Chapter 18 (Braking the spell)

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He was waiting in the forest knowing if Rose was still herself that she would come for fresh air seeking the forest not even knowing fully who she is or why she has always done it. The night was chilly and so Derek waited on his beloved and after midnight he saw her sneaking out not even looking afraid at all and that is when he knew to follow her at a save distance and then take a chance to talk with her again and brake the spell. He had waited many days for this, to have her back in his arms again, to see her smile as he gives her another rose or talk to her about the forest and show her who he really is, to make her understand it all. Rose was not a easy person but Derek knew she was kind and loving and that she would understand all this in the end. As he watched her he saw how she smiled while walking to the trees and looking at the flowers, like she was at peace with it and as if she knew his was were she belonged with him in nature in the wild surrounded by trees, flowers animals and the fresh air, were she belongs and find herself. He saw her walking to a clearing seeing this lands of Bion did not have a lake and the shore was a bit far seeing it is an island and all, but he followed her and as she came to a stand still he took the chance and walked up to her wanting to touch her so bad, but he knew he had to wait. "Princess Rose", Derek says almost in a whisper and she is startled by his sudden appearing, but she turns around looking at him . "What the hell Prince Derek ,are you trying to give me a heart attack ? , and besides what on earth are you doing here at night following me into the dark forest?". Rose throws at him making Derek smile at her stubbornness he had also come to love about Rose. "My apologies Princess I did not mean to scare you I only want to talk if you'd let me please it is rather important and you need to listen, I know you do not like me much... but this you need to understand", Derek says hoping Rose will listen to him and still in his hand he holds the red rose and the emerald that will hopefully brake the witches spell. "Fine Derek but I do not like this one bit you hear me, I am to be married soon and..." , but before Rose could finish her sentence Derek growls very loud scaring Rose. "Married to who Rose?, you cant !!!. Derek shouts almost and Rose s vivid at his outburst. "How dare you and did you just growl at me?' Rose ask surprised. "Yes I did because I do that when I am mad and I am mad now". "Mad, at what precisely Derek ?, you care to tell me why you care ?, seeing you walk to the gardens with every woman possible and now that I am happy to be wed you dare question me?". "I do not question you , well ok I do ,but only because Rose I love you and where did you get that idea of other woman ?, from day one I wanted you and only you Rose , you need to remember", Derek says walking a lot closer to Rose making her take a step back feeling acward ,but he stands so close to her he can still smell her alluring sent making him want to mark her as he should have long ago. "Prince I think you are mistaken and way to close to a soon to be married woman so walk away or I will... I will". …"You will what Rose?, shout?, no you won't because I just want to give you my final rose Rose ", He holds out the red rose to her and suddenly Rose feels the sharp pain in her heart and almost fall ,but Derek holds her up in his strong loving arms and Rose almost faint but looking into his eyes its like feeling at home at last, but she quickly stands shooing him from her but he still holds the rose while slowly letting her go. "Take it please Rose and remember what we had" .Derek pleads and because she doesn't want to hurt him she takes the rose smelling it. "Why a red rose Derek?". "Red Rose to tell you that I have loved you ever sins the first time I saw you and you loved me to once and if you open your hand to me I will let you feel that love again and show you what you have forgotten my love". Rose frowns but she holds out her other hand and that is when Derek puts the emerald in it and closes it holding her hand in the proses.  In seconds a green light springs from the stone lighting bright enough to make them almost want to close there eyes and there in his arms Rose stands, but she is so overtaken by its magic that she passes out and this brown glow leaves her body disappearing into thin air. "Rose !!! Rose are you ok, wake up pleas my love!!", Derek whispers softly while lying her down on the soft grass and in a instant her eyes open again and she looks to him touching his cheek like she so loved to do. "Derek where am I ?" ,Rose ask and he helps her sit back up . "How do you feel my love?". She smiles at him feeling the love she has for him and this urge to kiss him deeply, so she leans in and kisses him and he complies allowing her and soon their bond is strengthen again and restored just like Derek was told by the fairy and her mother Jasmin too.  "Rose I have you back and I need to tell you something". "Tell me then so we can go home my love so I can tell my father that I want to marry you", "Rose I am a werewolf and you are my true mate". Derek confesses and Rose smile looking into the eyes of the man she loves. "I do not care , I love you Derek all of you , now tell me what just happened". And so Derek tells Rose all that had happened and what the witch had done and Bion to and Rose was so mad she almost wanted to cry from all the anger. She now knew the truth and so her and Derek made planes of their own to stop this witch and her son. "Remember my love they are dangerous and as long as you keep this emerald with you ,you have the power of nature so now let me mark you and make our bond stronger", so Derek bit her marking her as his mate and future Luna strengthening their now bigger bond. "I love you Derek but for now we need to focus on our plan and get my family free...Breaking the spell was the easy part.
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