a spell like she promised but this spell will break their mate bond instead and make Rose turn on Derek because now Rose will fall in love with her son Bion and not with Derek but Derek is unaware of its magic but soon he will know and nothing can then break the spell she thought. And then Nimra could start the take over for good. After explaining the 'fairy'/ which who is Nimra took out what looked like a potion and so she threw it over Derek, it burned a bit but then it had this cold sensation but still he was convinced about the deal, then Nimra spoke her words:,' AMANDORA LAVA THANDRA', and in seconds the spell was in motion to do the bidding of the evil that it possesses. "Fine it has been done wolf, now go find your mate and love her and tonight as the sun sets I will collect my stone and we shall part ways", she says and instantly disappears into thin air leaving Derek feeling a bit cold but he thought it must be the spell working so he hurried home to get the emerald he promised... Rose (Pov)  While Rose was playing on her violin she felt this cold feeling washing over her whole body and it made her shiver but then her father entered and sat with her telling Rose that he was sorry and even on him it seemed the spell did a bit of work, Rose told her father that she was ok and that she would not fight him and that she will continue to date Bion  now seeing he was now spell bound to her without her even knowing it even though she still wondered why she still felt something for Derek ,but its like her heart shifted today, it must be the air or because she sees clearly now and was falling to fast .But the evil spell was already in working.The mate bond was broken by the spell , leaving Rose vulnerable for Bion. At the Emerald pack Derek felt a bit weak too after getting home, but he thought nothing of it , he send his beta to check the borders and told his men he was in his study, so he got the stone then went waiting in the mountain for this red fairy and so she appeared again out of nowhere, taking it but just as she wanted to leave not seeming to be friendly anymore he stops her . "You need to make the promise fairy, did you forget?",."O of course , silly me ,yes I promise to only use it for good, now can I go?" ,she says and leaves leaving Derek wondering what he has done, but at least tomorrow he can see Rose again...But then he feels this pain and falls to the ground blacking out ,falling into darkness...
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