Chapter 19 ( Pretending )

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Pretending was always such a hard word and today it will be the only word that will keep Rose and her family save from these two monsters, pretending that she wants Bion while knowing all the truth now after all he has done and that he and Nimra have planed this for very long now brings a shortness of breath to Rose. Now she needs to pretend that she and Derek did not jut share yet another special moment of witch Bion has taken from them. Rose knows that to get her family out save she needed to show that she cares for Bion ,but it was a big thing to ask when her heart was with Derek and him alone so Rose walk back to her room and as she enters there are dressmakers waiting for her because tonight will be their engagement party and she needed to look the part . "Princess come let us help you choose a dress", the man says looking a bit creepy but Rose plays along. "Yes lets do that, I think I want blue or green for tonight". "Yes Princess I believe green will do", he says while taking out two green dresses and so Rose takes the one with a long slit along he leg and it fits her perfect body just right. "This will be the one", she says and the dressmaker smile bowing and then he leaves her to further dress and get ready for a night she not wish for .  Nimra (Pov)  I can feel something has shifted perhaps it is because soon I will have my powers back that little princess Rose stole from me as baby. "Mother are you ready, why look so worried, Rose loves me now, our plan worked", Bion says while walking into his mothers room. "Yes it seems so, but remember to keep that wolf at bay and well make sure Rose stays by your side". "Mother why chose Rose for me if I may ask , she is merely human and yes she is stunning but still I thought you hated humans, I know we will kill her family after we wed but still why her?" Bion ask and Nimra laugh at her sons idiocy.  "You still have much to learn son, Rose is not just a human like we thought, no she is the daughter of my sister the goddess of nature and when Rose was a baby she and her mother almost died so Jasmin her mother called for me to help ,not the moon goddess , noo she called on me Nimra the great witch of the underworld and so I went and saved them ,but instead of keeping her promise my dear sister wanted to kill me instead so I killed her first and that my son is the main reason. Rose can and may have power not even she knows of but that is why this spell she is under is very important it will keep Rose from doing stuff, but after you wed I will see for myself if she poses any magic besides a bit of mine.". Nimra says "Fine Mother thank you for sharing but now lets pretend to be normal shall we?", Bion says walking with Nimra in his arm downstairs to greet their guests.  Still in her room Rose sits wishing this could all be done with, but then her mother and father comes in to greet their only daughter. "O Rose you look so pretty ", Queen Aria says to Rose smiling . "Thank you mother and you too", Rose reply. "So are you ready to blow them away?" King Ferdinand says but Rose looks to her hands that will soon wear the ring of a bastered. Derek said it would be difficult, but then Rose summon her strength to tell her parents all that had happened and the King was very mad and sad at what he let happen to Rose knowing how he hated magical people, but now he knew also the truth about his late wife Queen Jasmin , he loves her dearly and now knowing what and who she was he felt guilty for being the mean man he has been and the way he had treated Derek ,but he now know this wolf loves his only daughter and if also pretending to make this plan work then they will. "Rose do not worry we will do our bit but believe me we will fight them back and do not worry about The vampire King I will let him know about all that has happened .Good luck and smile". The King says and they leave so Rose can be alone and further the plan.   Meanwhile Derek already got hold of the Vampire King and luckily he was also invited to this pretend party and knew to first stand down and let Rose do the first part to get her family save and away. Derek stood at the drinking table saliently waiting for his mate and soon he felt her and his heart almost jumped out his chest as he saw how stunningly pretty she looked in yet another green dress, very fitting to who she is after all the daughter not only of a king but also of the goddess of nature too. Bion moved in and Derek found it very hard to look away but the vampire King helped him by holding him in place for which he was grateful, his hormones could not put Rose in harms way just yet. "Keep calm wolf or you will spoil the fun, and this witch is not stupid at all", the vampire king whispers to Derek whom seemed to calm. "Yes you are right, thank you". Derek says drinking some whine the vampire handed him.  Bion stood by Rose holding her around the waist but even though she hated it she needed to smile and look happy so she smile looking at Bion but thinking about Derek and that made her smile real in that moment. Then Nimra stepped on stage welcoming all the guests and then she called forth her son Bion. Bion left Rose and straightened his jacket walking up to the steppes. "Good evening all and welcome to a special night  for all, tonight I want you all to know that Princess Rose and I are to be wed, so Rose please do join me darling", Bion says and he looks to Derek to see his mood but Derek sees this and quickly divert his attention to a woman standing next to him and does his own pretending so Bion smile knowing that everything must still be going as planned because Rose still loves him so he smirks thinking all is well to his mother whom also seem to feel relaxed. Once Rose is with Bion he turns to her bowing on one knee holding a perfectly shaped diamond ring to her. "Princess Rose of Urtania will you be my wife?" , Rose smile looking to the crowd acpesially her parents and she swallows hard looking back to Bion smiling a fake smile this time. "Yes I will with love", Rose reply and Bion slips the ring on her finger taking her in his arms happily and Nimra only smirks getting herself another drink.  The engagement is set and now Rose can let her family go home tomorrow and then Derek can come and save her from these witches. As Rose stand by the curtain overlooking the grounds to the outside she feels him close by , he spoke the truth about the the mate bond, she can sense him when he is near and she knows his eyes is on her every step she takes but soon her joyful feeling is interrupted by Bion. "Do tell me it is me you so smile about my love". Bion says holding Rose by the waist. "Yes Afcorse it is , I was just wondering when the big day would be?" Rose make up a story but Bion takes it to serious. "O my Rose I agree I also do not want to wait to long let us have our wedding this Saturday, what you say my Princess?" Bion says but this makes Rose want to vomit. "O my that is fast, well let us ask our parents first what they think". Rose says fast before he gets ideas. "It suits me the sooner the better dear", Nimra says while walking to them. " O , ok yes we will then just ask father also". "No need they just told me they will take whatever date we give my dear so Saturday it is. Now enjoy your night I have a headache from all the talking so I will attire for the night". Nimra says while walking away looking to her father knowing they had no choice so she looks to Bion smiling . "let us dance then fiancé the night is done soon ", Rose say and as Bion leads her to the dance floor she looks to Derek and his eyes turn from her and she knows this is hurting him ,but for the sake of safety she must pretend to be happy even though she is not at all, pretend to love this monster when the only man she will ever love walks out into the night to calm his sorrowful heart. Pretending she is still ok and sane...
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